Kentsel bağlamda yerel kı̇mlı̇klerı̇n ortaya çıkışı, konsolı̇dasyonu ve dönüşümlerı̇: İstanbul'da 'Orçul Komünitesi' örneğı̇
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Bu tezin amacı, hemşehri ağlarının İstanbul'un kentleşme tarihindeki rolünü Alevi kimliği ve yerellikleri üzerinden ortaya çıkarmak, hemşehri kimliğinin yeniden inşası ile bugünkü konumunu incelemek ve İstanbul'un toplumsal belleğini oluşturma çabalarına katkı sunmaktır. Bu amaca bağlı olarak, tez araştırmasında sanayileşme ve kentleşme ile birlikte hemşehri kimliğinin ortaya çıkışı, hemşehri kimliği ile kente mekânsal, toplumsal, siyasal eklemlenme ve hemşehri kimliğinin yeniden inşası ile bugünkü konumu İstanbul Kartal ilçesine bağlı Cumhuriyet Mahallesi'nde gerçekleştirilen alan araştırması üzerinden incelenmektedir. Kartal, İstanbul nüfusu içerisinde en çok Erzincanlıyı barındıran ilçedir. Alan araştırması, resmi adı olmamasına rağmen 'Erzincan Mahallesi' olarak anılması ve Kartal'da bulunan en yüksek sayıda Erzincanlı hemşehri derneğini barındırmasından yola çıkarak Cumhuriyet Mahallesi'nde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Alan araştırması sırasında gerçekleştirilen görüşmelerde Erzincanlı hemşehri kimliğinin 'Orçullu' kimliğini işaret ettiği tespit edilmiştir. 'Orçullu' hemşehrilik ilişkileri ve kimliği Mahallenin 1970'li yıllardan itibaren mekânsal ve toplumsal örgütlenmesinin temelini oluşturmuştur. Hemşehri ilişkileri ve kimliği kentle bütünleşmelerine engel olmamış aksine kente tutunma mücadelesi verdikleri dönemde bir 'tampon mekanizma' görevi görmüştür. 'Orçul' ve 'Orçullu' söylemi 2010'lu yılların ikinci yarısında Mahalleli hemşehrilerin, etnik/dinsel, mezhepsel kimliklerine dikkat çekmeden hemşehri kimliğinin yeniden inşasında en önemli referans olmuştur. Anahtar Sözcükler: Hemşehri, Mahalle, Kimlik, Alevilik, Kurmanci, Orçul
The purpose of this study is to reveal the role of hemşehri relations through Alevi identity and its locality in the context of Istanbul's urbanization history, analyze the reconstruction of hemşehri identity and its present status, and contribute to the efforts to establish Istanbul's social memory. In line with this purpose, through comprehensive field research conducted in the Cumhuriyet Neighborhood of Kartal district in Istanbul, this thesis will examine the emergence of the hemşehri identity with industrialization and urbanization, explore the spatial, social and political aspects of urban integration through the hemşehri identity, and the reconstruction of the hemşehri identity and its present status. Among Istanbul's districts, Kartal stands out for having the highest population of residents registered in the Erzincan registry. The field research was conducted in Cumhuriyet Neighborhood due to its colloquial reference as the 'Erzincan Neighborhood,' even though it lacks official recognition by that name, and that the neighborhood hosts the largest number of Erzincan hemşehri associations in Kartal. In the course of the interviews conducted as part of the field research, it was determined that the Erzincan hemşehri identity specifically points to the 'Orçul' identity. The foundation of the spatial and social organization of the Neighborhood since the 1970s has been shaped by the hemşehri relations and the identity of 'Orçullu.' Rather than impeding their urban integration, these hemşehri relations and identity served as a 'buffer mechanism' during a period when urban integration posed challenges. In the latter half of the 2010s, the discourse of 'Orçul' and 'Orçullu' emerged as a pivotal focal point in the reconstruction of hemşehri identity, without emphasizing their ethnic, religious, or sectarian affiliations. Keywords: Hemşehri, Neighborhood, Identity, Alevi, Kurmanji, Orçul
The purpose of this study is to reveal the role of hemşehri relations through Alevi identity and its locality in the context of Istanbul's urbanization history, analyze the reconstruction of hemşehri identity and its present status, and contribute to the efforts to establish Istanbul's social memory. In line with this purpose, through comprehensive field research conducted in the Cumhuriyet Neighborhood of Kartal district in Istanbul, this thesis will examine the emergence of the hemşehri identity with industrialization and urbanization, explore the spatial, social and political aspects of urban integration through the hemşehri identity, and the reconstruction of the hemşehri identity and its present status. Among Istanbul's districts, Kartal stands out for having the highest population of residents registered in the Erzincan registry. The field research was conducted in Cumhuriyet Neighborhood due to its colloquial reference as the 'Erzincan Neighborhood,' even though it lacks official recognition by that name, and that the neighborhood hosts the largest number of Erzincan hemşehri associations in Kartal. In the course of the interviews conducted as part of the field research, it was determined that the Erzincan hemşehri identity specifically points to the 'Orçul' identity. The foundation of the spatial and social organization of the Neighborhood since the 1970s has been shaped by the hemşehri relations and the identity of 'Orçullu.' Rather than impeding their urban integration, these hemşehri relations and identity served as a 'buffer mechanism' during a period when urban integration posed challenges. In the latter half of the 2010s, the discourse of 'Orçul' and 'Orçullu' emerged as a pivotal focal point in the reconstruction of hemşehri identity, without emphasizing their ethnic, religious, or sectarian affiliations. Keywords: Hemşehri, Neighborhood, Identity, Alevi, Kurmanji, Orçul
Siyasal Bilimler, Sosyoloji, Political Science, Sociology
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