Küresel Markaların Algılanışı: Küresel ve Küyerel Reklam Algısı Üstüne Etkiye Yönelik Bir Çalışma
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Bu calismanin amaci kuresel firmalarin yerel ogeleri kullanarak kuresel ve yerel karmasi kuyerel reklamlari ile kuresel reklamlari arasindaki farklar vurgulanarak tuketici tutum ve istekleri dogrultusunda hangisinin bir digerine olan ustunlugunun arastirilmaya calisilmasidir.
In order to build a sustainable presence in their market and achieve their targets, global companies have to offer their products or services in line with their customer's requests and needs. Therefore, in order to ensure their memorability with their clients, global companies have to take their clients' values into consideration by making them feel closer to their brands, and they have to review or plan their advertisements accordingly. So global companies should focus on this glocal advertisement species which is taken into consideration differences of country or local items. İt?s more usefull for them about managing to reach their desire results. This study wanted to emphasize differences between global firms? global advertisement and glocal advertisement which is union of global and local advertisements. Aim of this survey is to determine which type of advertisement is more effective for the consumer?s attitude and desires.
In order to build a sustainable presence in their market and achieve their targets, global companies have to offer their products or services in line with their customer's requests and needs. Therefore, in order to ensure their memorability with their clients, global companies have to take their clients' values into consideration by making them feel closer to their brands, and they have to review or plan their advertisements accordingly. So global companies should focus on this glocal advertisement species which is taken into consideration differences of country or local items. İt?s more usefull for them about managing to reach their desire results. This study wanted to emphasize differences between global firms? global advertisement and glocal advertisement which is union of global and local advertisements. Aim of this survey is to determine which type of advertisement is more effective for the consumer?s attitude and desires.
Küreselleşme, Küyerelleşme, Küresel Reklam, Küyerel Reklam, Yerel Öğeler, Tüketici Tutumu, Globalization, Glocalization, Global Advertisement, Glocal Advertisement, Local İtems, Consumer Attitude