Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti'nin devlet olarak Kıbrıs sorununun çözümüne etkisi

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Kibris Turk'leri Kibris Cumhuriyeti yonetiminden dislanarak baski altinda yasamaya basladiklari gunden itibaren organize olarak var olma mucadelelerini surdurmuslerdir. Ýsleyen bir devlet mekanizmasinin gerekleri Turkiye'nin de yardimiyla ayriligin ilk yillarindan itibaren tesis edilmeye calisilmistir. Yirmi yillik mucadele sonucunda kurulan Kuzey Kibris Turk Cumhuriyeti 15 Kasim 2008'de 25. yilini kutlayacak. Bu calisma ile KKTC kurulusunun Kibris Sorununun cozumune etkisi anlatilmaya calisilmistir. KKTC Devlet olmanin gereklerini yerine getiriyor olsa da dunyadan izole edildigi gorulmustur. Ancak Devlet olarak var olma cabasi Turk Toplumunun cozum halindeki kazanimlarini olumlu etkileyecektir. Turk toplumu KKTC'nin varligi sayesinde guclu bir orgutlenme gerceklestirmis varligini surdurebilme olanagini bulmustur. Toplumlararasi gorusmelerde ?Bagimsiz Devlet? yerine kabul edilebilir tek secenek olan ?Kurucu Devlet? statusu KKTC'nin varliginin bir sonucudur.
After Turkish Cypriots was sidelined from Cyprus Republic, they never give up and make an effort in order to exist. State machinery was organized with the assistance of Turkey from the beginning of their establishment. After 20 years of struggling for existance, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus is going to celebrate its' 25th aniversary in 15 November 2008. The object of this study is to analyse the effects of TRNC's independency over Cyprus conflict. TRNC has been acting like a legal state but it was recognised by Turkey only. On the other hand, efforts of Turkish society will cause a positive effect over Cyrpus negotiations in terms of Turkish rights. With the existance of TRNC, Turkish society has developed a strong organisation. Being minority in Cyprus is unacceptable for Turkish Cypriots as a result of the decision about being independent. They can accept either being an independent repulic or statute of founder state.



Kıbrıs Sorunu, Kuzey Kıbrıs Türk Cumhuriyeti, Cyrpus Problem, Turkish Republic of North Cyprus

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