Çelikpala, Mitat

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Name Variants
M. Çelikpala
C., Mitat
Mitat, Celikpala
Çelikpala, Mitat
Ç., Mitat
Çelikpala, M.
Çelikpala, MITAT
Mitat Celikpala
Celikpala, Mitat
Celikpala, M.
M. Celikpala
Mitat Çelikpala
Celikpala M.
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Prof. Dr.
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Scholarly Output




Citation Count


Supervised Theses


Scholarly Output Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 33
  • Article
    Citation Count: 4
    Turkish Efforts in Peacekeeping and the Introduction of the TUBAKOV Dataset: An Exploratory Analysis
    (Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018) Çelikpala, Mitat; Hatipoğlu, Emre; Acar, Dilaver Arikan; Çelikpala, Mitat
    This study introduces the TUBAKOV dataset which offers extensive data on 57 peacekeeping operations (PKOs) that Turkey has contributed to between the years 1988-2015. TUBAKOV improves existing data in several ways. First it draws data from governmental resources that have not been previously used. Second Turkey's contributions for each PKO are presented both at the levels of PKO and PKO-contribution year format. The website of the dataset also allows access to qualitative data such as primary text sources hence facilitating qualitative and multi-method research on peacekeeping. Preliminary analyses indicate that the frequency nature and the geographic focus of Turkey's contributions to peacekeeping operations demonstrate a significant shift with the new millennium. Preliminary findings offer interesting insights to the changing characteristics of Turkey's PKO involvements relating to the content geography and timing of these contributions over the time period covered by this dataset.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 0
    Terrorist Threats to Energy Critical Infrastructure Technology and Protection Systems
    (IOS Press, 2013) Çelikpala, Mitat
    Critical infrastructure is an umbrella term referring to a country's assets that are essential to the nation's security public health and safety economic vitality and way of life. This infrastructure is owned or operated by both the public and the private sector. All agencies responsible for protecting the critical infrastructure act to mitigate the risks through implementing risk management techniques. Even the best security management plans and legislation which compel their enforcement are worthless without proper implementation. In this implementation stage continuous analysis should be made. This effort necessitates investment in horizon scanning early warning risk analysis intelligence gathering and dissemination. With the help of these phases crises prevention crisis management post-crisis stabilization and consequence management could be conducted. All affected parties should also kept ready through training and education research and development programs and prepared to reply any kind of terrorist threat on the critical energy infrastructure.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 0
    Başarısızdevlet-demokratik model ülke sarmalında Gürcistan'ın 20 yılı
    (2012) Çelikpala, Mitat
    Gürcistan, bağımsızlığın ilan edildiği 1990’lı yıllardan bu güne zayıf siyasi, ekonomik ve finansal yapısı ile etnik sorunlarıyla sürekli olarak bir başarısız devlet görüntüsü sergiledi. Ülkede güçlü, demokratik ve kapsayıcı bir siyasi liderin çıkmaması, etkin muhalefetin oluşamaması birçok sorunlara yol açtı. Gürcistan’ın kısa vadeli geleceği, 2012’de yapılacak parlamento seçimleriyle nasıl bir parlamento oluşacağı ve 2013’te yapılacak başkanlık seçimlerinin nasıl seyredeceği konusuna bağlıdır. Seçimlerden sonra yürürlüğe girecek anayasa değişikliklerinin nasıl bir düzen oluşturacağı, Saakaşvili’nin siyasi tavrı ve geleceği, Gürcistan’ın ana gündemini belirleyecektir. Gürcistan’ın en büyük sorunu, Saakaşvili’nin karşısına 2003–2004 dönemindeki gibi etkili ve güçlü bir yeni Saakaşvili’nin çıkmamış olmasıdır. Saakaşvili’nin Rusya’dakine benzer bir “Putin-Medvedev” senaryosunu mu tercih edeceği yoksa farklı ve demokratik bir yol mu izleyeceği henüz belirsizliğini korumaktadır.
  • Book Review
    Citation Count: 0
    Empires of the Silk Road: A History of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the Present
    (Seta Foundation, 2011) Çelikpala, Mitat
    [Abstract Not Available]
  • Article
    Citation Count: 3
    Turkey's rapprochements with Greece and Armenia: Understanding path breaking steps
    (Routledge Journals, 2019) Çelikpala, Mitat; Çelikpala, Mitat
    This comparative analysis considers the Turkish-Greek rapprochement and the Turkish-Armenian rapprochement processes with a three-dimensional approach. Although the deep-rooted conflicts between neither Greece and Turkey nor Armenia and Turkey were resolved via these processes, the bilateral relationships between the countries have significantly differed. This paper argues that two key main reasons lie behind this difference: the nature of the initiatives taken during the two processes and the influence of external actors on the course of the bilateral relations between Turkey and Greece, on the one hand, and Turkey and Armenia on the other hand.
  • Conference Object
    Citation Count: 1
    Turkish Foreign Policy and Cross-border Cooperation in the South Caucasus
    (IOS Press, 2013) Çelikpala, Mitat
    This article aims at a comprehensive evaluation of Turkey's foreign policy in the Caucasus after 2008. An assessment related to the responses given and the steps taken by Turkey with respect to the emergent events would facilitate the comprehension of Turkish foreign policy parameters in general. Throughout the article Turkey's foreign policy in the South Caucasus will be discussed under topics such as the Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform which was proposed by Turkey as an attempt to restore the regional order and stability the Armenian Opening Turkey-Azerbaijan relations commercial and economic ties and energy cooperation.
  • Book Part
    Citation Count: 5
    Turkey and Russia:Historical Patterns and Contemporary Trendsin Bilateral Relations
    (Oxford University Press, 2020) Çelikpala, Mitat; Çelikpala, M.
    [No abstract available]
  • Doctoral Thesis
    An analysis of Turkish foreign policy toward the turkic world: Identity and institutionalisation
    (Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022) KOÇOĞLU, LÜTFİ; Çelikpala, Mitat; Celikpala, Mitat
    The evolving identity literature pays insufficient attention to interactions among states that share a common or similar identity. As a result, this dissertation prefers to investigate inter-state relations among states that claim a common or similar identity. It reveals states' historical experiences and questions the extent of cooperation and the motivations for collaboration in a single framework. Understanding Turkic identity and its influence on Turkish Foreign Policy, revealing Turkey's and the Turkic World's historical experiences, and questioning the motivation of states in relations between Turkey and the Turkic World, primarily through the Organization of Turkic States, have been chosen as foci in this regard. The Turkic World became of particular interest to international relations and political science researchers at the end of the twentieth century due to its geopolitical and geostrategic location and the potential of its natural resources. As a result, during this period, the quantity of research on the dynamics of the Turkic World and relations between Turkey and the Turkic World founded on common identities, values, and goals increased. This research investigates Turkic identity and its impact on Turkish foreign policy, particularly since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. In this regard, it examines Turkey's foreign policy from Özal's administration in 1989 to the AKP's presidency in 2023. The historical context of Turkish Foreign Policy and the institutional progress in Turkey-Turkic World interactions from the first Turkic-speaking states' summits (Ankara Summit on October 30-31, 1992) to the Organization of Turkic States have been investigated, and the findings presented herein to analyze Turkish Foreign Policy over the last three decades and comprehend the Turkic identity's influence on it.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 12
    Escalating rivalries and diverging interests: prospects for stability and security in the Black Sea region
    (Routledge Journals Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2010) Çelikpala, Mitat
    The Black Sea region is increasingly becoming a priority on the international agenda. In fact a regional approach is emerging as actors understand that common problems need to be addressed jointly. Nevertheless cooperation efforts are hampered by a number of factors such as uneven economic and political development within and among countries nationalist forces and longstanding animosities between regional players. In this context it is imperative to foster sound policies aimed at strengthening dialogue and cooperation so as to contain and ultimately resolve conflicts with peaceful means. However there is little policy-oriented research on the challenges and opportunities for cooperation in the Black Sea region. This study is primarily devoted to exploring and understanding the security environment and the main threats to security and stability in the Black Sea region.
  • Article
    Citation Count: 1
    Turkey and the Caucasus: Transition from reactive foreign policy to proactive rhythmic diplomacy [Türkiye ve Kafkasya: Reaksiyoner dip politikadan proaktif ritmik diplomasiye geçiş]
    (International Relations Council of Turkey, 2010) Çelikpala, Mitat
    The consequences of the August 2008 Russian-Georgian War have deeply infl uenced not only the Caucasus but overall global stability as well. Turkey as a regional actor which claims to follow active diplomacy in her region has also been directly aff ected. Currently Turkey has positioned itself as a regional actor with a 'new' political perspective and has responded to developments in order to give the events shape and to ensure stability in the region. This attitude has caused controversies. The Caucasus became an interesting example to monitor Turkish foreign policy implementations with mottos such as 'zero problems with neighbors' 'problem-solving country' and 'rhythmic diplomacy.' Turkey's policies and reactions to developments taking place in the Caucasus will help us to analyze and understand foreign policy objectives policy-making processes and the overall course of Turkish foreign policy. This study makes a comprehensive assessment of Turkey's foreign policy in the Caucasus before and after August 2008.