Jafari Navimipour, Nima

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Jafari Navimipour,Nima
N. Jafari Navimipour
Jafari Navimipour, Nima
Jafari Navimipour,N.
Jafari Navimipour, N.
Nima Jafari Navimipour
Jafari Navimipour, NIMA
Jafari Navimipour N.
J., Nima
Nima, Jafari Navimipour
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Doç. Dr.
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
  • Article
    Citation Count: 5
    A Fire Evacuation and Control System in Smart Buildings Based on the Internet of Things and a Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm
    (Mdpi, 2023) Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Fakhruldeen, Hassan Falah; Meqdad, Maytham N.; Ibrahim, Banar Fareed; Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Unal, Mehmet
    Concerns about fire risk reduction and rescue tactics have been raised in light of recent incidents involving flammable cladding systems and fast fire spread in high-rise buildings worldwide. Thus, governments, engineers, and building designers should prioritize fire safety. During a fire event, an emergency evacuation system is indispensable in large buildings, which guides evacuees to exit gates as fast as possible by dynamic and safe routes. Evacuation plans should evaluate whether paths inside the structures are appropriate for evacuations, considering the building's electric power, electric controls, energy usage, and fire/smoke protection. On the other hand, the Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as a catalyst for creating and optimizing the supply and consumption of intelligent services to achieve an efficient system. Smart buildings use IoT sensors for monitoring indoor environmental parameters, such as temperature, humidity, luminosity, and air quality. This research proposes a new way for a smart building fire evacuation and control system based on the IoT to direct individuals along an evacuation route during fire incidents efficiently. This research utilizes a hybrid nature-inspired optimization approach, Emperor Penguin Colony, and Particle Swarm Optimization (EPC-PSO). The EPC algorithm is regulated by the penguins' body heat radiation and spiral-like movement inside their colony. The behavior of emperor penguins improves the PSO algorithm for sooner convergences. The method also uses a particle idea of PSO to update the penguins' positions. Experimental results showed that the proposed method was executed accurately and effectively by cost, energy consumption, and execution time-related challenges to ensure minimum life and resource causalities. The method has decreased the execution time and cost by 10.41% and 25% compared to other algorithms. Moreover, to achieve a sustainable system, the proposed method has decreased energy consumption by 11.90% compared to other algorithms.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 15
    The Personal Health Applications of Machine Learning Techniques in the Internet of Behaviors
    (Mdpi, 2023) Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Heidari, Arash; Darbandi, Mehdi; Yazdani, Yalda; Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Esmaeilpour, Mansour; Sheykhi, Farshid
    With the swift pace of the development of artificial intelligence (AI) in diverse spheres, the medical and healthcare fields are utilizing machine learning (ML) methodologies in numerous inventive ways. ML techniques have outstripped formerly state-of-the-art techniques in medical and healthcare practices, yielding faster and more precise outcomes. Healthcare practitioners are increasingly drawn to this technology in their initiatives relating to the Internet of Behavior (IoB). This area of research scrutinizes the rationales, approaches, and timing of human technology adoption, encompassing the domains of the Internet of Things (IoT), behavioral science, and edge analytics. The significance of ML in medical and healthcare applications based on the IoB stems from its ability to analyze and interpret copious amounts of complex data instantly, providing innovative perspectives that can enhance healthcare outcomes and boost the efficiency of IoB-based medical and healthcare procedures and thus aid in diagnoses, treatment protocols, and clinical decision making. As a result of the inadequacy of thorough inquiry into the employment of ML-based approaches in the context of using IoB for healthcare applications, we conducted a study on this subject matter, introducing a novel taxonomy that underscores the need to employ each ML method distinctively. With this objective in mind, we have classified the cutting-edge ML solutions for IoB-based healthcare challenges into five categories, which are convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs), deep neural networks (DNNs), multilayer perceptions (MLPs), and hybrid methods. In order to delve deeper, we conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) that examined critical factors, such as the primary concept, benefits, drawbacks, simulation environment, and datasets. Subsequently, we highlighted pioneering studies on ML methodologies for IoB-based medical issues. Moreover, several challenges related to the implementation of ML in healthcare and medicine have been tackled, thereby gradually fostering further research endeavors that can enhance IoB-based health and medical studies. Our findings indicated that Tensorflow was the most commonly utilized simulation setting, accounting for 24% of the proposed methodologies by researchers. Additionally, accuracy was deemed to be the most crucial parameter in the majority of the examined papers.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 8
    An Energy-Aware Nanoscale Design of Reversible Atomic Silicon Based on Miller Algorithm
    (IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2023) Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Bahar, Ali Nawaz; Mosleh, Mohammad; Yalcin, Senay
    Area overhead and energy consumption continue to dominate the scalability issues of modern digital circuits. In this context, atomic silicon and reversible logic have emerged as suitable alternatives to address both issues. In this article, the authors propose novel nano-scale circuit design with low area and energy overheads using the same. In particular, the authors propose a reversible gate with Miller algorithm and atomic silicon technology. This article is extremely relevant in todays era, when the world is moving toward low area and low energy circuits for use in edge devices.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    A new service composition method in the cloud-based Internet of things environment using a grey wolf optimization algorithm and MapReduce framework
    (Wiley, 2024) Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Al-Khafaji, Hamza Mohammed Ridha; Darbandi, Mehdi; Heidari, Arash; Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Unal, Mehmet
    Cloud computing is quickly becoming a common commercial model for software delivery and services, enabling companies to save maintenance, infrastructure, and labor expenses. Also, Internet of Things (IoT) apps are designed to ease developers' and users' access to networks of smart services, devices, and data. Although cloud services give nearly infinite resources, their reach is constrained. Designing coherent and organized apps is made possible by integrating the cloud and IoT. Expanding facilities by combining services is a critical component of this technology. Various services may be presented in this environment based on the user's demands. Considering their Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, discovering the appropriate available atomic services to construct the needed composite service with their collaboration in an orchestration model is an NP-hard issue. This article suggests a service composition method using Grey Wolf Optimization (GWO) and MapReduce framework to compose services with optimized QoS. The simulation outcomes illustrate cost, availability, response time, and energy-saving improvements through the suggested approach. Comparing the suggested technique to three baseline algorithms, the average gain is a 40% improvement in energy savings, a 14% decrease in response time, an 11% increase in availability, and a 24% drop in cost.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    A new fog-based transmission scheduler on the Internet of multimedia things using a fuzzy-based quantum genetic algorithm
    (IEEE Computer Society, 2023) Jafari Navimipour, Nima; Al-Khafaji, H.M.R.; Jafari Navimipour, N.; Yalcin, S.
    The Internet of Multimedia Things (IoMT) has recently experienced a considerable surge in multimedia-based services. Due to the fast proliferation and transfer of massive data, the IoMT has service quality challenges. This paper proposes a novel fog-based multimedia transmission scheme for IoMT using the Sugano interference system with a quantum genetic optimization algorithm. The fuzzy system devises a mathematically organized strategy for generating fuzzy rules from input and output variables. The Quantum Genetic Algorithm (QGA) is a metaheuristic algorithm that combines genetic algorithms and quantum computing theory. It combines many critical elements of quantum computing, such as quantum superposition and entanglement. This provides a robust representation of population diversity and the capacity to achieve rapid convergence and high accuracy. As a result of the simulations and computational analysis, the proposed fuzzy-based QGA scheme improves packet delivery ratio and throughput by reducing end-to-end latency and delay when compared to traditional algorithms like Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Heterogeneous Earliest-Finish-Time (HEFT) and Ant Colony Optimization (ACO). Consequently, it provides a more efficient scheme for multimedia transmission in IoMT. IEEE