Vatıkıotıs, Panteleımon

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Name Variants
Vatıkıotıs, Panteleımon
P. Vatıkıotıs
Panteleımon, Vatıkıotıs
Vatikiotis, Panteleimon
P. Vatikiotis
Panteleimon, Vatikiotis
Vatikiotis, Pantelis
Vatikiotis, Pantelis
Job Title
Dr. Öğr. Üyesi
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Master Thesis
    The Body Image in Media and Its Impact on Female Adolescents in Pakistan
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Jan, Malik Jahangir; Vatıkıotıs, Panteleımon; Can, Cihangir; Vatikiotis, Pantelis
    Today if we look at a magazine cover or a television commercial the odds are that the woman are being shown as tall and extremely thin. Media and our society have eventually begun to cast out those who do not fit this ideal image of beauty which has been set as a standard by the media. This research aims in finding and examining the impact of the body image in media on the female adolescents with the specific focus laid on the body dissatisfaction self-esteem and eating disorders. The research is quantitative in nature and the focus has been laid to collect the data through the questionnaires from the adolescent females. The research results identified and revealed that the young women are very much concerned about their looks and bodies because of the role of media and its influence that is dynamically reflecting perfect body images and preference of becoming slimmer. Moreover the body image in media not only influences by increasing the body dissatisfaction but creates eating disorders and causes decrease in self-esteem of female adolescents as well.
  • Article
    Gezi Movement and the Networked Public Sphere: a Comparative Analysis in Global Context
    (Sage Publications Ltd, 2016) Vatikiotis, Pantelis; Vatıkıotıs, Panteleımon; Yoruk, Zafer F.
    The article draws on Gezi protests that took place in Turkey during the summer of 2013 inquiring the extent to which they were part of a global cycle of contention that has shocked the world the last 5 years. In this regard concepts and constructs of social movement new media networking and public sphere provide analytical tools to probe into the area. Issues that are addressed and critically discussed include the evaluation of the contemporary protest movements in terms of the global diffusion of neoliberal capitalism the intersection of social media and collective action and the critical reflection on the interplay between physical and mediated facets of action.
  • Master Thesis
    Social Media Impact on Television in Yemen : the Case of Belqees Tv
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Alragawi, Mohammed; Vatıkıotıs, Panteleımon; Vatikiotis, Pantelis
    Television industry experienced many changes in the digital era and social media is considered as the latest contributor to those changes as it becomes an important part of any TV station. This research is studying the impact of social media on television in Yemen with further focus on Belqees TV. The research includes reflections on the media convergence and its types of technological structural economic convergence and convergent audience. The study is using a mixed research method of quantitative content analysis and qualitative indepth interviews in order to have comprehensive view of the research area. Findings of this study shows the role of social media in Belqees TV station how much social media content is included in its programs the motives and reasons of using social media as a source of content and how social media brings new organizational practices in the station.
  • Master Thesis
    What Should Ott Brands Post To Engage With Consumers on Instagram?
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Beşli, Bersu; Vatıkıotıs, Panteleımon; Vatikiotis, Pantelis
    This study analyzes the most engaging content categories on Instagram. In order to understand and analyze the digital consumer engagement, Instagram content shared by two OTT brands, Netflix and BluTV will be examined. The aim of the study is to introduce an understanding on what factors indicate the essentials of a branded Instagram content created as a digital content marketing effort of an OTT brand in terms of digital consumer engagement by means of relational content analysis. The analysis takes the digital engagement metrics as a consumer feedback on the brands available on the branded Instagram content. This thesis tries to indicate whether the entrance of a new perception of social networking sites brings the brand - consumer interactivity notion to digital content marketing processes. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how should brands produce their content on Instagram in order to create high levels of digital consumer engagement. It aims to see which category of content determines the influence of the interactivity in Instagram marketing by picking two brands in OTT industry