İs Guvencesi Hukumleri Bakimindan Asil İsveren - Alt İsveren İliskisi
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İsci - isveren iliskisinde oldukca fazla uyusmazligin yasandigi ve is iliskisinin en onemli asamalardan biri olan is sozlesmesinin sona ermesi asamasinda is guvencesi sisteminin sonucu olan ise iade davalari guncel ve cokca karsilasilan davalardir. Ýs guvencesi sistemi ile esasen is iliskisinin devaminin saglanmasi iscinin isinin guvence altina alinmasi isverenin keyfi olarak is iliskisini sonlandirmasinin onune gecilerek iscinin korunmasi hedeflenmistir. 4857 sayili Ýs Kanununda is guvencesi sistemine yer verilmis is guvencesi kapsamindaki iliskilerde fesih serbestisi kaldirilmis fesihte kanunda duzenlenen gecerli veya hakli nedenlerin varligi aranmis nedenlerin varligini ispat yuku isverene yuklenmis bu duzenlemeye aykiri olarak yapilan fesihlerde ise iscinin ise iadesini talep edebilecegi ongorulmustur. Ýs Kanununda yer alan asil isveren - alt isveren uygulamasi ise gunumuzde surekli olarak artmakta ve isci - isveren iliskisini farkli sekillerde etkilemektedir. Ýs hukukunda onemli bir yere sahip olan is guvencesi sistemi bakimindan asil isveren ve alt isverenin rolleri sorumluluklari ise iade davalarindaki konumlari bu iliskinin isciye yansimalari uygulamada sorunlara yol acmaktadir. Tezimizde is guvencesi sistemi ve bu sistemin sonucu olan ise iade davalari bakimindan asil isveren - alt isveren iliskisi ele alinmis ozellikle alt isveren iscisinin is guvencesi hukumlerinden yararlanma sartlari ise iade davalarinda asil isveren ve alt isverenin taraf sifati ise iade davalarina baglanan sonuclardan asil isveren ve alt isverenin ne sekilde sorumlu olacagi ve asil isveren - alt isveren iliskisinde isveren degisikliklerinin is guvencesi bakimindan etkileri hususlari Ýs Kanunu kapsaminda doktrindeki gorusler ve Yargitay kararlarindan da faydalanilarak incelenmeye calisilmistir.
During one of the most important phases of employer - employee relationship, which is terminating a labor contract, numerous employer - employee disputes arise including reemployment lawsuit as a result of job security system. With the job security system, ensuring the continuation of employment process, securing the job of the employee and the protection of the rights of the employee by avoiding arbitrary termination of employment process by the employer have been aimed. Labor Law no. 4857 which includes employment relations system, removed the withdrawal liberty within the context of job security, demanded just and valid causes which are regulated by law for withdrawal process. Moreover, the burden of proving for existence of mentioned causes has been imposed on the employer and in case of a withdrawal which is against to his regulations, the right of reemployment claim by the employee has been guaranteed. The practice of primary employer and sub-employer in Labor Law is constantly increasing today and it affects the employee-employer relationship in different ways. In terms of job security system which has a significant part in Labor Law, the roles of primary employer and sub-employer, responsibilities, their positions in reemployment lawsuits, the reflections of this relationship to employees cause problems in practice. In our thesis, the relationship between primary employer and sub-employer in terms of job security system and the reemployment lawsuits as a consequence of this system has been discussed, especially the terms of sub-employer employee's benefiting from the job security provisions, the party role of the primary employer and sub-employer in the reemployment lawsuits, how the primary employer and sub-employer will be responsible for the consequences of the reemployment lawsuits and the effects of the employer changes in regard to job security terms in the primary employer - sub-employer relationship have been tried to be examined considering the perspectives of the doctrine and decisions of the Court of Cassation under the Labor Law.
During one of the most important phases of employer - employee relationship, which is terminating a labor contract, numerous employer - employee disputes arise including reemployment lawsuit as a result of job security system. With the job security system, ensuring the continuation of employment process, securing the job of the employee and the protection of the rights of the employee by avoiding arbitrary termination of employment process by the employer have been aimed. Labor Law no. 4857 which includes employment relations system, removed the withdrawal liberty within the context of job security, demanded just and valid causes which are regulated by law for withdrawal process. Moreover, the burden of proving for existence of mentioned causes has been imposed on the employer and in case of a withdrawal which is against to his regulations, the right of reemployment claim by the employee has been guaranteed. The practice of primary employer and sub-employer in Labor Law is constantly increasing today and it affects the employee-employer relationship in different ways. In terms of job security system which has a significant part in Labor Law, the roles of primary employer and sub-employer, responsibilities, their positions in reemployment lawsuits, the reflections of this relationship to employees cause problems in practice. In our thesis, the relationship between primary employer and sub-employer in terms of job security system and the reemployment lawsuits as a consequence of this system has been discussed, especially the terms of sub-employer employee's benefiting from the job security provisions, the party role of the primary employer and sub-employer in the reemployment lawsuits, how the primary employer and sub-employer will be responsible for the consequences of the reemployment lawsuits and the effects of the employer changes in regard to job security terms in the primary employer - sub-employer relationship have been tried to be examined considering the perspectives of the doctrine and decisions of the Court of Cassation under the Labor Law.
İs guvencesi, Asıl İşveren Alt İşveren İlişkisi, İşe İade Davaları, Job Security, The Relationship Between Primary Employer and Subemployer, Reemployment Lawsuits