Küresel güç hedefindeki AB'ye Türkiye'nin muhtemel katkıları
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Gunumuz kuresel dunyasinda Entegrasyon kavrami onemini artirarak devam etmektedir. Bircok devlet birlesmeyi adeta zorunluluk olarak gormektedir. Birlesmenin getirecegi kazanimlardan yararlanmak bircok devletin ruyasini suslemektedir. Ýste bu noktada Turkiye entegrasyonun bir parcasi olmak isteyen diger devletler gibi AB butunlesmesinin kazanimlarindan yaralanmak icin yaklasik yarim asir once AB'nin kapisini calmistir. Bu yarim asirlik macera inisli cikisli bir yol izleyerek gunumuze kadar gelmistir. Henuz neticelenmemis bu macerada AB'ye butunlesme saglandigi takdirde Turkiye'nin ciddi kazanimlar elde edecegi tartisilmistir. -- onsoz'den.
European Union is one of the most impressive unionization examples in the world. The raise of United States as the global world power after the World War 2nd, had limited the effectiveness of European Union in World politics. However, nowadays EU has come up to be economically a world power indeed, but not yet in military or political scenes. In this study, the aim is to find out the benefits of EU economical, political and military power from accession of Turkey. The high potentials of Turkey military and politics would support EU in this view by this possible membership.
European Union is one of the most impressive unionization examples in the world. The raise of United States as the global world power after the World War 2nd, had limited the effectiveness of European Union in World politics. However, nowadays EU has come up to be economically a world power indeed, but not yet in military or political scenes. In this study, the aim is to find out the benefits of EU economical, political and military power from accession of Turkey. The high potentials of Turkey military and politics would support EU in this view by this possible membership.
Küreselleşme, Türkiye’nin Katkısı, Globalization, Benefits of Turkey’s EU membership