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Article Citation Count: 0Babbling Through Social Media: a Cross-Country Study Mapping Out Social Networks Using Ewom Intentions(Springer, 2023) Zülal, İşler; Kıygı-Çallı, Meltem; El Oraiby, MaryamThis research aims to determine the factors affecting the users’ electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) seeking and sharing intentions and to reveal the interactions among and within clusters using social network analysis (SNA). This study includes three hierarchical sub-studies conducted in two countries, Turkey and Poland. First, we develop a segmentation for social networking site (SNS) users based on the frequency of sharing product-related information on SNSs. Second, we investigate the impact of several factors that affect eWOM seeking and sharing intentions using regression analysis. In the second sub-study, we also include the identified segments developed in the first sub-study as another factor that may have differentiated eWOM intentions. Third, to understand the degree of interaction among SNS users, we apply an SNA using the forecasted eWOM intentions scores from the second sub-study, which gives us hypothetical social networks. The results of SNA present strong interactions inter- and intra-clusters in both countries. Some key findings include the identification of three SNS user segments, including “Middlers,” that may be of particular interest to brands. We also find that in terms of eWOM intentions, users in Turkey are more active than in Poland. Although some predictors of eWOM seeking and sharing intentions differ between the two countries, users intend to be more active in eWOM seeking than in eWOM sharing. The comparative study provides valuable insights for decision-makers to engage different market segments via SNSs with various proposed features using suggested information contents for selected product categories.Article Citation Count: 57A Memetic Random-Key Genetic Algorithm for a Symmetric Multi-Objective Traveling Salesman Problem(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2008) Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ferrell, William G., Jr.; Kurz, Mary E.This paper proposes a methodology to find weakly Pareto optimal solutions to a symmetric multi-objective traveling salesman problem using a memetic random-key genetic algorithm that has been augmented by a 2-opt local search. The methodology uses a target-vector approach" in which the evaluation function is a weighted Tchebycheff metric with an ideal point and the local search is randomly guided by either a weighted sum of the objectives or a weighted Tchebycheff metric. The memetic algorithm has several advantages including the fact that the random keys representation ensures that feasible tours are maintained during the application of genetic operators. To illustrate the quality of the methodology, experiments are conducted using Euclidean TSP examples and a comparison is made to one example found in the literature. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 2Maximal Linear Subspaces of Strong Self-Dual 2-Forms and the Bonan 4-Form(Elsevier Science Inc, 2011) Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, ŞahinThe notion of self-duality of 2-forms in 4-dimensions plays an eminent role in many areas of mathematics and physics, but although the 2-forms have a genuine meaning related to curvature and gauge-field-strength in higher dimensions also, their "self-duality" is something which is almost avoided above 4-dimensions. We show that self-duality of 2-forms is a very natural notion in higher (even) dimensions also and we prove the equivalence of some scattered and rarely used definitions in the literature. We demonstrate the usefulness of this higher self-duality by studying it in 8-dimensions and we derive a natural expression for the Bonan form in terms of self-dual 2-forms and we give an explicit expression of the local action of SO(8) on the Bonan form. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 8A Heuristic Approach for Allocation of Data To Rfid Tags: A Data Allocation Knapsack Problem (dakp)(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2012) Davis, Lauren; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Jiang, Xiaochun; Mota, Daniel; Stanfield, PaulDurable products and their components are increasingly being equipped with one of several forms of automatic identification technology such as radio frequency identification (RFID). This technology enables data collection, storage, and transmission of product information throughout its life cycle. Ideally all available relevant information could be stored on RFID tags with new information being added to the tags as it becomes available. However, because of the finite memory capacity of RFID tags along with the magnitude of potential lifecycle data, users need to be more selective in data allocation. In this research, the data allocation problem is modeled as a variant of the nonlinear knapsack problem. The objective is to determine the number of items to place on the tag such that the value of the "unexplained" data left off the tag is minimized. A binary encoded genetic algorithm is proposed and an extensive computational study is performed to illustrate the effectiveness of this approach. Additionally, we discuss some properties of the optimal solution which can be effective in solving more difficult problem instances. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.Article Citation Count: 10Application of Epidemic Models To Phase Transitions(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2012) Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Pekcan, Önder; Gürol, M. V.The Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR) and Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) models describe the spread of epidemics in a society. In the typical case, the ratio of the susceptible individuals fall from a value S-0 close to 1 to a final value S-f, while the ratio of recovered individuals rise from 0 to R-f = 1 - S-f. The sharp passage from the level zero to the level R-f allows also the modeling of phase transitions by the number of "recovered" individuals R(t) of the SIR or SEIR model. In this article, we model the sol-gel transition for polyacrylamide-sodium alginate (SA) composite with different concentrations of SA as SIR and SEIR dynamical systems by solving the corresponding differential equations numerically and we show that the phase transitions of "classical" and "percolation" types are represented, respectively, by the SEIR and SIR models.Article Citation Count: 2On the Classification of Fifth Order Quasi-Linear Non-Constant Separant Scalar Evolution Equations of the Kdv-Type(Physical Soc Japan, 2012) Özkum, Gülcan; Bilge, Ayşe HümeyraFifth order, quasi-linear, non-constant separant evolution equations are of the form u(t) = A(partial derivative(5)u/partial derivative x(5)) + (B) over tilde, where A and (B) over tilde are functions of x, t, u and of the derivatives of u with respect to x up to order 4. We use the existence of a "formal symmetry'', hence the existence of "canonical conservation laws'' rho((i)), i = -1, . . . , 5 as an integrability test. We define an evolution equation to be of the KdV-Type, if all odd numbered canonical conserved densities are nontrivial. We prove that fifth order, quasi-linear, non-constant separant evolution equations of KdV type are polynomial in the function a = A(1/5); a = (alpha u(3)(2) + beta u(3) + gamma)(-1/2), where alpha, beta, and gamma are functions of x, t, u and of the derivatives of u with respect to x up to order 2. We determine the u(2) dependency of a in terms of P = 4 alpha gamma - beta(2) > 0 and we give an explicit solution, showing that there are integrable fifth order non-polynomial evolution equations.Article Citation Count: 10A Mathematical Description of the Critical Point in Phase Transitions(World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd, 2013) Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Pekcan, ÖnderLet y(x) be a smooth sigmoidal curve, y((n)) be its nth derivative and {x(m,i)} and {x(a,i)}, i = 1, 2, ... , be the set of points where respectively the derivatives of odd and even order reach their extreme values. We argue that if the sigmoidal curve y(x) represents a phase transition, then the sequences {x(m,i)} and {x(a,i)} are both convergent and they have a common limit x(c) that we characterize as the critical point of the phase transition. In this study, we examine the logistic growth curve and the Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) epidemic model as typical examples of symmetrical and asymmetrical transition curves. Numerical computations indicate that the critical point of the logistic growth curve that is symmetrical about the point (x(0), y(0)) is always the point (x(0), y(0)) but the critical point of the asymmetrical SIR model depends on the system parameters. We use the description of the sol-gel phase transition of polyacrylamide-sodium alginate (SA) composite (with low SA concentrations) in terms of the SIR epidemic model, to compare the location of the critical point as described above with the "gel point" determined by independent experiments. We show that the critical point t(c) is located in between the zero of the third derivative t(a) and the inflection point t(m) of the transition curve and as the strength of activation (measured by the parameter k/eta of the SIR model) increases, the phase transition occurs earlier in time and the critical point, t(c), moves toward t(a).Article Citation Count: 1On the Time Shift Phenomena in Epidemic Models(Frontiers Media Sa, 2020) Peker-Dobie, Ayşe; Demirci, Ali; Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Ahmetolan, SemraIn the standard Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) and Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed (SEIR) models, the peak of infected individuals coincides with the inflection point of removed individuals. Nevertheless, a survey based on the data of the 2009 H1N1 epidemic in Istanbul, Turkey displayed a time shift between the hospital referrals and fatalities. An analysis of recent COVID-19 data and the records for Spanish flu (1918-1919) and SARS (2002-2004) epidemics confirm this observation. We use multistage SIR and SEIR models to provide an explanation for this time shift. Numerical solutions of these models present strong evidence that the delay between the peak of R' (t) and the peak of J(t) = Sigma I-i(i)(t) is approximately half of the infectious period of the epidemic disease. In addition, we use a quadratic approximation to show that the distance between successive peaks of I-i is 1/gamma(i) , where 1/gamma(i) is the infectious period of the ith infectious stage, and we present numerical calculations that confirm this approximation.Article Citation Count: 20A Hesitant Fuzzy Linguistic Terms Set-Based Ahp-Topsis Approach To Evaluate Erp Software Packages(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2020) Ayağ, Zeki; Samanlıoğlu, FundaPurpose In this paper, two popular multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods with hesitant fuzzy logic approach; hesitant fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (hesitant F-AHP) and hesitant fuzzy the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution (HF-TOPSIS) are integrated as HF-AHP-TOPSIS to evaluating a set of enterprise resource planning (ERP) alternatives and rank them by weight to reach to the ultimate one that satisfies the needs and expectations of a company. Design/methodology/approach Selecting the best ERP software package among the rising number of the options in market has been a critical problem for most companies for a long time because of the reason that an improper ERP software package might lead to many issues (i.e. time loss, increased costs and a loss of market share). On the other hand, finding the best ERP alternative is a comprehensive MCDM problem in the presence of a set of alternatives and several potentially competing quantitative and qualitative criteria. Findings In this integrated approach, the hesitant F-AHP is used to determine the criteria weights, as the hesitant F-TOPSIS is utilized to rank ERP package alternatives. The proposed approach was also validated in a numerical example that has five ERP package alternatives and 12 criteria by three decision-makers in order to show its applicability to potential readers and practitioners. Research limitations/implications If the number of the alternatives and criteria are dramatically increased beyond reasonable numbers, the reaching to final solution will be so difficult because of the great deal of fuzzy based calculations. Therefore, the number of criteria and alternatives should be at reasonable numbers. Practical implications The proposed approach was also validated in a illustrated example with the five ERP package options and 12 criteria by the three decision-makers in order to show its applicability to potential readers and practitioners. Originality/value Furthermore, in literature, to the best of our knowledge, the authors did not come cross any work that integrates the HF-AHP with the HF-TOPSIS for ERP software package selection problem.Conference Object Citation Count: 3A Mathematical Characterization of the Gel Point in Sol-Gel Transition(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2015) Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Pekcan, ÖnderWe model the sol-gel transition in terms of Susceptible-Infected-Removed (SIR) and Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Removed (SEIR) models and compare with experimental results. We show, numerically, that the "gel point" described as the onset of the gelation phenomena and measured experimentally, corresponds to an accumulation point of the extreme values of the derivatives of the gelation curve. We define the "critical point of a sigmoidal curve" as the limit of the points where the derivatives reach their extreme values, provided that this limit exists.Article Citation Count: 7On the Uniqueness of Epidemic Models Fitting a Normalized Curve of Removed Individuals(Springer Heidelberg, 2015) Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ergönül, ÖnderThe susceptible-infected-removed (SIR) and the susceptible-exposed-infected-removed (SEIR) epidemic models with constant parameters are adequate for describing the time evolution of seasonal diseases for which available data usually consist of fatality reports. The problems associated with the determination of system parameters starts with the inference of the number of removed individuals from fatality data, because the infection to death period may depend on health care factors. Then, one encounters numerical sensitivity problems for the determination of the system parameters from a correct but noisy representative of the number of removed individuals. Finally as the available data is necessarily a normalized one, the models fitting this data may not be unique. We prove that the parameters of the (SEIR) model cannot be determined from the knowledge of a normalized curve of "Removed" individuals and we show that the proportion of removed individuals, , is invariant under the interchange of the incubation and infection periods and corresponding scalings of the contact rate. On the other hand we prove that the SIR model fitting a normalized curve of removed individuals is unique and we give an implicit relation for the system parameters in terms of the values of and , where is the steady state value of and and are the values of and its derivative at the inflection point of . We use these implicit relations to provide a robust method for the estimation of the system parameters and we apply this procedure to the fatality data for the H1N1 epidemic in the Czech Republic during 2009. We finally discuss the inference of the number of removed individuals from observational data, using a clinical survey conducted at major hospitals in Istanbul, Turkey, during 2009 H1N1 epidemic.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Ahp-Based Approach To Evaluate Solar Power Plant Location Alternatives(Intl Inst Social & Economic Sci, 2016) Ayağ, ZekiSolar energy is the most readily available source of energy, and one of the most important sources of the renewable energy, because it is non-polluting and helps in lessening the greenhouse effect. Main problem of establishing a solar power plant is to determine its location. In the presence of many location alternatives and evaluation criteria, a multiple-criteria decision making problem arises. In this work, the location problem will be solved by using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to figure out the most satisfying alternative. A numerical example is also included to show the proposed methodology in Turkey. . . . .Conference Object Citation Count: 0On the Uniqueness of the Octonionic Instanton Solution on Conformally Flat 8-Manifolds(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2016) Bilge, Ayşe HümeyraLet M be an 8-manifold and E be an SO(8) bundle on M. In a previous paper [F. Ozdemir and A.H. Bilge, "Self-duality in dimensions 2n > 4: equivalence of various definitions and the derivation of the octonionic instanton solution", ARI (1999) 51:247-253], we have shown that if the second Pontrjagin number p(2) of the bundle E is minimal, then the components of the curvature 2-form matrix F with respect to a local orthonormal frame are F-ij = c(ij)omega(ij), where c(ij)'s are certain functions and the omega(ij)'s are strong self-dual 2-forms such that for all distinct j, k, l, the products omega(ij)omega(jk) are self dual and omega(ij)omega(kl) are anti self-dual. We prove that if the c(ij)'s are equal to each other and the manifold M is conformally flat, then the octonionic instanton solution given in [B.Grossman, T.W.Kephart, J.D.Stasheff, Commun. Math. Phys., 96, 431-437, (1984)] is unique in this classConference Object Citation Count: 1Modeling of Wind Effects on Stratified Flows in Open Channels: a Model for the Istanbul Strait (bosphorus)(2016) Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Kirkil, Gökhan; Burak, Selmin; İncegül, MetehanStratified flows in open channels arise as a result of density or surface level differences. If the channel is connected to a basin at one or both ends, strong winds originating from the basin cause the "wind setup" effect that increases the water level at the entrance of the channel. On the other hand, along the channel, persistent winds in the upper layer flow direction lead to an increase of the drift velocity and to a decrease in upper layer flow depth. The Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) connecting the Black and the Marmara Seas, is characterized by a stratified flow caused by the surface level and salinity difference between these basins, consisting of a southward upper layer flow and a northward lower layer flow. Along the strait, there are three hydraulic control points; the north sill, a midway contraction reach and the south sill. Under wind effects, the northern and southern entrances of the strait behave as an estuary whereas the midway reach to the south of the contraction acts as as an open channel. In winter, when the sea level difference is relatively low, the wind setup due to southerly winds may cause a blockage and even reversal of the upper layer flow. On the other hand in spring when there is excessive river discharge, northerly winds increase the influx of Black Sea waters into the strait and may lead to a blockage of the lower layer. We claim that strong northerly winds may cause a decrease of the upper layer depth beyond the contraction and we propose a simple model for its estimation in terms of the wind and water flow speeds.Conference Object Citation Count: 0Self-Duality in Higher Dimensions(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017) Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Dereli, Tekin; Koçak, ŞahinLet w be a 2-form on a 2n dimensional manifold. In previous work, we called w "strong self-dual, if the eigenvalues of its matrix with respect to an orthonormal frame are equal in absolute value. In a series of papers, we showed that strong self-duality agrees with previous definitions; in particular if w is strong self-dual, then, in 2n dimensions, w(n) is proportional to its Hodge dual w and in 4n dimensions, w(n) is Hodge self-dual. We also obtained a local expression of the Bonan 4-form on 8 manifolds with Spin7 holonomy, as the sum of the squares of any orthonormal basis of a maximal linear subspace of strong self-dual 2-forms. In the present work we generalize the notion of strong self-duality to odd dimensional manifolds and we express the dual of the Fundamental 3-form 7 manifolds with G(2) holonomy, as a sum of the squares of an orthonormal basis of a maximal linear subspace of strong self-dual 2-forms.Conference Object Citation Count: 2Reformulations of a Bilevel Model for Detection of Tacit Collusion in Deregulated Electricity Markets(IEEE Computer Society, 2019) Çelebi, Emre; Şahin, Güvenç; Esmaeili Aliabadi, DanialIn this study, we consider a collusion model for competitive pool based electricity markets operated by an independent system operator (ISO), where it aims to prevent tacit collusion among generators. In order to determine the existence of tacit collusion in the market, we have employed the the game-Theoretic bilevel optimization model proposed by [1]. This model represents the market clearing mechanism, where generators determine their bids in order to maximize their profit while the system operator allocates power and determine locational electricity prices. The resulting optimization problem is a bilevel multi-criteria problem with non-linear terms, which is already complex and difficult to solve. We provide reformulations and linearization methods to obtain equivalent problems, e.g., a mathematical problem with equilibrium constraints (MPEC), a mixed integer non-linear problem (MINLP) and a mixed integer problem (MIP). A simple 6-bus system is used to test the rate of detection for collusive states for the reformulations and the results are presented. We have found that MIP models and reformulations detect strong collusive states. This model can guide ISOs in identifying and preventing cases of generator collusion.Conference Object Citation Count: 0A Comparative Study of Energy Models for Turkish Electricity Market Using Leap(IEEE Computer Society, 2019) Massaga, Daniel Julius; Kirkil, Gökhan; Çelebi, EmreFossil fuel thermal power plants constitute a large part of the Turkish electricity generation capacity. Turkish government has been developing several energy policy documents to evaluate how various renewable energy sources of the country can be utilized optimally in the generation of electricity within the next 30 years. This study considers three scenarios in the transition to renewable energy for Turkey; the business as usual (BAU), energy conservation (EC) and renewable energy (REN) scenarios. EC scenario considers the use of energy-efficient appliances and imposing a carbon tax, whereas REN scenario considers increasing the share of the renewable energy sources as much as possible in the power generation mix. These scenarios were evaluated in terms of cost and environmental impact. The LEAP (Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning Model) was used in the research. The REN scenario has been shown to be the optimal energy policy option for Turkey in terms of cost and environmental impact.Article Citation Count: 21Evaluation of Water Supply Alternatives for Istanbul Using Forecasting and Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods(Elsevier Ltd, 2020) Savun Hekimoğlu, Başak; Erbay, Barbaros; Hekimoğlu, Mustafa; Burak, SelminWater scarcity is one of the most serious problems of the future due to increasing urbanization and water demand. Urban water planners need to balance increasing water demand with water resources that are under increasing pressure due to climate change and water pollution. Decision makers are forced to select the most appropriate water management alternative with respect to multiple, conflicting criteria based on short and long term projections of water demand in the future. In this paper, we consider water management in Istanbul, a megacity with a population of 15 million. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop a method combining demand forecasting with multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) methods to evaluate five different water supply alternatives with respect to seven criteria using opinions of experts and stakeholders from different sectors. Methodology: To combine forecasting with MCDM, we design a data collection method in which we share our demand forecasts with our experts. For demand forecasting, we compare Holt-Winters, Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (S-ARIMA), and feedforward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models and select S-ARIMA as the best forecasting model for monthly water consumption data. Generated demand projections are shared with experts from different sectors and collected data is evaluated with Fuzzy Theory using two distinct MCDM models: Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations (PROMETHEE). Also our analyses are complemented with two sensitivity analyses. Findings: Our results indicate that greywater reuse is the best alternative to satisfy the growing water demand of the city whereas all experts find desalination and inter-basin water transfer as the least attractive solutions. In addition, we adopt the PROMETHEE GDSS procedure to obtain a GAIA plane indicating consensus among experts. Furthermore, we find that our results are moderately sensitive to the number of experts and they are insensitive to changes in experts’ evaluations. Novelty: To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first one incorporating water demand and supply management concepts into the evaluation of alternatives. From a methodological perspective, water demand projections have never been used in an MCDM study in the literature. Also, this paper contributes to the literature with a mathematical construction of consensus and Monte Carlo simulations for the sufficiency of experts consulted in a study.Article Citation Count: 6Forecasting Models for Daily Natural Gas Consumption Considering Periodic Variations and Demand Segregation(Elsevier Ltd, 2020) Yükseltan, Ergün; Yücekaya, Ahmet; Bilge, Ayşe Hümeyra; Ağca Aktunç, EsraDue to expensive infrastructure and the difficulties in storage, supply conditions of natural gas are different from those of other traditional energy sources like petroleum or coal. To overcome these challenges, supplier countries require take-or-pay agreements for requested natural gas quantities. These contracts have many pre-clauses; even if they are not met due to low/high consumption or other external factors, buyers must completely fulfill them. A similar contract is then imposed on distributors and wholesale consumers. It is, thus, important for all parties to forecast their daily, monthly, and annual natural gas demand to minimize their risk. In this paper, a model consisting of a modulated expansion in Fourier series, supplemented by deviations from comfortable temperatures as a regressor is proposed for the forecast of monthly and weekly consumption over a one-year horizon. This model is supplemented by a day-ahead feedback mechanism for the forecast of daily consumption. The method is applied to the study of natural gas consumption for major residential areas in Turkey, on a yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily basis. It is shown that residential heating dominates winter consumption and masks all other variations. On the other hand, weekend and holiday effects are visible in summer consumption and provide an estimate for residential and industrial use. The advantage of the proposed method is the capability of long term projections, reflecting causality, and providing accurate forecasts even with minimal information.Article Citation Count: 4An Intelligent Approach for the Evaluation of Transformers in a Power Distribution Project(IOS Press BV, 2020) Samanlıoğlu, Funda; Ayağ, ZekiIn this study, a hybrid approach is presented for the evaluation and selection of transformers in a power distribution project. Ranking transformers and selecting the best among alternatives is a complex multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem with various possibly conflicting quantitative and qualitative criteria. In this research, two hesitant fuzzy MCDM methods; hesitant fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (hesitant F-AHP) and hesitant fuzzy Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enriching Evaluations II (hesitant F-PROMETHEE II) are combined to evaluate and rank transformers. In the hesitant fuzzy AHP-PROMETHEE II, hesitant F-AHP is implemented to determine criteria weights and hesitant F-PROMETHEE II is applied to rank transformer alternatives, utilizing obtained criteria weights. An illustrative example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed approach. In the example, five transformers are evaluated based on twelve criteria by three decision makers (DMs) and best alternative is selected. For comparison analysis, integration of hesitant F-AHP and hesitant fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (hesitant F-TOPSIS) is used and results are compared.