Görçün, Ömer Faruk

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Name Variants
Görçün, Ö.
GÖRÇÜN, Ömer Faruk
Omer Faruk Görçün
Görçün, Ö. F.
Ömer Faruk Görçün
Faruk Görçün Ö.
Gorcun, Omer Faruk
Ö. Görçün
G.,Omer Faruk
Görçün, Omer Faruk
Görçün O.
Ö. F. Görçün
Ömer Faruk GÖRÇÜN
Gorcun,Omer Faruk
Görçün Ö.
Gorcun O.
Görçün, O.
G., Ömer Faruk
Omer Faruk, Gorcun
G., Omer Faruk
O. Görçün
Görçün, Ömer Faruk
Faruk Görçün,Ö.
Goercuen, oemer Faruk
Görçün, Ö.F.
Gorcuen, Omer Faruk
Job Title
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 77
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Liman Seçim Problemi İçin Entegre Bulanık Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Yaklaşımı Önerisi
    (2023) Küçükönder, Hande; Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Liman seçimi denizcilik işletmelerinin yanı sıra, tedarik zincirlerinin performansı açısından son derece önemli kararlardan birisidir. Ancak liman alternatiflerinin değerlendirilebilmesi için her zaman net veri mevcut olmayabilir ve karar vericiler eksik bilgiler ile belirsizlik ortamında karar vermek zorunda kalabilir. Bu kapsamda mevcut çalışmada en uygun limanların seçilebilmesi için belirsizlikleri dikkate alabilen bulanık SWARA ve bulanık MARCOS yöntemlerinden oluşan entegre bir karar verme yaklaşımı önerilmektedir. Önerilen yaklaşım uygulandıktan sonra 70 farklı senaryo oluşturularak kapsamlı bir doğrulama testi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre bazı alternatiflerin sıralama skorlarında genel sonucu değiştirmeyen küçük farklılıklar görülmekle birlikte Al alternatifi bütün senaryolar için en iyi alternatif olarak kalmıştır. Sonuç olarak, analizin sonuçları önerilen yaklaşımın karar verme problemlerini çözmek için uygulanabilir bir model olduğunu kanıtlamaktadır.
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    Citation Count: 8
    Efficiency Analysis Technique With Input and Output Satisficing Approach Based on Type-2 Neutrosophic Fuzzy Sets: a Case Study of Container Shipping Companies
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2023) Zolfani, Sarfaraz Hashemkhani; Gorcun, Omer Faruk; Canakcioglu, Mustafa; Tirkolaee, Erfan Babaee
    This work tries to discuss and evaluate the advantages and superiorities of the extended Efficiency Analysis Technique with Input and Output Satisficing (EATWIOS) method based on Type-2 Neutrosophic Fuzzy Numbers (T2NFNs). The suggested model is maximally stable and robust by considering sensitivity analysis results which demonstrates a new performance analysis approach based on T2NFN sets. The proposed model deals with the input and output criteria and considers existing uncertainties arising from insufficient information and the dy-namic structure of the industries. The model's basic algorithm has a unique structure compared to the previous performance analysis technique, and it does not require applying additional weighting techniques to identify the criteria weights. To the best of our knowledge, the extended version of the EATWIOS technique based on the T2NFN set is presented for the first time. The developed model provides reasonable and logical results to practitioners because it deals with satisfactory outputs instead of optimal outputs. This model is an immensely strengthened version of the EATWIOS technique, as the T2NFN sets treat predictable and unpredictable un-certainties. The suggested T2NFN-EATWIOS is then applied to a real-world assessment problem in the container shipping industry. The obtained results are pretty reasonable and logical. Moreover, the results of a compre-hensive sensitivity analysis with three stages approve the robustness of the suggested model.
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    Citation Count: 2
    Foreign Market Selection of Suppliers Through a Novel Ref-Sort Technique
    (Emerald Publishing, 2023) Aytekin,A.; Görçün,Ö.F.; Ecer,F.; Pamucar,D.; Karamaşa,Ç.
    Purpose: The present study aims to provide a practical and robust assessment technique for assessing countries' investability in global supply chains to practitioners. Thus, the proposed approach can help decision-makers evaluate and select appropriate countries in the expansion process of the global supply chains and reduce risks concerning country (market) selection. Design/methodology/approach: The present study proposes a novel decision-making approach, namely the REF-Sort technique. The proposed approach has many valuable contributions to the literature. First, it has an efficient basic algorithm and can be applied to solve highly complicated decision-making problems without requiring advanced mathematical knowledge. Besides, some characteristics differentiate REF-Sort apart from other techniques. REF-Sort employs the value or value range that reflects the most typical characteristic of the relevant class in assignment processes. The reference values in REF-Sort and center profiles are similar in this regard. On the other hand, class references can be defined as ranges in REF-Sort. Secondary values, called successors, can also be employed to assign a value to the appropriate class. REF-Sort can also determine the reference and successor values/ranges independently of the decision matrix. In addition, the proposed model is a maximally stable and consistent decision-making tool, as it is resistant to the rank reversal problem. Findings: The current papers' findings indicate that countries have different features concerning investment. Hence, the current paper pointed out that only 22% of the 95 countries are investable, whereas 19% are risky. Thus, decision-makers should make detailed evaluations using robust, powerful, and practical decision-making tools to make more reasonable and logical decisions concerning country selection. Originality/value: The current paper proposes a novel decision-making approach to evaluate. According to the authors' information, the proposed model has been applied to evaluate investable countries for the global supply chains for the first time. © 2022, Emerald Publishing Limited.
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    Citation Count: 3
    Evaluation of Third-Party Logistics Service Providers for Car Manufacturing Firms Using a Novel Integrated Grey Lopcow-Psi Model
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2024) Ulutas, Alptekin; Topal, Ayse; Gorcun, Omer Faruk; Ecer, Fatih
    Automotive businesses often delegate logistical tasks to third-party logistics (3PLs) service providers to acquire a competitive edge in the dynamic market. Nevertheless, selecting the most suitable third-party logistics (3PL) partner is a multifaceted undertaking that needs careful evaluation of several criteria and alternatives. This research aims to introduce an integrated grey Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) framework for automotive businesses to deal with the multidimensional 3PL selection decision problem. This framework incorporates an enhanced Preference Selection Index (PSI), Logarithmic Percentage Change-driven Objective Weighting (LOPCOW), and Mixed Aggregation by Comprehensive Normalization Technique (MACONT). The LOPCOW-G and grey PSI (PSI-G) methods extract the criterion weights, whereas the MACONT-G method ranks the alternatives. The suggested framework's practicality is shown by conducting a case study about evaluating and selecting a third-party logistics (3PLs) provider. The findings indicate that the parameters of significant importance are "skilled workforce (0.0977)," "financial strength (0.0901)," and "IT-IS competence (0.0839)." Furthermore, TPL4 has been recognized as the most optimum option with a value of 0.4797. The MACONT-G model is as well compared against other grey MCDM techniques to assess the validity of the proposed model. The Pearson correlation coefficient between MACONT-G and the other models based on grey sets is 0.958, suggesting a significant and positive link. Furthermore, it is worth noting that a sensitivity analysis has been conducted to validate the accuracy and reliability of the created framework. In conclusion, this study has identified managerial and policy implications that might assist policymakers and executives in effectively evaluating 3PL providers.
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    Citation Count: 0
    Ağır Treylerlerin Seçiminin Ahp Yöntemi ile Değerlendirilmesi
    (Düzce Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2019) Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Ağır ve havaleli yüklerin taşınması süreçlerini de kapsayan proje lojistiği son derece hassas operasyonlardan oluşan lojistik bir faaliyettir. Treyler seçimine ilişkin kriterlerin ve karar noktalarının çok sayıda olması treyler seçimini son derece zorlaştırmaktadır. Seçime ilişkin süreçler etki eden faktörlerin ve değişkenlerin çok sayıda olması treyler seçimine ilişkin süreçlerde çok kriterli karar alma metodolojilerinin uygulanmasını iyi bir seçenek haline getirebilmektedir. Bu çalışmada çok kriterli karar alma yöntemlerinden birisi olan Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışma, proje lojistiği ve ağır taşımacılık faaliyetlerinde kullanılacak treylerlerin seçimi ile ilgili olarak karar vericilerin hangi kriterlere daha fazla önem verdiklerinin yanı sıra, karar alternatifleri arasından yapacakları tercihlerin daha uygun ve rasyonel bir tercih olabileceğini sayısal bir perspektife tanımlamaya çalışmaktadır
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Selection of Fuel Supplier for Transport Firms by Using the Ahp
    (2020) Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Selection of proper fuel supplier is extremely important for companies that carry out transportation activities and it can be evaluated as a critical decision to obtain competitive advantages in the transportation market. A structural and systematic frame is suggested in this paper in order to solve the decision problems for fuel supplier selection. In order to determine the selection criteria, the board of experts was constructed and a large number of roundtable meetings that realized in the way of brainstorm were organized with them. One of the most important questions can be asked as what are the selection criteria and decision options for the fuel supplier selection process? Experts who are a decision maker in their companies tried to seek a rational answer to this question. At the end of these meetings, obtained results were re-evaluated by the members of the board and selection criteria and decision options that will use for evaluation process were determined. The decision alternatives are Brand-P, Brand-B, Brand-S, and Brand-O. The selection criteria can be sorted as: fuel price per liter, product quality, service quality, easy terms of payment, brand awareness, environmental sensitivity. Actually, selection of fuel and fuel supplier has an extremely complex characteristic and it is a multicriteria decision-making problem. In this paper, the analytic hierarchy process theory was selected as a multi-criteria decision making problem in order to solve the decision making problem concerning with fuel and fuel supplier selection process. By using this methodology, decision makers can select the best fuel brand and fuel supplier by comparing variables such as selection criteria and decision alternatives in a mathematical model.
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    Citation Count: 0
    (2022) Çanakçıoğlu, Mustafa; Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Küçükönder, Hande
    Günümüzde ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyinin önde gelen göstergelerinden biri de inovasyon yeteneği yani yeni ürün geliştirme yeteneğidir. Böylece ülkeler küresel rekabet ortamında katma değeri ve toplumsal refahlarını artırmak için ürün ve teknoloji geliştirme yeteneklerini hızla geliştirmeye yönelmişlerdir. Ancak araştırma ve geliştirme (Ar-Ge) için yapılan harcamalar her zaman katma değer yaratan yeni ürünlerin üretilmesiyle sonuçlanamamaktadır. Maliyetin yüksek olmasına neden olduğu için özel sektör yatırım ve Ar-Ge harcamalarında çekingen davranabilmekte ve doğrudan görece düşük katma değere sahip kısa vadeli yatırımlar ve Ar-Ge harcamaları yapmaktadır. Bu koşullar altında ülkelerin yeni ve teknolojik ürünler üretebilmeleri, Ar-Ge maliyetlerini büyük ölçüde kamu otoritelerinin üstlenmesine bağlıdır. Ancak Ar-Ge harcamaları kamu bütçesine ağır bir yük getirmekte ve çok büyük miktarda kamu kaynağının harcanmasına neden olabilmektedir. Bu açıdan Ar-Ge harcamalarının ülkelerin bu konudaki hedeflerine olan etkilerinin gerçekçi bir bakış açısıyla ölçülmesi, analiz edilmesi ve değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle, ülkelerin yeni ve teknolojik ürün üretme kabiliyetine ilişkin performanslarını kamu kaynak kullanımını dikkate alarak ölçmek için pratik, uygulanabilir ve iyi sonuçlar verebilecek bir metodolojik çerçeveye ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Ayrıca yazarlar tarafından yapılan kapsamlı bir ön araştırma sonucunda mevcut literatürde ciddi ve önemli boşluklar tespit edilmiştir. İlk olarak, yazarların bilgisine göre, ülkelerin Ar-Ge performanslarını ele alan çalışmaların sayısı dışında karşılaştırmalı analiz sağlayan bir çalışma yok denecek kadar azdır. Yakın çalışmaların çoğu bazı sınırlamaları ve yapısal sorunları olmasına rağmen Veri Zarflama yöntemi (VZA) yaklaşımını uygulamayı tercih etti ve sağlam bir metodolojik çerçeve önermediler. Ayrıca daha önce yapılan bu çalışmalarda kriterlerin nasıl belirlendiği hakkında bir bilgi bulunmamaktadır. Uygulanan model ve kriterlerin güvenilirliği konusunda şüphe uyandırmakta ve güvenilir bir değerlendirme ortamı sağlamamaktadır. Çalışmanın temel motivasyonu, bu boşlukları ve gereksinimleri göz önünde bulundurarak objektif ve sağlam bir entegre karar verme modeli önermektir. Ayrıca kamu otoritelerinde, kurumlarda ve bireylerde güçlü bir motivasyon vardır. Mevcut makale, kamu otoriteleri tarafından Ar-Ge harcamaları için elde edilen çıktıları analiz etmek için matematiksel bir operatör yardımıyla Entropi ve CRITIC teknikleri ile birleştirilmiş ağırlıklandırma sistemine dayalı EATWOS tekniğinin kullanılmasını önermektedir. Önerilen çerçeve, ülkelerin Ar-Ge harcamalarının ülkelerin yenilikçilik yeteneği üzerindeki etkilerine ilişkin performanslarını değerlendirmek için uygulandı ve önerilen modelin ve sonuçlarının geçerliliğini ve uygulanabilirliğini test etmek için kapsamlı bir duyarlılık analizi yapıldı. Duyarlılık analizinin sonuçları, önerilen Çok Kriterli Karar Verme (ÇKKV) çerçevesinin geçerliliğini ve uygulanabilirliğini onaylar.
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    Citation Count: 0
    Sustainable Aviation Fuel Supplier Evaluation for Airlines Through Lopcow and Marcos Approaches With Interval-Valued Fuzzy Neutrosophic Information
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2025) Ecer, Fatih; Tanriverdi, Gokhan; Yasar, Mehmet; Gorcun, Omer Faruk
    In line with the 2050 net zero emission target, sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is recognized as one of the most effective decarbonization solutions for the aviation industry, which has been identified among the critical areas for mitigating climate change. However, although sustainability issues and decarbonization have attracted scholars' attention in various terms for the airline industry, we identified some significant theoretical and managerial gaps as follows: (i) the number of studies evaluating sustainable suppliers by airlines via multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) approaches are very few, (ii) the extant literature has no paper addressing airlines' SAF supplier selection process, and (iii) no widely established criteria set in the literature to evaluate the SAF suppliers for airlines. We propose a novel model for the decision-making process of airlines' sustainable SAF supplier selection, including 39 criteria from 5 aspects considering the triple bottom of sustainability. The proposed model involves the combination of the logarithmic percentage change-driven objective weighting (LOPCOW) and measurement alternatives and ranking according to the compromise solution (MARCOS) approaches' extended forms based on the interval-valued fuzzy neutrosophic numbers (IVFNN). A comprehensive sensitivity and comparison control is further exploited to display the developed framework's robustness and practicality. Our results suggest that airlines prioritize the green initiatives of SAF suppliers over the economic aspect in the process of sustainable SAF supplier selection. We provide some managerial and policy insights for practitioners and policy-makers in the airline industry and some directions for further research.
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    Citation Count: 0
    Evaluating the Deep Learning Software Tools for Large-Scale Enterprises Using a Novel Todiffa-Mcdm Framework
    (Elsevier, 2024) Gligoric, Zoran; Gorcun, Omer Faruk; Gligoric, Milos; Pamucar, Dragan; Simic, Vladimir; Kucukonder, Hande
    Deep learning (DL) is one of the most promising technological developments emerging in the fourth industrial revolution era for businesses to improve processes, increase efficiency, and reduce errors. Accordingly, hierarchical learning software selection is one of the most critical decision-making problems in integrating neural network applications into business models. However, selecting appropriate reinforcement learning software for integrating deep learning applications into enterprises' business models takes much work for decision-makers. There are several reasons for this: first, practitioners' limited knowledge and experience of DL makes it difficult for decision-makers to adapt this technology into their enterprises' business model and significantly increases complex uncertainties. Secondly, according to the authors' knowledge, no study in the literature addresses deep structured learning solutions with the help of MCDM approaches. Consequently, making inferences concerning criteria that should be considered in an evaluation process is impossible by considering the studies in the relevant literature. Considering these gaps, this study presents a novel decision-making approach developed by the authors. It involves the combination of two new decision-making approaches, MAXC (MAXimum of Criterion) and TODIFFA (the total differential of alternative), which were developed to solve current decision-making problems. When the most important advantages of this model are considered, it associates objective and subjective approaches and eliminates some critical limitations of these methodologies. Besides, it has an easily followable algorithm without the need for advanced mathematical knowledge for practitioners and provides highly stable and reliable results in solving complex decision-making problems. Another novelty of the study is that the criteria are determined with a long-term negotiation process that is part of comprehensive fieldwork with specialists. When the conclusions obtained using this model are briefly reviewed, the C2 "Data Availability and Quality" criterion is the most influential in selecting deep learning software. The C7 "Time Constraints" criterion follows the most influential factor. Remarkably, prior research has overlooked the correlation between the performance of Deep Learning (DL) platforms and the quality and accessibility of data. The findings of this study underscore the necessity for DL platform developers to devise solutions to enable DL platforms to operate effectively, notwithstanding the availability of clean, high-quality, and adequate data. Finally, the robustness check carried out to test the validity of the proposed model confirms the accuracy and robustness of the results obtained by implementing the suggested model.
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    Citation Count: 0
    Evaluation of Shared Micro-Mobility Systems for Sustainable Cities by Using a Consensus-Based Fermatean Fuzzy Multiple Objective Optimization and Full Multiplicative Form
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2024) Saha, Abhijit; Gorcun, Omer Faruk; Pamucar, Dragan; Arya, Leena; Simic, Vladimir
    In Turkey, the transportation industry's greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions increased by 147.1% between 1990 and 2019. Today, this transportation industry (i.e., freight and passenger) is among the significant contributors to greenhouse gas emissions in Turkey's megacities. Moreover, 65.43% of short-distance trips between home to work and home to school have been made by private automobiles in Istanbul and increasing concerns about environmental pollution have led practitioners to seek practical, robust, and effective solutions to reduce GHG emissions. Shared electric scooters have rapidly become popular for end-users and practitioners in megacities, depending on their valuable advantages. However, the rapid spread of micro-mobility, characterized by escooters, has also raised questions about this system's sustainability, suitability, and applicability. Thus, there are some critical and noteworthy gaps in this issue. This study investigates the factors affecting the suitable e-scooter selection for a sustainable urban transport system. Besides, it aims to develop a methodological framework for assessing the available e-scooter alternatives. For this purpose, a novel negotiation approach, a new form of the Delphi technique, was developed with the help of Fermatean fuzzy sets to identify the influential criteria. Also, the current paper presents a consensus-based MULTIMOORA (Multiple Objective Optimization on the basis of Ratio Analysis plus Full Multiplicative Form) decision-making model based on Fermatean fuzzy sets to address the appraisal problem concerning e-scooter selection. The current paper indicated that economic measures such as acquisition price and upkeep costs affect the e-scooter selection processes. In addition, an optimization model based on cross-entropy and dispersion measures is utilized to compute criteria weights. It highlighted that the costs of e-scooters are still high, and operators consider these criteria instead of the technical and operational features of the e-scooters. Finally, the validity check executed to test the robustness and trustworthiness of the model affirms the model's firmness and trustworthiness.