Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem
Name Variants
Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem
Ç.,Bozdağ Bucak
Ç. Bozdağ Bucak
Çiğdem, Bozdağ Bucak
Bozdag Bucak, Cigdem
C.,Bozdag Bucak
C. Bozdag Bucak
Cigdem, Bozdag Bucak
Bozdağ, Çiğdem
Bozdağ, Ç.
Ç.,Bozdağ Bucak
Ç. Bozdağ Bucak
Çiğdem, Bozdağ Bucak
Bozdag Bucak, Cigdem
C.,Bozdag Bucak
C. Bozdag Bucak
Cigdem, Bozdag Bucak
Bozdağ, Çiğdem
Bozdağ, Ç.
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Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
19 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 19
Master Thesis Challenging the Influence of Interactivity on Narrative Structures in Digital Games. an Analysis of Adventure Genres(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Yavuz, Nilufer Zeynep; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem; Bozdağ Bucak, ÇiğdemThis study analyzes the narrative structure of the computer games after the emergence of the computer technology which provides an opportunity for the game designers to create more extensive narrative structures. The aim is to introduce a framework which contains J. Campbell’s “monomyth” theory and C. Vogler’s modernization of the same theory specify the indicatives thereafter create an understanding of game narrative in an approach that is correspondent with the classical narrative structure. This thesis tries to indicate whether the entrance of a new perception of technology which brings the interactivity notion to human life changes the practices and the fundamentals of the classical narrative structure. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how the adventure game scenarios are constituted to see if the structure of the games have overtones of the classical narrative and to determine the influence of the interactivity by picking two games of adventure genre and analyzing their quest lines.Master Thesis New Media as a Space for Memory-Making in the Context of Visual Representations of Socio-Political Events(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Cebeci, Gamze; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem; Bozdağ Bucak, ÇiğdemThis thesis aims to discuss how narratives of socio-political events are represented through new media and attempts to reveal the effects of this usage in construction of memory. Three cases, namely "Map of Women Patrons' Structures in Ottoman Istanbul", Networks of Dispossession and projects of Hafıza Merkezi, were analyzed and expert interviews were made with the project coordinators. As a result of the analysis and after theoretical explanations that were applied to account for it, the role of new media in memory-making was underlined for its capacity to preserve and represent information as well as generate knowledge and provide access to it. It can be concluded that this study is a particular case of a broader phenomenon; it is only limited to the cases, however, by revealing the research processes and evaluation of finished products of the cases, it is believed that the inferences may lead to further studies that could deepen the analysis.Article Intercultural Learning in Schools Through Telecollaboration? a Critical Case Study of Etwinning Between Turkey and Germany(Sage Publications Inc, 2018) Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem; Bozdağ Bucak, ÇiğdemDigital media offer various possibilities for internet-based telecollaboration in schools and open up a space for intercultural learning. Diverse initiatives like such as the European Union-initiative eTwinning network aim to support telecollaboration projects in education. This article argues that we need to develop critical and grounded understanding of telecollaboration projects and how they are being embedded in the context of existing school cultures. The article presents an in-depth case study of a telecollaboration project between a Turkish and a German school. On the basis of observations in schools interviews with teachers and focus groups with pupils the article argues that there are two main challenges that limit the experience of intercultural learning in the analysed project. The first point is about the strong teacher-centred project design and the discrepancy between the perspectives of teachers and pupils. The second point is the rather simplistic and superficial understanding of culture which reasserts national cultures instead of promoting a more open perspective that influences the project tasks and topics.Master Thesis The Adoption and Influences of Big Data in Tourism Industry in Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Küçükbatır, Merve; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem; Bozdağ Bucak, ÇiğdemThe adoption Today’s common belief on big data says all sorts of industries will become much more efficient through the data-driven evidence. The tourism industry is one of those industries which thrive on information. Together with the adoption of big data in tourism industry there is a number of opportunities arising which might help organizations in providing predictive modelling analysis and key insights. These insights can provide businesses with more integrated view of the whole industry and accordingly much more enhanced relationship with customers through a focused and responsive approach to customers’ needs and preferences. This study concludes that predictive analytics can help businesses in anticipating what is likely to happen in the future and comprehend the fundamental causes of different results and thus correlate different insights for future forecasting. However the way of gaining more opportunities is not only related with putting the technologies related with big data into use but also related with the expertise of the personnel/data team. and influences of big data in tourism industry in TurkeyEditorial Editorial Introduction. Representations of Immigrants and Refugees: News Coverage Public Opinion and Media Literacy(DE GRUYTER MOUTON, 2018) Smets, Kevin; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem[Abstract Not Available]Master Thesis The Impact of Audience Feedback on Sns User's Self - Representation in the New Media Age(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Ali, Yasmin Essam Said; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem; Bozdağ Bucak, ÇiğdemThis thesis examines the relationship between audience feedback and selfrepresentation on Facebook using Erving Goffman's dramaturgical model, focusing on the conceptions of audience and context on Facebook of Facebook-using students at Kadir Has University. I am exploring participants' perspectives in four main areas: Audience Feedback on Facebook user's posts and photos; examining user's response to audience feedback; investigating user's self-representation on Facebook; and finally examining if people's online and offline personalities are different and if they are presenting themselves differently in different situations and with different people. I examine the impact of audience feedback on Facebook users' behavior, and understand how Facebook users is re-presenting themselves online. Theoretically, I consider Goffman's model, by applying it to the findings and results of this study.Master Thesis Influence of Smartphone Usage To Mobility of Visually Impaired : Study in Jakart(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2017) Karmidi, Sabilul Maarifah; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem; Bozdağ Bucak, ÇiğdemSmartphone is no longer unusual among visually impaired users especially those with digital literacy. Availability of applications with various purposes lead to question on what kind of influences smartphone usage brings to their mobility and independence. Considering the external situation such as the lack of public facilities smartphone's and applications' shortcomings also their level of digital skill. Phenomenological study was selected as the most appropriate approach to elaborate respondents' individual experiences. The research was conducted through in-depth interview and observation method to six blind and three partially sighted respondents with three different levels of digital skill in Jakarta indonesia. The findings are portrayed as experienced by respondents in descriptive manner and provided in themes emerging from study. implication of the study discovered that smartphone works as an all-in-one assistive technology. Using smartphone brought positive influences to mobility and independence of people with visual impairment. Although not necessarily linear influences appeared more on people with higher digital skill. Despite offering positive impacts like convenient travel flexibility productivity and independence barriers are still visible such as technical shortcomings environment disintegration and human ability which lead to dependence on other people on some important aspects.Master Thesis A Qualitative Analysis of Data Journalism Practice in Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2017) Oran, İrem; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem; Bozdağ Bucak, ÇiğdemThe importance of data in the field of communication is increasing day by day; the usage of data in the media/news called as data journalism which produces news with data. There are many theses and academic articles on journalism and media studies, but the studies conducted in the sense of data journalism are limited. Despite resource constraints, it is important to work in the field of data journalism and provide resources for literature which has limited resource. The aim of this study is to examine the data and use of data at media which has a large role in communication studies. In research, the share of data journalism in terms of changing journalistic practices has been investigated. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed with editors, freelancers, academicians, and managers at news organizations who had data journalism trainings or have experience on the field to determine common and important points on the subject. Results were obtained by comparing the given answers and literature review. The findings provide information about the current state of data journalism in Turkey, the effects of media economy on the field and the diffuculties of reaching the open data and it gives idea of the future status of data journalism.Book Part Trust in News in the Context of Political Polarization: a Case Study of Turkey(Taylor and Francis, 2022) Bozdağ, Ç.; Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem; Koçer, S.; Koçer Çamurdan, Suncem[No abstract available]Book Review Integration Diversity and the Making of a European Public Sphere(USC ANNENBERG PRESS, 2018) Bozdağ Bucak, Çiğdem[Abstract Not Available]