Kadın Derneklerinin Kadın Siyasal Yaşama Etkisi, Ka-der Örneği
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Kadin konusu sermaye odakli sistemlerin istismarina acik bir konudur. Bu konu hakkinda bilimsel ne kadar cok calisma yapilsa azdir. Kadin ezilen somurulen bir cinsiyet olarak erkek hakim ataerkil toplumlarin surdurucu gucudur. Kadinlarin ayri bir tarihi yoktur ama kadin tarihi ironiktir ki erkek yazar ve filozoflar tarafindan ele alinmistir. Ataerkil duzenden kapitalist sisteme kadar kadinlarin tarihin degisik sartlarinda hep ikinci planda durmuslardir. Kadinin yegane gorevi dogurmak ve hizmetciligin otesine gidememistir. Kapitalizmin getirdigi yeni dunya duzeninden sonra kadinlar ezilmisligin icinde kendilerine yeni bir yol bularak orgutlenmeye baslamis ezilen isci sinifin problemleri arasinda kendi cinsiyet ayrimlarinin sorunlarini da islemeye baslamislardir. Yeni akimlarin icinde kendilerini savunan fikirler uretmislerdir.
The gender issue and situation of women are vulnerable to abusement of the capital driven systems. It will not be enough no matter how much scientific research is made on this subject. As gender,which is subjacent to the masculen society,the women is driving motor of the patriarchal society. The women do not has seperate history but the history of the women ironically handled by male scholars and philosophers. From patriarchal order to capitalist system, the women stay in secondary stage during history?s versatile conditions. The primary mission of the women could not have exceed beyond giving birth and maiding. Within the new context of ?new world order? which is bring into issue by capitalism, the women will manage the new way to organise under oppression, start to bring into light their gender based discrimaniton problems amongs oppressed working class problems. Within the new trends they produce ideas to defend themselvesPolitical participation is contemporary to democratic phenomenon and has constitutional background. Individuals not only take part on political issues and affect political mechanism but also get affected by politics. The women who do not actively involved in political arena struggle to change this in time. With the assitance of the civil society organizations they gather around on common ground, and informed by the studies held, and they become more concious of things happening around them..
The gender issue and situation of women are vulnerable to abusement of the capital driven systems. It will not be enough no matter how much scientific research is made on this subject. As gender,which is subjacent to the masculen society,the women is driving motor of the patriarchal society. The women do not has seperate history but the history of the women ironically handled by male scholars and philosophers. From patriarchal order to capitalist system, the women stay in secondary stage during history?s versatile conditions. The primary mission of the women could not have exceed beyond giving birth and maiding. Within the new context of ?new world order? which is bring into issue by capitalism, the women will manage the new way to organise under oppression, start to bring into light their gender based discrimaniton problems amongs oppressed working class problems. Within the new trends they produce ideas to defend themselvesPolitical participation is contemporary to democratic phenomenon and has constitutional background. Individuals not only take part on political issues and affect political mechanism but also get affected by politics. The women who do not actively involved in political arena struggle to change this in time. With the assitance of the civil society organizations they gather around on common ground, and informed by the studies held, and they become more concious of things happening around them..