Human-robot relationship in anime films

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Isaac Asimov bilim kurgu alanindaki calismalariyla ve populer bilim kitaplariyla unlu bir yazardir. Asimov'un kurgusu cogunlukla insan uzerine olmakla birlikte robot ve insan arasindaki iliskileri ve bu iliskilerin iki grup ustundeki etkileriyle ilgilidir. Kendisi Ben Robot adli kitabinda uc robot yasasini yayinlamistir. Bu yasalara gore robotu olusturan ana tema itaat etmektir. Siberpunk animeler robotlar ve insanlar arasindaki iliskiyi detayli bir sekilde inceler ve bu iki kavrami ayiran bir cizgi mevcuttur.
Isaac Asimov is best known for his works of science fiction and for his popular science books. Much of Asimov's fiction dealt with the relationship between robot and humans and the impact upon both parties, though most particularly humans. He established three laws of robotics. According to these laws, the main theme which constitutes the robot is ?to obey?. Cyberpunk anime titles explores the world of human and robot relationship in detail. These two concepts have a line seperating them. Day by day this line between the human and the robot vanishes and anime is the most distinct medium to display this vanishing point. This study explores this process of vanishing in three stages. Robotization of the human helps him to eliminate his imperfections and maximize his efficiency in every field. Robot empathises with man in humanization of the robot. It develops a will of it's own. It gains the ability to think. Humanization of the human through the robot aims to get the human to define himself. Humans will achieve the robot's advantages but will not lose any human attributes in the process.



Human, Robot, Anime, Prothesis, Japan, Apocalypse, İnsan, Robot, Protez, Japonya, Kıyamet

Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL



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