William Shakespeare: Bir Anlatı Örneği Olarak Hamlet
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Film ve Drama Yüksek Lisans Programı'nda oyunculuk eğitimi gören Tamer Barış ÜLGER tarafından Shakespeare'in "Hamlet" eserinden uyarlanan "Bir anlatı örneği olarak Hamlet" oyunu ele alınmıştır. Performansa dayalı bu tez, süreç analizi ve dramaturgide kullanılan öğeler bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir. Oyun, ritüel, liminal, istek, enerji, heves gibi kavramların bu oyunda nasıl kullanıldığı, dramaturgiye ve oyuncuya katkıları anlatılmıştır. Tez uygulama sırasındaki deneyimin aktarılması ve izlence sonuçları üzerine kuruldu.
In the thesis, the play "Hamlet as an Example of Storytelling" which was adopted from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet", is studied by Tamer Barış Ülger, who is a student of acting in Film and Drama Master's Programme. Based on the performance, this thesis deals with the analysis of the process and the elements used in the dramaturgy. How the concepts of play, ritual, intention, energy, and desire are used in the play and their contributions to the dramaturgy and the player are described. The thesis is based on the transmission of the experience gained during the practice and the results of the stage performance.
In the thesis, the play "Hamlet as an Example of Storytelling" which was adopted from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet", is studied by Tamer Barış Ülger, who is a student of acting in Film and Drama Master's Programme. Based on the performance, this thesis deals with the analysis of the process and the elements used in the dramaturgy. How the concepts of play, ritual, intention, energy, and desire are used in the play and their contributions to the dramaturgy and the player are described. The thesis is based on the transmission of the experience gained during the practice and the results of the stage performance.
Hamlet, İstek, Performans, Anlatı, Oyun, Ritüel, Deneyim, Intention, Performance, Storytelling, Play, Ritual, Experience