Gelenekselden Dijitale İletişim ve Halkla İlişkiler : Turizm Pazarlamasına Bir Bakış

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Teknolojik hayattaki gelismelerle birlikte dunya artik kuresellesmenin daha fazla hissedildigi bir yer halini almis durumdadir. Kuresellesmenin etkisi ile toplum siyaset ekonomi gibi bircok alanda oldugu gibi iletisim alaninda da buyuk bir degisim meydana gelmistir. Gecmisten gunumuze degisen ve gelisen iletisim rekabet anlayisi ve sosyal duzen ile birlikte ticari kurumlarin kullandigi iletisim araclari yontemleri ve alanlari da degisime ugramistir. Kurumlar icin onemli bir yeri olan halkla iliskiler de degisime ugrayan bu iletisim alanlarinin onemli aktorlerinden biri olarak one cikmaktadir. Son yillarda iletisim teknolojilerinde yasanan bu degisim “ag toplumu” denen topluluklari olusturmustur. Bu topluluklar dijital dunya denen sinirlari belli olmayan kontrolu zor olan bir alan icerisinde zaman-mekan farki gozetmeksizin kurumlara ve hatta devletlere karsi cikabilmektedir. “Global koy” kavrami gercege donusmustur. Kurumlar hedef kitleleri nezdinde itibar ve sayginliklarini arttirma kriz ortamlarini yonetme pazarlama faaliyetlerini etkili hale getirme vb. konularda iletisim uygulamalarindan yararlanmaktadir. Ancak mevcut yeni duzende sadece geleneksel iletisim ve halkla iliskiler uygulamalari ile kontrolu mumkun olmayan dijital dunyada hedef kitleyi kurum is ve iletisim hedefleri dogrultusunda ikna etmek pek de kolay olmamaktadir. Bu sebeple kurumlar iletisim alaninda halkla iliskiler ve pazarlama uygulamalarinda dijital alana dogru yonelmek durumunda kalmaktadir. Teknolojik hayatta yasanan gelismeler sayesinde dijital halkla iliskiler ve iletisim uygulamalari ortaya cikmaya baslamistir. Bu baglamda bu calismada amac turizm pazarlamasi orneklemi uzerinden Turkiye’de gelenekselden dijitale dogru yasanan iletisim ve halkla iliskiler anlayisindaki degisimi ortaya koyup yasanan bu degisimin turizm pazarlamasi baglaminda hedef kitleler uzerinde olusturdugu etkiyi degerlendirmek ve ortaya cikarmaya calismaktir. Bu baglamda oncelikle literatur taramasi kisminda var olan kaynaklardan yararlanilmis ayni zamanda turizm ve iletisim alaninda uzman olan Only Travel Marketing ve Travel PR ajanslari kurucusu Sarp ozkar ile gorusme yapilip goruslerinden faydalanilmistir. calisma kapsaminda gerekli verilere ve sonuclara ulasmak icin nicel ve nitel arastirma yontemlerinden anket ve icerik analizi calismasindan faydalanilmistir. Arastirma sonunda ise sonuc bulgu ve onerilere yer verilmistir.
With technological developments in life, the world has become a place where globalization is felt more present. With the impact of globalization, there has been a major change in the field of communication as well as in many other fields such as society, politics and economy. Communication, competition and social order, as well as communication tools, methods and fields used by commercial institutions have also changed from past to nowadays. Public relations, which holds an important place for corporations, is also becoming one of the important actor of these communication fields. This change in communication technologies in recent years has created so-called "network society" communities. These communities can oppose institutions and even states, regardless of time-space differences, within an area that has no boundaries of digital world, which is difficult to control. "Global village" concept has become reality. Institutions use the advantage of communication practices to increase their reputation and prestige in the face of target groups, manage crisis environments, make marketing activities more effective. However, nowadays it is not easy to convince the target audience in the digital world, which is not possible to control only with traditional communication and public relations practices, in which these institutions are present, in line with the corporate, business and communication targets. For this reason, institutions have to focus on digital field in public relations and marketing applications in the field of communication. Digital Public Relations and communication practices have started to emerge thanks to the developments in technological life. In this context, the aim of this study is to present the change in communication and Public Relations from traditional to digital in Turkey through the sample of tourism marketing, and to evaluate the impact of this change on target audiences in the context of tourism marketing. In this context, first of all, the existing resources were utilized in the literature review section, and the ideas from an interview which I conducted with Mr Sarp Özkar who founded Only Travel Marketing and Travel PR agencies. In order to achieve the necessary data and results, questionnaire as a quantitative resarch method and content analysis as a qualitative research method were used. At the end of the study, results, findings and suggestions were included.



Kuresellesme, Dijital İletişim ve Halkla İlişkiler, Turizm Pazarlaması, Ağ Toplumu, Global Köy, Globalization, Digital Communication and Public Relations, Tourism Marketing, Network Society, Global Village

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