Çağdaş Sanatta Kimlik İnşası: Yapıt ve Eylemsellik
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Yirminci yuzyilin baslangicindan bu yana sanat felsefe psikanaliz politika edebiyat gibi alanlarda sorgulanan kimlik toplumsal hayat ve iktidar politikalarinin kategorize ederek sinirlandirdigi bir kavram olmustur. Disiplinlerarasi bir anlayisla hareket eden bu calisma ise sorunsallastirilmis kavrami performatif bir yaklasimla cagdas sanatcilarin yapitlarinin icinden ele almayi amaclarken bedenin denetimini ozne-nesne ayrimini otekilestirmeyi kimlik uzerinden sorgulayan kuramcilar ve dusunurlerin yorumlarini cagdas sanat sinema ve edebiyat alanlariyla karsilikli bir etkilesim icinde incelemek ister.
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, identity has become one of the main notions in the field of art, philosophy, psychoanalysis, politics and literature that has been categorized and restricted by social life and power policies. Acting on an interdisciplinary attitude, the main purpose of this study is to discuss this notion by the help of performative approaches within the art works of the contemporary artists.
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, identity has become one of the main notions in the field of art, philosophy, psychoanalysis, politics and literature that has been categorized and restricted by social life and power policies. Acting on an interdisciplinary attitude, the main purpose of this study is to discuss this notion by the help of performative approaches within the art works of the contemporary artists.
Kimlik, Ben, Özne, Beden, Öteki, Sanat, Yapıt, Performatif Yaklaşımlar, Denetim, Politik Etkenler, Self, Subject, Body, Other, Art, Art Work, Performative Approaches, Dicipline, Political Factors