İmer, Havva Pınar
Name Variants
İMer, Havva Pınar
H. P. İMer
Havva Pınar, İmer
İMer, Havva Pinar
H. P. İMer
Havva Pinar, Imer
İmer, Pınar
İmer, Pınar
İmer, Pınar
H. P. İMer
Havva Pınar, İmer
İMer, Havva Pinar
H. P. İMer
Havva Pinar, Imer
İmer, Pınar
İmer, Pınar
İmer, Pınar
Job Title
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
11 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
Master Thesis Küresel Markaların Algılanışı: Küresel ve Küyerel Reklam Algısı Üstüne Etkiye Yönelik Bir Çalışma(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2013) Törün, Ufuk; İmer, Havva Pınar; İmer, Havva PınarBu calismanin amaci kuresel firmalarin yerel ogeleri kullanarak kuresel ve yerel karmasi kuyerel reklamlari ile kuresel reklamlari arasindaki farklar vurgulanarak tuketici tutum ve istekleri dogrultusunda hangisinin bir digerine olan ustunlugunun arastirilmaya calisilmasidir.Master Thesis Altı Sigma ve İlaç Sektöründe Yer Alan Bir Firmada Uygulama Önerisi(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2013) Cebe, Caner; İmer, Havva Pınar; İmer, PınarGünümüz artan rekabet koşullarında hangi sektör içerisinde olursa olsun şirketler için verimlilik, düşük maliyet ve müşteri memnuniyeti gibi kavramların önemi giderek artmaktadır. İşletmelerin ürün veya hizmeti ucuza mal ederek kar sağlaması ve sürekliliğe sahip olabilmesi için, yüksek kalitede ve hata oranı düşük prosesler ortaya koyabilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu noktada popülaritesi yüksek bir kalite yaklaşımını şirket bünyesinde uygulamaya koyarak istenilen hedeflere kolayca varılabilir. Altı Sigma uygulamaları tam da bu noktada doğan ihtiyaçları karşılamak için endüstride doğmuş ve ardından akademik camianın ilgisiyle yükselişe geçerek birçok firma için tercih sebebi olmuştur. Her geçen yıl büyüyüp gelişmekte olan ilaç sektöründe müşteriye sunulan ürünün kalitesi hayati önem taşımaktadır. Ayrıca ilaç sektöründe faaliyet gösteren firmalar karlı ürünler üretebilmek amacıyla bu yüksek maliyet gerektiren üretimlerini az kayıpla tamamlamak zorundadırlar. Bu çalışma ülkemizde ilaç sektöründe faaliyet gösteren bir firmada; yüksek satış rakamlarına sahip olan bir ürünün prosesinde meydana gelen aksaklıkların tespit edilmesi ve iyileştirme önerilerinin sunulması amacıyla yürütülmüştür. TÖAİK(DMAIC) metodu kullanılarak Altı Sigma uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir.Master Thesis The Effect of Workplace Political Tactics on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Task Performance: The Moderating Role of Perceptions of Organizational Politics(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Gürbuğa, Tuğba; İmer, Havva Pınar; İmer, Havva PınarThe aim of the study is to investigate the impacts of organizational placement as a hierarchical political tactic and coalition building as a networking tactic with the moderating role of perceptions of organizational politics on organizational citizenship behavior and task performance. In order to realize this purpose, a model for the moderating role of perceptions of organizational politics in the relationships between the use of political tactics and OCB and task performance was developed. Afterwards, a questionnaire for collecting data on following subjects was conducted: a) within the context of organizational citizenship behavior; OCBI and OCBO b) within the context of task performance; in-role behaviors c) within the context of political tactics; the use of organizational placement tactic as a hierarchical tactic and coalition building tactic as a networking tactic d) within the context of organizational politics perceptions. The results of regression analyses pointed out that there were important relationships between OCB, task performance and the use of political tactics with a moderating role of perceptions of organizational politics. According the results, the use of organizational placement tactic had an impact on OCBO and task performance. The analyses also showed that there was not a significant relationship between the use of coalition building tactic and both task performance and OCBO. However, a relation has occurred when POP got involved in the relationship. It has been determined that POP had a moderating role in the relationship between coalition building as a networking tactic and task performance. Finally, OCBI had a significant relationship with none of the variables.Master Thesis Internal customer satısfaction improvement usıng QFD technique(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2013) İmer, Havva Pınar; İmer, Havva Pınar; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccessin this thesis Quality Function Deployment was assigned as a methodology for converting customer requirements and expectations into quality standarts. The paper suggests an approach which is integrating SERVQUAL into QFD to set the success factors to improve quality in the textile industry. A textile company within the city of istanbul in Turkey was selected as the sampling frame. A SERVQUAL-type of questionnaire was used and 32938 questionnaires were distributed both manually and online and 24551 of them were received. Usable responses were 24551 comprising a response rate of 7731% percent at the company level. From the results of the QFD application it is seen that internal customer focus has the highest weight score meaning that when internal customer focus is improved there will be almost 12% of improvement in the internal customer satisfaction. -- Abstract'tan.Article Developing a Measure for "connectorship" as a Component of Engaged Leadership(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2016) Dastmalchian, Ali; İmer, Havva Pınar; Rezac, Darcy; Muzyka, Daniel F.; Bayraktar, Seçil; Steinke, Claudia; İmer, Havva PınarPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to report the findings of a mixed methods study that explored how active community engaged and connected managers were in their local and broader communities (engaged leadership, EL). The paper specifically investigates an under researched aspect of EL - "connectorship" - with focus on developing a measure for connectorship. The authors present the conceptual framework for EL, followed by the operationalization of "connectorship" construct. Design/methodology/approach - The paper focusses on developing a measure for connectorship using data from a qualitative study of 18 senior managers followed by a survey of 458 managers in Canada. Findings - Content analyses of qualitative data led to the generation of 93 items measuring connectorship. Based on these items, quantitative analyses of survey data from 453 respondents yielded a final measure of connectorship, which consisted of 28 items explored under eight dimensions. Research limitations/implications - An organization's emphasis on connectedness and engagement of leaders will improve knowledge sharing and better mutual understanding of organizational issues among managers. It will also help attain employment stability and decrease hiring and related costs by reducing turnover. Future research, specifically longitudinal studies of leaders at various organizational levels, could incorporate connectorship as a key criterion for leadership effectiveness. Practical implications - The focus on connectorship skills implies that in organizations the emphasis should go beyond traditional leadership skills development and included the neglected connectorship skills development. Increased connectedness and engagement among leaders will have positive performance implications. Social implications - For effective corporate citizenship, the EL framework and a focus on connectorship would help leaders better understand the importance of social networks, be aware of their own network, and improve their skills in connecting the people within their networks. Originality/value - Using a variable centered approach within the framework of EL the paper contributes to leadership literature by conceptually defining connectorship developing a measure for this construct and testing its psychometric properties.Book Part Global Trends in International Human Resource Management(Cambrıdge Univ Press, 2014) Rofcanin, Yasin; İmer, Havva Pınar; Zingoni, Matthew; İmer, Havva Pınar[Abstract Not Available]Article Personality and Contextual Antecedents of Organizational Citizenship Behavior: a Study of Two Occupational Groups(Cambridge Univ Press, 2014) İmer, Havva Pınar; İmer, Havva Pınar; Kabasakal, Hayat; Dastmalchian, AliThis paper examines the impact of personality trait of dispositional affect and contextual variables of multiple commitments on organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) in two occupational groups. Three dimensions of OCBs were considered: helping civic virtue and sportsmanship behaviors. We used positive and negative affectivity scale to measure dispositional affect. For commitments we examined affective and normative organizational and occupational commitments. The data were collected from 180 engineers and 180 teachers. The findings show that affect multiple commitments and occupation all have significant impacts on different dimensions of OCBs. Dispositional affect had the most influence on all three dimensions of OCBs. In addition helping behavior is affected by normative organizational commitment while civic virtue behavior is influenced by affective commitments (both organizational and occupational) and occupation. Sportsmanship behavior is explained by occupation and affective organizational commitment. Occupation has been shown to make a unique contribution to understanding OCBs. The present study showed that the teachers for example exhibited more civic virtue and sportsmanship behaviors than the engineers. Implications of the findings for future research and practice are discussed.Article Internal Customer Satisfaction Improvement With Qfd Technique(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2016) Camgöz-Akdağ, Hatice; İmer, Havva Pınar; İmer, Havva Pınar; Ergin, Kebire NazlıPurpose - The purpose of this paper is to employ quality function deployment (QFD) method for translating internal customer needs and expectations into appropriate service specifications to perform existing process assessments in relation to quality characteristics for increasing internal customer satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach - The integration of SERVQUAL into QFD has been used to set the success factors to improve quality in the textile industry. One of the largest textile companies in Turkey provided the sample. A SERVQUAL-type of questionnaire was used and a total of 32938 questionnaires were distributed both manually and online 24551 usable were received comprising a response rate of 77.31 percent. Findings - Findings of the QFD application suggest internal customer focus as having the highest weight score of almost 12 percent improvement. In addition improvements in technical requirements of politeness and process communication have a 9 percent impact each on internal customer satisfaction criteria. Research limitations/implications - QFD technique is able to provide companies with a better understanding of internal customer expectations and translate these into appropriate service specifications and perform existing process assessment. Originality/value - This paper is a first attempt that applies this integrative approach to a different type of industry thus offering practical and applied information for professionals engaged in academia and as practitioners.Master Thesis Performans Yönetimine Göre Ücretlendirme ve Türkiye'de Kobilerde Uygulanması Üzerine Bir Çalışma(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2013) Çetin, Gökçe; İmer, Havva Pınar; İmer, Havva PınarBu çalışma performansa dayalı ücret sistemi ve performansa dayalı ücret sisteminin Türk KOBİlerinde nasıl uygulandığı ile ilgilidir. Bu kapsamda performansa dayalı ücret sistemini uygulayan özel sektörde faaliyet gösteren KOBİ ler incelenmiş ve bunlardan dört tanesi ele alınmıştır. İnceleme yapılan bu şirketlerin insan kaynakları departmanları ve ilgili kişilerle yüz yüze görüşmeler gerçekleştirilmiş ve bu görüşmeler sonucunda performansa dayalı ücret konusunu nasıl uyguladıkları anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır.Master Thesis Factors That Influence the Purchase Intention of Smartphone Buyers(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2017) Nouh, Mohamoud Shuaib; İmer, Havva Pınar; İmer, Havva PınarThis study investigated the impact of susceptibility to interpersonal influence and brand image on purchase intention of Smartphone buyers. it explored the actual relationship between these variables. To get information about what prior research had written about it the study deeply went through the literature review. Based on the literature the susceptibility to interpersonal influence consists three types of influences which are: informational influence utilitarian and value expressive interpersonal influence. The utilitarian and value expressive interpersonal influences are called normative influence as Bearden (1989) stated in his research. The empirical part of this study tried to find out the relationship between susceptibility to interpersonal influence and purchase intention as well as the effect of brand image on purchase intention. The study collected information from 150 students at one university. The returned questionnaire response rate was 100%. The questionnaire used as a data collection instrument was adapted from prior research. Based on the result of linear regression analysis the susceptibility to interpersonal influence does not have a significant effect on purchase intention of Smartphone buyers. While the study found out that brand image has a significant effect on purchase intention of Smartphone buyers. The findings of this paper will be useful for marketing managers of Smartphone companies to take into account the important role of brand image in consumers’ purchase intention.