Türkiye'de Kahve Magazalarında Standardi Zasyon ve Lokalizasyonun Pazarlama Taktiği Olarak Uygulanması

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Günümüz dünyasında ekonomide, teknolojide, siyasette, sosyal ve kültürel alanlarda hızlı ve önemli degisimler yasanmaktadır. Bu degisimler sürecinde hakkında en çok yazılan, tartısılan kavramların basında ise küresellesme ve etkileri gelmektedir. Küresellesme ve etkilerini her sektörde hissetmek mümkündür. Kahve ve kahve kültürü de dogası itibariyle evrensel ve küresel bir nitelige sahiptir. Petrolden sonra dünya ticaretinde ikinci en büyük ticari hacme sahip meta olan kahve, 500 yıl boyunca toplumların yasantılarına belli dönemlerde belli kimliklerle katılmıstır.
In today's world, rapid and important developments happen in economy, technology, politics, society and culture, result in globalization and its effects are ones of the most written and argued notions. Globalization and its effects are possible to be felt in every sector. Coffee and coffee culture also have naturally universal and global aspect. The importance of coffee in the world economy cannot be overstated. It is one of the most valuable commodity in world trade and second in value after oil. So that, it has been contributed many modalities in communities for 500 years. Consumption of coffee has been increasing year by year because of some of it?s features like activator effects, socialization and setting-up societies. In the last century, activities of global coffee companies like retail chain Starbucks, Gloria Jeans Coffees and the largest multinational coffee buyer Nestlé also help increase coffee consumption.Since 2000, chain coffee shops located in the shopping centers and in the busy streets loom large in Turkish society. Furthermore, many new local or foreign coffee shops have opened day by day. This development has been concluded in the growth by 300 percent in 2006.The argument in this thesis is that, the global coffee companies have got big success in Turkey due to their global marketing strategies which they have applied. According to the consumer oriented marketing approach, to take place and to promote in foreign markets are just possible with some marketing strategies like standardization and adaptation. Implementing standardization and adaptation marketing strategies together bring development and growth to the Turkish coffee market. Furthermore, creating socialization aspects of coffee and coffee culture speed up this development.



Kahve, Kahve Kültürü, Zincir Kahve Mağazaları, Coffee, Coffee Culture, Chain Coffee Shops

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