The Impact of Audience Feedback on Sns User's Self - Representation in the New Media Age
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Kadir Has Üniversitesi
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This thesis examines the relationship between audience feedback and selfrepresentation on Facebook using Erving Goffman's dramaturgical model, focusing on the conceptions of audience and context on Facebook of Facebook-using students at Kadir Has University. I am exploring participants' perspectives in four main areas: Audience Feedback on Facebook user's posts and photos; examining user's response to audience feedback; investigating user's self-representation on Facebook; and finally examining if people's online and offline personalities are different and if they are presenting themselves differently in different situations and with different people. I examine the impact of audience feedback on Facebook users' behavior, and understand how Facebook users is re-presenting themselves online. Theoretically, I consider Goffman's model, by applying it to the findings and results of this study.
Online self representation, Social networking sites, Facebook, Audience feedback