İstanbul'da Geleneğini Oluşturmuş Okul Tiyatrolarının Alternatif Tiyatro Alanında Var Olması
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İstanbul'daki alternatif tiyatro alanının incelendiği bu çalışmada, alternatif tiyatro kavramı sadece "ana-akım" ya da "mekan" olarak ele alınmamıştır. Tez boyunca alternatif tiyatro tanımı, aynı zamanda alternatif bir tiyatro eğitimi de sağlayan üniversite ve liselerin tiyatro kulüplerini de kapsamaktadır. İstanbul'da konumlanan pek çok alternatif tiyatro topluluğu, temelini yine bu okul tiyatro kulüplerinden almıştır. Araştırma sürecinde bir taraftan eğitimde dramanın gerekliliği ve tiyatro alanına katkısı araştırılırken fdiğer bir taraftan da alternatif tiyatro alanında yer alan okul tiyatrolarının ortak özellikleri incelenmiştir.
In this study in which the area of alternative theatre in Istanbul is investigated, the concept of alternative theatre is not analysed as "mainstream" or "space". Throughout this thesis, the description of alternative theatre includes drama clubs of universities and high schools which also provide with alternative theatre education. Many alternative theatre groups in Istanbul have their grounds in these drama clubs of the schools. In the research process while investigating the necessity of drama and its contribution to the area of theatre, the common traits of school theatres which take part in the area of alternative theatre are also studied.
In this study in which the area of alternative theatre in Istanbul is investigated, the concept of alternative theatre is not analysed as "mainstream" or "space". Throughout this thesis, the description of alternative theatre includes drama clubs of universities and high schools which also provide with alternative theatre education. Many alternative theatre groups in Istanbul have their grounds in these drama clubs of the schools. In the research process while investigating the necessity of drama and its contribution to the area of theatre, the common traits of school theatres which take part in the area of alternative theatre are also studied.
Eğitimde Tiyatro, Okul Tiyatrosu, Alternatif Tiyatro, Alternatif Tiyatro Mekanı, Drama in education, School Theatre, Alternative Theatre, Alternative Theatre