Enerji Güvenliği: Nato’nun Yeni Tehdit Algısı
Çelikpala, Mitat
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Uluslararası İlişkiler Konseyi Derneği İktisadi İşletmesi
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Enerji güvenliği, ana amacı İttifak üyelerini askeri tehditlere karşı savunmak olan NATO’nun
öncelikli konu başlıkları arasına ancak son on yılda girebilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, NATO’nun
Soğuk Savaş sonrası dönemde düzenlenen zirvelerinde yayınlanan zirve bildirgeleri ve stratejik
konseptler ile çeşitli NATO zeminlerinde yapılan tartışmalar ışığında, enerji güvenliğinin
NATO için taşıdığı anlam ve önem üzerinde durulmaktadır. NATO’nun enerji güvenliği
kavramına yaklaşımı değerlendirilerek, önümüzdeki süreçte enerji güvenliği konusunun NATO
çerçevesinde ne yönde şekillenebileceği ortaya konmaya çalışılmaktadır.
Energy security could enter NATO’s security agenda as one of the main issues just during the last decade. NATO leaders recognize that the disruption of the flow of vital resources could affect Alliance security interests. There is no agreement on the definition of energy security in NATO as it differs based on each country’s needs; however, there is a paragraph in the NATO concept from 2010 that states the importance of energy security, and in 2012 there was further agreement that NATO wants to be involved in energy security and energy efficiency of military forces. This article is focused on the issue and analyses the importance and the meaning of energy security for NATO in the light of NATO summit declarations and the various NATO’s strategic concepts.
Energy security could enter NATO’s security agenda as one of the main issues just during the last decade. NATO leaders recognize that the disruption of the flow of vital resources could affect Alliance security interests. There is no agreement on the definition of energy security in NATO as it differs based on each country’s needs; however, there is a paragraph in the NATO concept from 2010 that states the importance of energy security, and in 2012 there was further agreement that NATO wants to be involved in energy security and energy efficiency of military forces. This article is focused on the issue and analyses the importance and the meaning of energy security for NATO in the light of NATO summit declarations and the various NATO’s strategic concepts.
Enerji Güvenliği, NATO, Rusya, Kritik Enerji Altyapısı, Energy Security, Russia, Critical Energy Infrastructure
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