Rol Kişisinin Gündelik Eylemlerini Çalışmanın Stanislavski Sistemine Katkısı: Uta Hagen'ın Maksat Egzersizi
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Bu tez, oyuncunun verili koşullar altında bir rol kişisinin sıradan eylemlerini
deneyimlemesinin, rol kişisinin temsil edilen oyunda var olan eylemlerini oynamasına nasıl
katkı sağladığını Uta Hagen’ın Maksat Egzersizleri’ni kullanarak incelemeyi
Uta Hagen, The Group Theatre kurucularından olan Harold Clurman aracılığıyla Stanislavski
Sistemi ile tanışmış ve sonrasında Sistem ile ilişkili ancak bu sisteme bütünüyle bağlı
olmayan kendi yöntemi Maksat Egzersizleri’ni oluşturmuştur. Hagen’ın tasarladığı bu
egzersizler, bir oyuncunun karşılaşabileceği farklı sorunlar üzerine çalışmayı amaçlayan on
adet kademeli pratik egzersizi içermektedir. Uta Hagen’ın Maksat Egzersizleri’ni oluşturan
kademeli egzersizlerden ilki olan Temel Maksat Egzersizi oyuncuya, hayatının iki ardışık
dakikası boyunca basit bir istek doğrultusunda gerçekleştirdiği eylemlerini bileşenlerine
ayırmayı ve sonrasında bu iki dakikalık yaşantıyı rol kişisi olarak yeniden yaratmayı çalıştırır.
İki dakika içinde basit bir isteğe ulaşmak amacıyla gerçekleştirilen eylemler önce oyuncuya
aittir. Kişi normal şartlar altında eylemlerini farkında olarak, onları bileşenlerine ayırarak
gerçekleştirmez. Bunu yapan kişi oyuncudur. Bu nedenle egzersizin ilk aşaması oyuncu kişisi
fenomenini oluşturur, oyuncuda eylem farkındalığı yaratır ve oyuncu organizması bir olay
yeri haline döner. Egzersizin ikinci aşaması olan bu iki dakikalık yaşantının rol kişisi olarak
tekrarlanması ise yaratılan bu farkındalığın role taşınmasını sağlamaktadır. Böylece oyuncu
kişisi, rol kişisi adına onun basit bir istek doğrultusunda gerçekleştirdiği eylemleri aracılığı ile
davranış biçimlerini deneyimler.
Tez çalışması sürecinde, Uta Hagen’ın Temel Maksat Egzersizi’nin Stanislavski’nin
Sisteminde bahsettiği rol kişisinin Verili Koşulları’nı ve bu koşullar altında rol kişisinin
çevresini ve olayları algılayış biçimini oyuncunun imgeleminde daha bütünlüklü ve canlı
kılmaya nasıl bir katkı sağlayabileceği incelenmiştir. Çalışmada, daha canlı ve bütünlüklü bir
karakter inşası sürecinde rol kişisine dair davranış biçimlerinin oyuncu tarafından
belirlenmesinin ve organik bir şekilde icra edilmesinin nasıl mümkün kılınacağını
This thesis aims to explore how Uta Hagen's Object Exercises contribute to the actor to act the character’s actions represented in the text play by experiencing the actions leading to the achievement of a simple objective. Uta Hagen has been introduced with the Stanislavski System through Harold Clurman, who was one of the founders of The Group Theater, and then created her own method, known as The Object Exercises. The Object Exercises are associated with the System but was not entirely connected to it. These exercises, designed by Hagen, consist of ten graded practical exercises, each aimed at studying the different challenges of an actor may encounter. The Basic Object Exercise, Uta Hagen's first exercise of the graded ten Object Exercises, is to divide the actor’s actions which leads to achieve a simple task into the components for two consecutive minutes of her/his life, and then to recreate this two-minute experience as a character. The actions taken in two minutes to reach a simple task firstly belong to the actor. A person does not realize her/his actions by dividing into components in daily life. The person who does this is an actor. For this reason, the first stage of exercise creates the phenomenon of actor, creates awareness of action in the actor, and the organism of the actor becomes the place where the experience takes place. The second stage of the exercise, the recreating of this two-minute life time as a character, allows this awareness to be transferred to the role. Thus, the actor as the place where the experience takes place, experiences the character’s behavior via her/his action on behalf of the role through his actions on a simple task. In the process of the thesis, it was examined how Uta Hagen's The Basic Object Exercise contributes to the character’s Given Circumstances mentioned in the Stanislavski System by means of making the actor's imagination more vivid and integrated with the character’s perception under these circumstances. The study explores how it is possible for the actor to vi identify the behavior of the character by the actor himself and act in an organic manner during constructing a more vivid and integrated character.
This thesis aims to explore how Uta Hagen's Object Exercises contribute to the actor to act the character’s actions represented in the text play by experiencing the actions leading to the achievement of a simple objective. Uta Hagen has been introduced with the Stanislavski System through Harold Clurman, who was one of the founders of The Group Theater, and then created her own method, known as The Object Exercises. The Object Exercises are associated with the System but was not entirely connected to it. These exercises, designed by Hagen, consist of ten graded practical exercises, each aimed at studying the different challenges of an actor may encounter. The Basic Object Exercise, Uta Hagen's first exercise of the graded ten Object Exercises, is to divide the actor’s actions which leads to achieve a simple task into the components for two consecutive minutes of her/his life, and then to recreate this two-minute experience as a character. The actions taken in two minutes to reach a simple task firstly belong to the actor. A person does not realize her/his actions by dividing into components in daily life. The person who does this is an actor. For this reason, the first stage of exercise creates the phenomenon of actor, creates awareness of action in the actor, and the organism of the actor becomes the place where the experience takes place. The second stage of the exercise, the recreating of this two-minute life time as a character, allows this awareness to be transferred to the role. Thus, the actor as the place where the experience takes place, experiences the character’s behavior via her/his action on behalf of the role through his actions on a simple task. In the process of the thesis, it was examined how Uta Hagen's The Basic Object Exercise contributes to the character’s Given Circumstances mentioned in the Stanislavski System by means of making the actor's imagination more vivid and integrated with the character’s perception under these circumstances. The study explores how it is possible for the actor to vi identify the behavior of the character by the actor himself and act in an organic manner during constructing a more vivid and integrated character.
Oyunculuk, Uta Hagen, Maksat Egzersizleri, Stanislavski Sistemi, Verili Koşullar, Acting, Uta Hagen, The Object Exercises, Stanislavski System, Given Circumstances