Liderlik iletişimi : 7 Haziran ve 1 Kasım 2015 seçimlerinde Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun değerlendirilmesi

dc.contributor.advisorBaybars Hawks, Banuen_US
dc.contributor.authorManav, Banu
dc.departmentEnstitüler, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, Kurumsal İletişim ve Halkla İlişkiler Yönetimi Ana Bilim Dalıen_US
dc.department-tempKadir Has University : Graduate School of Social Sciences : Corporate Communications and Public Relations Managementen_US
dc.description.abstractGunumuzde iktidarin elde edilebilmesi icin basarili iletisim sureclerinin yurutulmesi gerekmektedir. Siyasi liderin secmen uzerindeki etkisi bu acidan buyuk onem tasimaktadir. ulkemizin 2015 yilinda art arda secime girmesi nedeniyle siyasi arenada yasanan degisimler sureklilik gostermistir. Secim sonuclarinda elde edilen degisiklikler gerek parti basarisi gerekse yeniden tasarlanan iletisim calismalarinin sonucu olarak gorulebilmektedir. Arastirmada Ahmet Davutoglu liderligini temel alinarak 7 Haziran ve 1 Kasim 2015 secimlerinde elde edilen sonuclar miting konusmalari uzerinden soylem analizi ile incelenmistir. Bu asamada Ahmet Davutoglu’nun miting konusmalari ve donemin icerisinde bulundugu siyasi atmosferi tanimlamak adina donem oncesi ve esnasinda yasanan siyasi olaylar belirlenmistir. calismanin ilk bolumunde genel anlamda liderlik siyasal iktidar ve Ahmet Davutoglu’nun liderligi tanimlanmistir. Ýkinci bolumunde ise Ahmet Davutoglu liderliginde gerceklesen secimlerin farkliligini ortaya koymak adina detayli incelemelerde bulunulmustur. 7 Haziran ve 1 Kasim secim kampanyalari secimlerde kullanilan logo slogan mesaj ve vaatler kampanyanin temasi kampanyanin soylemi hedef kitle secim sarkisi secim beyannamesi siyasal reklamlar ve medya kullanimi basliklariyla incelenmeye calisilmistir. Ýnceleme alani olarak Ahmet Davutoglu’nun Ýstanbul iliyle sinirlandirilan miting soylemlerine yer verilmistir. Buna ek olarak secim doneminde yasanan siyasi olaylara karsi liderin yorumlamalarina yer verilmistir. Arastirma sorusu ise “7 Haziran ve 1 Kasim 2015 secimlerinde sergilenen Ahmet Davutoglu liderligi nasil degisime ugramistir?” seklinde belirlenmistir. calismanin amaci Ahmet Davutoglu’nun liderligini yorumlamak adina bazi alanlarda arastirma yapmak ve bu alanlarda lider olarak nasil bir etki alani yarattigini secim sonuclari uzerinden yorumlamaktir. Bu arastirma farkliliklardan ve soylem degisikliklerinden yola cikarak donem kosullari ekseninde yorumlarda bulunmaktadir. Sonuc bolumunde ise donemin siyasi konjonkturunun liderlik soylemlerine yansimalari incelenmistir.en_US
dc.description.abstractNowadays, in order to obtain to be the ruling political party, successful communication processes have to be carried out. The influence of political leader voters is of great importance. The changes at the political arena showed continuity, because of the several elections in our country in 2015. The changes in election results, can be seen as the result of the success of the political party and the result of the redesigned communication processes. In this research are the results of the general elections with the leadership of Ahmet Davutoğlu on June 7 and November 1 2015, discoursed analyzed, through the speeches on the meetings. At this stage, the political events occurred before and during the period are determined/specified, in order to define the speeches of Ahmet Davutoğlu and in order to define the political atmosphere at that period. In the first part of the study is leadership in general terms, political power and the leadership of Ahmet Davutoğlu described. The second part consist a detailed research of the differences in the general elections under the leadership of Ahmet Davutoğlu. Election campaigns for the general elections of June 7 and November 1, the logo used for these elections, the slogan, the messages and promises, the theme of the campaign, the speech of the campaign, target audience, the song of the election, the declaration of the election, the political figures and the use of the media, are tried to examine. The research area is restricted to the speeches and meetings of Ahmet Davutoğlu in Istanbul city. In addition, includes the research also the interpretations to the political events in that period, of the leader. The research question is "How has change Ahmet Davutoğlu leadership in 7 June and 1 November elections?" The goal of the study is, in order to interpret the leadership of Ahmet Davutoğlu, therefore to conduct research on specific fields and to remark how he as a leader has influenced, as a consequence the results of the elections. The interpretations in this research are based on to the differences and the changes in discourse, taking into account the circumstances in the specified period. In the conclusion you will find the reflection of the political conjuncture to the discourses of leadership.en_US
dc.publisherKadir Has Üniversitesien_US
dc.subjectAhmet Davutogluen_US
dc.subjectAdalet ve Kalkınma Partisien_US
dc.subject7 Haziran seçimlerien_US
dc.subject1 Kasım seçimlerien_US
dc.subjectLiderlik iletişimien_US
dc.subjectSöylem analizien_US
dc.subjectJustice and Development Partyen_US
dc.subjectGeneral election June 7en_US
dc.subjectGeneral election November 1en_US
dc.subjectLeadership communicationen_US
dc.subjectSpeech analysisen_US
dc.titleLiderlik iletişimi : 7 Haziran ve 1 Kasım 2015 seçimlerinde Ahmet Davutoğlu’nun değerlendirilmesien_US
dc.typeMaster Thesisen_US


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