Görçün, Ömer Faruk

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Name Variants
Görçün, Ö.
GÖRÇÜN, Ömer Faruk
Omer Faruk Görçün
Görçün, Ö. F.
Ömer Faruk Görçün
Faruk Görçün Ö.
Gorcun, Omer Faruk
Ö. Görçün
G.,Omer Faruk
Görçün, Omer Faruk
Görçün O.
Ö. F. Görçün
Ömer Faruk GÖRÇÜN
Gorcun,Omer Faruk
Görçün Ö.
Gorcun O.
Görçün, O.
G., Ömer Faruk
Omer Faruk, Gorcun
G., Omer Faruk
O. Görçün
Görçün, Ömer Faruk
Job Title
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
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Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 62
  • Book
    Citation Count: 0
    Gemi Türü Seçimini Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (AHP) Yöntemi Kullanılarak Değerlendirilmesi
    (Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2020) Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Denizyolu taşımacılığı lojistik süreçlerin yanı sıra, küresel tedarik zincirleri için giderek artan bir öneme sahiptir. En az iki liman arasında uzun mesafeli ve diğer taşıma türlerine kıyasla düşük maliyetli taşımacılık faaliyeti yapılmasına olanak sağlayan denizyolu taşımacılığının en temel unsurlarının başında gemiler ve deniz araçları gelmektedir. Bu kapsamda denizyolu taşımacılığı çerçevesinde uygun gemi türünün seçimi son derece kritik bir karar olarak tanımlanabilmektedir. Gemi türü seçimi ile ilgili alınabilecek olası karar alternatifleri çok sayıda faktör tarafından etkilendiği için, söz konusu seçim bir Çok Kriterli Karar Alma problemi (ÇKKV) olarak tanımlanabilir. Bu çalışmada Analitik Hiyerarşi Prosesi (AHP) metodolojisi uluslararası lojistik faaliyetlerde kullanılacak gemilerin türlerine ilişkin seçim süreçlerinde karar alıcılar tarafından karar alma süreçlerinde matematiksel bir model olarak kullanılabilecek yapısal ve sistematik bir çerçeve olarak önerilmektedir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 13
    Evaluating and selecting sustainable logistics service providers for medical waste disposal treatment in the healthcare industry
    (Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2023) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Aytekin, Ahmet; Korucuk, Selcuk; Tirkolaee, Erfan Babaee
    Health institutes are structurally growing depending on the population increase and escalating demands for health services. As a negative result, the health industry produces more healthcare waste daily. Its efforts and resources cannot be sufficient to dispose of such medical wastes as the quantity and variety continue to increase. Therefore, developing solution partnership relations with logistics service providers specialized in collecting, storing, and disposing healthcare waste may be a beneficial and fruitful step for solving this problem. However, the evaluation and selection of service suppliers for healthcare waste disposal may not always result in success. Hence, the present work develops a robust integrated methodology on the basis of Step-wise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) and COmplex PRoportional ASsessment (COPRAS) techniques based on Interval-Valued Fermatean Fuzzy Sets (IVFFSs) for healthcare decision-makers to make more rational and optimal decisions concerning service supplier selection. The proposed model based on the IVFFSs can also overcome incredibly complicated uncertainties in the assessment processes. A large-scale international hospital chain in Turkey is investigated using the developed methodology to find reasonable and logical solutions to assess and select the best Medical Waste Disposal and Logistics (MWDL) firm. It is revealed that the most important criterion is Storage Conditions where Republic Services, Inc is the most successful supplier of MWDL. Finally, theoretical and practical implications are discussed in detail in order to provide useful managerial insights and decision aids to assist in improving the sustainability of healthcare industry.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    (2022) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Purpose: This study examines the potential of production systems of the heavy industry branches with the help of cyber-physical systems. Sources of public and private sectors may not be sufficient to transform and develop all heavy industry branches simultaneously. Because of that, policymakers can determine priority industries for development and growth, which are sustainable and balanced in a country. Methodology: In current study, the proposed approach uses the LMAW (Logarithm Methodology of Additive Weights) technique to identify priority sectors. The LMAW is a novel MCDM (Multi-Criteria Decision Making) technique providing an opportunity to evaluate both objective and subjective criteria; in addition, it uses the Bonferroni functions to transform the subjective evaluations of decision-makers to the group decision. Findings: It has been observed that the most significant criterion is overall equipment effectiveness (OEE), and the most prior branch of heavy industry is the aerospace industry. Originality: This paper examines the transformation process of the heavy industry branches to the cyber- physical systems by using a new MCDM approach.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 9
    The potentials of the Southern & Eastern European countries in the process of the regionalization of the global supply chains using a q-rung orthopair fuzzy-based integrated decision-making approach
    (Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2022) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Krishankumar, Raghunathan; Pamucar, Dragan; Gorcun, Omer Faruk
    Recent challenges such as COVID 19 and the blockage of the Suez Channel have shown that the global supply chains (GSC) have extremely fragile structures. Hence, the GSCs have started to seek new strategies to be less affected. From this perspective, regionalization of the GSCs may be the best and most practical way to create more strength, well-operating, and robust supply chain systems. When a detailed literature review was per-formed, two severe and significant gaps were noticed. First is related to the methodological frame. The second gap is also concerned to the criteria used in the previous studies, as it is not clear how these criteria were identified and whether these criteria are suitable to the current real-life decision-making problems. The current paper aims to fill these gaps existing in the literatures. It examines the regionalization potentials of the GSCs and proposes an integrated MCDM framework based on the q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets. Also, it presents updated criteria set that can be commonly accepted. These criteria were identified by performing comprehensive field-work with highly experienced professionals with extensive knowledge of the GSCs and a detailed literature re-view to determine the criteria used in the previous works. The proposed model was applied to evaluate the potential of the southern and eastern European countries to be a manufacturing center for the GSCs. Then, a comprehensive sensitivity analysis performed for validating the proposed MCDM approach approves the pro-posed model's validity and efficacy by showcasing the close combat among the European countries.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Entegre Entropi ve EATWOS Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Karadeniz Konteyner Limanlarının Verimlilik Analizi
    (2019) Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Karadeniz Bölgesi küresel ticaret için son derece önemlibir bölgedir. Kısa mesafe deniz taşımacılığı ile denizotobanları yaklaşımlarının Avrupa Birliğinin gündemindeolması Karadeniz limanlarının önemini her geçen günartırmaktadır. Dolayısıyla Karadeniz limanlarının performansları yakın gelecekte gösterecekleri gelişme veilerlemelere büyük ölçüde etki edebilecek faktörlerolabilecektir. Limanların etkinlik ve verimlilikleri çoksayıda değişken ve faktör tarafından etkilendiği içinsistematik ve yapısal bir çerçeve olarak kullanılabilecekçok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinin kullanılmasıgerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada entropi ve EATWOS yöntemleri entegre edilerek oluşturulan bir hibrid modelKaradeniz limanlarının etkinlik ve verimlilik analizi içinkullanılması önerilmektedir. Bu yöntem sayesinde eldeedilecek çıktıların lojistik süreçlerde yer alan aktörlerindışında yatırımcılar ve kamu otoriteleri tarafından dakullanılabilir bir nitelik taşıyacağı öngörülmektedir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Kentsel Lojistikte Kullanılan Hafif Raylı Sistem Hatlarının Entegre Entropi ve EATWOS Yöntemleri Kullanılarak Analizi
    (2019) Görçün, Ömer Faruk
    Kentsel alanlarda kullanılan ulaşım sistemlerin etkinlik, verimlilik ve performanslarının değerlendirilmesi ve gelecekteki ulaşımaltyapılarına ilişkin kararların alınması gerçekte çok kriterli bir karar verme problemidir. Dolayısıyla problemin etkin bir biçimde çözümüçok kriterli karar verme yöntemlerinin kullanılmasını zorunlu hale getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada karar verme probleminin çözümü ile ilgiliolarak sistematik ve yapısal bir çözüm yolu sağlamanın yanı sıra, karar alıcılar tarafından kolayca uygulanacak hibrid bir çok kriterlikarar verme metodolojisi önerilmektedir. Bu model entropi ve EATWOS olarak tanımlanan iki ÇKKV yönteminin entegre edilmesi ileoluşturulmuş bir model olarak nitelendirilebilir. Entropi yöntemi ile faktör ağırlıkları değerlendirilirken, EATWOS yöntemi iledeğerlendirmeye alınan karar noktalarının etkinlik, verimlilik ve performansları ölçülmüş ve en yüksek değerden başlanarak kararnoktaları sıralandırılmıştır. Modelin sayısal bir perspektifte test edilmesi için araştırma alanı olarak en yüksek yolcu taşıma kapasitesive hat uzunluğuna sahip olan ve Avrupa’da kullanılan 13 Tramvay ve hafif raylı sistemleri belirlenmiş, seçilen hibrid modele göre sözkonusu hatların etkinlik ve verimlilik analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Prioritization of crowdsourcing models for last-mile delivery using fuzzy Sugeno-Weber framework
    (Pergamon-elsevier Science Ltd, 2024) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Lazarevic, Dragan; Dobrodolac, Momcilo; Simic, Vladimir; Gorcun, Omer Faruk
    Modern technologies provide new opportunities for the industry but raise the expectations of the customers as well. This is valid also for the postal, courier, and logistics industries. The biggest challenge for the companies in the field is to improve the efficiency of the final phase in the transfer of shipments - last-mile delivery. A contemporary solution relates to collaboration between delivery companies and citizens who are willing to perform the delivery tasks as an additional activity to their established job or routine. Such a concept is known as crowdsourcing. There are several approaches within crowdsourcing, for example, transportation by car, utilizing public transport, etc. To make an appropriate choice, multiple criteria should be considered. This paper aims to propose an original methodology for solving the explained multi-criteria decision-making problem. The proposed framework is based on the application of the Sugeno-Weber nonlinear functions in a fuzzy environment. The application of the fuzzy Sugeno-Weber weighted assessment methodology showed that the proposed methodology has adaptability, a high degree of generalization, and stability of results. This enables the applicability of the methodology to various tasks from a broad spectrum of areas, which represents an additional value. A reallife case study is provided to solve the prioritization of crowdsourcing models in suburban municipalities of Belgrade, Serbia. The available alternatives and the most important criteria for the crowdsourced delivery model are identified. All criteria are divided into four groups, which define the dimensions of sustainability, including the technical aspect. The results of the conducted research indicate a high level of convenience in using one's car or daily bus lines for crowdsourced delivery to optimize the entire process of shipment transfer in the observed territory.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Framework for zero-defect manufacturing in Indian industries - Voice of the customer
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2023) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Kaliyan, Mathiyazhagan; Saikouk, Tarik; Goswami, Susobhan; Gorcun, Omer Faruk
    Purpose The present paper proposes a framework for zero-defect manufacturing in Indian industries. Due to the current competitive market, there is a strong need to achieve zero defects from the customer's perspective. A survey questionnaire is analyzed based on the responses and a structured framework is drafted to implement zero defect manufacturing in the Indian industry. Design/methodology/approach To analyze zero-defect in Indian industries, a literature review and a survey questionnaire constituted a framework. This framework is independent of the type of process and product. Findings The findings of this study are based on a total of 925 responses received through survey questionnaires by different mediums. The framework has been tested in different manufacturing organizations to achieve zero-defect through the continuous improvement approach. Practical implications The study results aim to achieve zero-defect, help to improve customer satisfaction, reduce waste and rework in the manufacturing process. This framework is also used as a problem-solving approach to implement Six Sigma in the Indian industries. Originality/value Zero defect manufacturing is growing in India and globally. This framework helps to implement zero defect manufacturing in Indian industries. It is an essential tool to capture the voice of the customer.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Evaluation of public transportation systems for sustainable cities using an integrated fuzzy multi-criteria group decision-making model
    (Springer, 2023) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Gorcun, Omer Faruk; Garg, Chandra Prakash; Kucukonder, Hande; Canakcioglu, Mustafa
    In this era of increasing demand for mobility and rapid urban growth, there is a pressing need for a public transit system that is safe, fast, reliable, well-connected, and sustainable. Furthermore, it is essential to reduce the external costs associated with urban transportation, including environmental pollution, noise, congestion, and accidents, to foster sustainable cities. Choosing the right urban transportation system can meet this goal, but it is not an accessible business for decision-makers in the face of several conflicting criteria and ambiguities in the evaluation process. To cope with this, the current paper suggests a multi-criteria group decision-making (MCGDM) framework consisting of fuzzy BWM (Best-Worst method) and fuzzy MAIRCIA (Multi-Attribute Ideal-Real Comparative Analysis) techniques. This extended MCGDM approach has been applied to evaluate six urban transport systems, namely, Trams, Light Rail Trams, Metro (Subway), Bus Rapid Transport, Commuter Trains, and Public Buses based on 11 selection criteria which we have determined after consultation with highly experienced professionals. The fuzzy BWM technique is employed to identify the weights of the criteria. The fuzzy MAIRCA technique is utilized for ranking the alternatives using the calculated weights of the criteria. The proposed approach's validation has been examined with an extensive robustness check. The study is conducted from a general perspective, i.e., not restricted to a particular city. However, with the identified selection criteria, the proposed decision-making procedure can be repeated for a specific city considering any specific requirements, constraints, or limitations of that city.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 16
    Evaluation of the pharmaceutical distribution and warehousing companies through an integrated Fermatean fuzzy entropy-WASPAS approach
    (Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, 2022) Görçün, Ömer Faruk; Gorcun, Omer Faruk; Ecer, Fatih; Pamucar, Dragan; Karama, Caglar
    Purpose Pharmaceutical supply chains (PSCs) need a well-operating and faultless logistics system to successfully store and distribute their medicines. Hospitals, health institutes, and pharmacies must maintain extra stock to respond requirements of the patients. Nevertheless, there is an inverse correlation between the level of medicine stock and logistics service level. The high stock level held by health institutions indicates that we have not sufficiently excellent logistics systems presently. As such, selecting appropriate logistics service providers (drug distributors) is crucial and strategic for PSCs. However, this is difficult for decision-makers, as highly complex situations and conflicting criteria influence such evaluation processes. So, a robust, applicable, and strong methodological frame is required to solve these decision-making problems. Design/methodology/approach To achieve this challenging issue, the authors develop and apply an integrated entropy-WASPAS methodology with Fermatean fuzzy sets for the first time in the literature. The evaluation process takes place in two stages, as in traditional multi-criteria problems. In the first stage, the importance levels of the criteria are determined by the FF-entropy method. Afterwards, the FF-WASPAS approach ranks the alternatives. Findings The feasibility of the proposed model is also supported by a case study where six companies are evaluated comprehensively regarding ten criteria. Herewith, total warehouse capacity, number of refrigerated vehicles, and personnel are the top three criteria that significantly influence the evaluation of pharmaceutical distribution and warehousing companies. Further, a comprehensive sensitivity analysis proves the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed approach. Practical implications The proposed multi-attribute decision model quantitatively aids managers in selecting logistics service providers considering imprecisions in the multi-criteria decision-making process. Originality/value A new model has been developed to present a sound mathematical model for selecting logistics service providers consisting of Fermatean fuzzy entropy and WASPAS methods. The paper's main contribution is presenting a comprehensive and more robust model for the ex ante evaluation and ranking of providers.