Soysal, Levent
Name Variants
Soysal, Levent
L. Soysal
Levent, Soysal
Soysal, Levent
L. Soysal
Levent, Soysal
Soysal, L.
Sosyal, Levent
L. Soysal
Levent, Soysal
Soysal, Levent
L. Soysal
Levent, Soysal
Soysal, L.
Sosyal, Levent
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Doç. Dr.
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Supervised Theses
36 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 36
Master Thesis Görsel Bir Yaratım Olarak Gelenek: Hacivat ve Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü Örneği(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2010) Hacialioğlu, Ahmet; Soysal, LeventGelenek kavramına dair yapılan incelemeler, sıklıkla geleneğin nasıl var olduğu noktasında yoğunlaşır. Yapılan tartışmalarda, geleneğin toplumun geçmiş bilgilerinin belli bir süreklilik içerisinde tekrar edilmesiyle ya da toplumun geçmiş bilgilerini yalnızca bir sembol olarak kullanarak oluşturduğu yeniden yaratımlarla varolan bir kavram olduğu tezleri öne çıkar. Bu çalışmada incelenen Hacivat ve Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü filmi örneğinde görülmüştür ki gelenek, sinema perdesinde, geçmişe ait bilgilerin birer sembol olarak kullanılmasıyla sürekli yeniden yaratılan ve böylelikle var olan bir kavramdır.Master Thesis Spectacle-City and the Individual: Istanbul in Contemporary Memoirs(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2021) Uzer, Ceren; Sosyal, LeventIn recent years, the "old days" of Istanbul has become an important area of interest from the field of culture and arts to the media and academia. Especially after 1990, many books about Istanbul began to be published. Many of these books consist of books about the past of the city. With the 1990s, there was a "boom of memories" in Turkey, as in many other countries in the world. With this period, "Istanbul" emerges as a prominent theme in his memoirs and interest in urban memories increases. From the memories of travelers, officials, writers or artists who once visited Istanbul, to the memories of Istanbul's non-Muslim communities or to the memories of "ordinary" Istanbulites, today there are many books that focus on the old days of Istanbul and consist of personal narratives. These books, in addition to being important sources and literary products for the study of history and memory, show that there is a new form of relationship between the city and the spectacle when considered in the context of the transformation of the city. It is seen that the cities that turned into spectacles with the "spectacularization" in the 1990s not only with "mega" projects at the macro level, but also at the individual level. In a society where the individual is at the center of the social organization, the spectacle-city is now reproduced with the "individual." The individual is not only the "spectator" of the spectacle-city, but an important resource that reproduces this process. The subject of this thesis is the relationship between Istanbul memoirs and Istanbul's transformation into a spectacle-city. In this study, which discusses that the spectacle-city is reproduced through the individual, memoirs are considered as an example of this reproduction. It is shown how Istanbul memoirs contribute to the image of "multicultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious" Istanbul, in line with the "world city" discourse, through the discourse of "lost old good Istanbul."Master Thesis How Does Artificial Intelligence Evaluate?an Examination Into the Deployment Ofartificial Intelligence in the Turkishecosystem(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2021) Gümüşay, Şeyda Tuğgen; Soysal, LeventWith the development of artificial intelligence, machine-based applications are entering people's lives more and more every day. With artificial intelligence, especially as a decision-making mechanism, research conducted in recent years shows that artificial intelligence is biased. This study examines the bias and discriminatory behavior of artificial intelligence in detail. Inherited bias, data-based factors, and technical reasons that cause artificial intelligence bias are explained, and a general framework for the reasons for bias is shown. Models are presented for the discussion ground and the social shaping of artificial intelligence and technology in the context of "biasedness, discrimination, companies, and the system" is examined. The underlying reasons for the bias of artificial intelligence have been investigated. For this, Turkey's ecosystem is taken as a case study, and companies' attitudes towards the bias of AI are examined through interviews. Within the framework of social shaping theory, the structural connection between the bias of artificial intelligence and the economic structure and capitalist system has been pointed out.Master Thesis Convergence of Cultural Consumption Practices : the Case of Two Gated Housing Residences in İstanbul(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2016) Aygun, Merve; Soysal, LeventPeople and cities have been confronted by an unprecedented scale of global changes over the past couple of decades. in accordance with the new mechanisms of rising worldwide trends which are grounded on the commercial economy of consumption istanbul has also undergone an urban transformation concurrently with its counterparts. in a sense world culture industry has transformed the city into a consumption catalogue that relies on a taken-for-granted context for everyday life deriving from institutionalized discourses of world culture. Following Boli and Lechner (2008) i take world culture as an organizational form of consumption that underlies a shared frame of reference regarding everyday experiences of urban living. Based on a short-term ethnographic research undertaken in two different priced gated housing settlements in istanbul my argument in this thesis is two-fold. First people in istanbul from different socio-economic groups have increasingly been used experience and live their everyday routines in a more familiar and predictable framework that is saturated by standardized experiences of the urban life. i argue that there is an ongoing level of convergence in life style practices and cultural consumption preferences of people who are differentiated symbolically based on spatial choices of housing. Second i argue that living in a gated housing settlement does not necessarily promote an isolated life style for its residents because the global infrastructure of cities provides an ever-increasing range of more readily available consumption experiences and wider realm of everyday leisure to a larger section of society. Therefore i suggest to understand the residents of gated housing settlements as individuals with extensive social interaction with the city through using the wide range of consumption representations of world culture industry. Using the analysis of the semi-structured interviews conducted with respondents from two gated housing residences this thesis aims to provide an alternative perspective concerning how world culture industry city and the urban life constitutes a converged setting in cultural consumption practices of the individuals who have significantly different spatial choices for housing.Master Thesis Elektronik Ticaret ve Güven Sorunları(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2009) Nebipasagil, Elif; Soysal, Leventİçinde bulundugumuz XXi. yuzyilda bilgi ve iletisim teknolojilerindeki hizli gelismeler beraberinde yeni ihtiyaclar dogurmustur. Gunumuzde teknolojinin ulastigi seviyeyle bireyler ve devletler sosyal kulturel ekonomik ve siyasal faaliyetlerini dijital ortamda yapma imkani bulmaktadir. Elektronik ticaretin getirdigi kolaylik ve bu ortamda gerceklestirilen alisverisin pratik olmasi zamandan kazandiran ozelligi sirketlerle dogrudan musteri ve satici iliskisi olmayan ama belli talepleri olan gruplari internet uzerinde arastirma yapmaya karsilastirma secim ve alim yapmaya tesvik etmektedir.Master Thesis Supporting Arts and Culture : a Case Study of Private Corporations and Foundations in Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Çelik, Gizem; Soysal, LeventThis thesis aims to explain the role of private corporations and foundations in arts and culture as supportive elements to the state. in which areas this supportive position which was realised in the scope of especially the state politics after 2000 and privatization of culture came to the forefront and state-private cooperation in arts and culture forms the basic framework of this thesis. Following the analysis of cultural policy since the first years of the Republic of Turkey up to today arts and culture investments of private corporations and foundations the focal point of the study is examined. Then the supportive position of the private sector and foundations is explained through discourse analysis of interviews with the managers of these institutions. Activities of arts and culture institutions founded by private corporations and foundations and discourse of their authorities form the examination point of this thesis.Master Thesis Eğlence ve Boş Zaman Bağlamında Gazete Tüketim Motivasyonları(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2014) Turhan, Habib; Soysal, LeventGünümüzde halen yaygın ve etkili kitle iletişim araçları arasında yer alan gazeteler, her zaman diğer kitle iletişim araçlarından farklı bir konumda değerlendirilmiştir. Modern toplum yapısı içinde gazeteler, birey ve toplum için birçok işlevi yerine getirmektedir. Bu konuda yapılan farklı araştırmalara ve farklı sonuçlara rastlansa da söz konusu bu işlevlerin genel olarak enformasyon, eğitim ve eğlence başlıkları altında toplandığı görülür. 19. yüzyılın ortalarından itibaren yaşanan teknolojik ve toplumsal dönüşümlerle gittikçe dönüşen ve değişen gazeteler, temel fonksiyonlarının başında gelen enformasyon sağlama ile eğlendirme işlevleri arasında kalmış ve içeriklerini buna göre düzenlemeye başlamıştır. Kullanımlar ve doyumlar yaklaşımı geleneğinde yapılan bu çalışmada, günümüzde gazete tüketimindeki etkilerin neler olduğu, okuyucuların eğlence ve enformasyon arasındaki ağırlıklı tercihleri araştırılmaktadır.Master Thesis Landscapes of Globalization: Animanga Otaku Culture in İstanbul and Berlin(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2009) Altundağ, Zeynep; Soysal, Levent1990'li yilarda dunya genclik kulturleri icerisinde hatri sayilir bir ilgiyeulasan anime manga ve otaku kulturu ozellikle 1970'li yillardan itibaren Japonya. dayeseren populer kultur dalgasi icerisinde olusturulmus Japonya.nin ii. Dunya savasisonrasinda yeni dunya politikasi kapsaminda uluslararasi alanda kendi pazarini elde etmistir. Dunya gencleri araciligiyla sundugu alternatif turler renkli ideal karakter ve dunyalarla akademisyen ve arastirmacilarin da dikkatini cekmis gormezden gelinmemistir. Bu calisma anime manga otaku kulturunun İstanbul.da yasamakta olan gencler uzerindeki tesiri uzerine yogunlasirken bu tesiri kuresellesme sinirlari icerisinde tutup kuresel dolasim baglaminda degerlendirmeyi hedeflemistir.Master Thesis Closing the Circle: Trials and Tribulations of Transparency(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Ertaş, Özgü Hazal; Soysal, LeventFramework of reference for the contemporary context of privacy has recently become the concern of media and communication studies. This is most clearly charted in relation to the advent of new media technologies which revolutionize the amount of personal data available. Subsequently, a wide range of responses has been generated regarding a world where the boundaries between privacy, publicness and intimacy are being challenged on a constant basis. This thesis suggests, then, to improve our understanding of the parameters of the debate concerning the relations between privacy, panopticism and governmentality. Accordingly, it puts forward transparency trait as a more robust tool to understand our ultra-connected, networked and quantified societies. In this, it is argued that transparency today is the function of the formalization and institutionalization of the new spirit of capitalism where even the very idea of private and public ceases to extinct. In order to show the new disciplinary structures at work, this thesis prefers a theoretical-conceptual approach and the analysis of Dave Eggers’ techno-satire novel The Circle (2013) is used as a resource for theorizingBook Part Citation Count: 2Future(s) of the city: Istanbul for the new century(Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2010) Soysal, L.[No abstract available]