Marka Yönetimi
Öztürk, Neylan
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Marka oldukca genis bir kavramdir ve pazarlama literaturunde markaya iliskin pekcok tanim gelistirilmistir. Markalar mamulleri rakiplerden ayirici isimlerden sembollerden ve sekillerden olusmaktadir. Marka yonetim sistemi ve markalama stratejileri tuketicilerin pazardaki urunlerin birbirinden farkli versiyonlarini ayirt edebilmesi ve tekrar satin alabilmelerini saglar.
Taking the outputs of the study and the standing point of Coca Cola brand into consideration it has been observed that the investment that has been made on the trademark had a payback with professional approach to activities and system analysis.It is a necessity to invest on trade marking for the enterprises that seek sales. However, the most important point is to manage and strengthen the trademark during brandization period following the investment made.Trade marking does not mean finding a good name and trying to promote this name with joyful and colorful advertisements. Trademark management happens to be the field for professionals and needs expertness. The companies whom anticipate serious studies on trade marking should leave the issue to be handled by experts. Companies that intend to establish a strong trademark and maintain its sustainability should take certain points into consideration.
Taking the outputs of the study and the standing point of Coca Cola brand into consideration it has been observed that the investment that has been made on the trademark had a payback with professional approach to activities and system analysis.It is a necessity to invest on trade marking for the enterprises that seek sales. However, the most important point is to manage and strengthen the trademark during brandization period following the investment made.Trade marking does not mean finding a good name and trying to promote this name with joyful and colorful advertisements. Trademark management happens to be the field for professionals and needs expertness. The companies whom anticipate serious studies on trade marking should leave the issue to be handled by experts. Companies that intend to establish a strong trademark and maintain its sustainability should take certain points into consideration.
İşletme, Marka, Marka Yönetimi, Coca Cola