Soysal, Levent
Name Variants
Soysal, Levent
L. Soysal
Levent, Soysal
Soysal, Levent
L. Soysal
Levent, Soysal
Soysal, L.
Sosyal, Levent
L. Soysal
Levent, Soysal
Soysal, Levent
L. Soysal
Levent, Soysal
Soysal, L.
Sosyal, Levent
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Doç. Dr.
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
36 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 36
Master Thesis Müşterek Mekân ve Göçebe Oluş: Nesin Köyü Örneği(2024) Binbir, Berfin; Soysal, Levent; Soysal, LeventThe study aims to examine the emancipatory potentials of spatial relations through conjoining theory and practice. Guided by the concept of common space of Stavros Stavrides along with Rosi Braidotti's nomadic subject, I think of Nesin Village, which I examine as an example, and the subject as nomadic becoming, through threshold characters that point to new possibilities of life and thinking. Applying auto- ethnographic methods, I have investigated both myself and the Nesin Village based on my experiences in different positions in various periods there. I approach the subject as a body with the capability of affecting and being affected in a constant state of becoming, from a materialist affirmative vitalist ethical point of view. I present my findings in the field through a speculative and evocative semi-fictional story to convey the encounters in this affective domain that prefigures a new way of thinking, living, and sharing together. Keywords: Nomadic Subject, Becoming, Common Space, Nesin Village, Affect, Threshold, DifferenceBook Part Master Thesis Closing the Circle: Trials and Tribulations of Transparency(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Ertaş, Özgü Hazal; Ertaş, Özgü Hazal; Soysal, Levent; Soysal, LeventFramework of reference for the contemporary context of privacy has recently become the concern of media and communication studies. This is most clearly charted in relation to the advent of new media technologies which revolutionize the amount of personal data available. Subsequently, a wide range of responses has been generated regarding a world where the boundaries between privacy, publicness and intimacy are being challenged on a constant basis. This thesis suggests, then, to improve our understanding of the parameters of the debate concerning the relations between privacy, panopticism and governmentality. Accordingly, it puts forward transparency trait as a more robust tool to understand our ultra-connected, networked and quantified societies. In this, it is argued that transparency today is the function of the formalization and institutionalization of the new spirit of capitalism where even the very idea of private and public ceases to extinct. In order to show the new disciplinary structures at work, this thesis prefers a theoretical-conceptual approach and the analysis of Dave Eggers’ techno-satire novel The Circle (2013) is used as a resource for theorizingMaster Thesis Yeldeğirmeni'ndeki Soylulaştırma Sürecinin Bir Etnografisi(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2019) Özçelik, Dilşad; Soysal, Levent; Soysal, LeventBu tez, Yeldeğirmeni'ndeki ekonomik, kültürel ve sosyal dönüşümün hangi itici güçlerle ilerlediğini ortaya koyan bir etknografi sunmayı amaçlar. Küreselleşme, sanayisizleşme süreçleriyle yakından ilişkili olan soylulaştırma, bir kentleşme modeli olarak tüm kentlerin önemli gündemleri arasında yer alır. İstanbul'da soylulaştırma olgusu, tarihi konut stoğu olan, kent içi mahallelerde, bireysel girişimlerle veya kamunun aracılığı ile gerçekleşen konut stoğundaki yenileme sonucu gerçekleşen yerinden edilme ile birlikte görülme eğililmindedir. Arnavutköy, Ortaköy, Kuzguncuk Cihangir, Galata, Fenet, Balat, Sulukule ve Tarlabaşı, İstanbul'un soylulaştırma tartışmalarında ele alınan bölgelerindedir. Kadıköy'ün Yeldeğirmeni ismiyle bilinen semti son yıllarda geçirdiği kültürel, ekonomik ve sosyal değişim nedeniyle soylulaştırma tartışmalarınca ele alınan, tarihi konut stoğu bulunan, İstanbul'un eski mahallelerindendir. Kamu ve sivil toplum iş birliğinde Yeldeğirmeni'ne uygulanan kentsel yenileme projesinin kullandığı kültürel stratejiler, bu dönüşümün başlatıcısı konumundadır. Toplumsal politik bir hareket olan Gezi Hareketi'nden etkilenerek hayata geçirilen Don Kişot Sosyal Merkezi, aynı zamanda Türkiye'nin ilk işgal evi deneyimidir. Bu iki evreden doğan Yeldeğirmeni imgesi, semtin dönüşümünde çok önemli bir rol oynar. Soylulaştırmanın sonraki seyri mekanın tüketim pratiklerinde kendini gösterir. Bu araştırma Yeldeğirmeni'ni yeniden üretilen ve tüketilen bir mekan olarak ele alır, kent tahayyüllerinin yeniden üretim ve tüketim mekanizmalarına nasıl dahil olduğunu anlamaya çalışır.Master Thesis Türkiye'de Kahve Magazalarında Standardi Zasyon ve Lokalizasyonun Pazarlama Taktiği Olarak Uygulanması(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2009) Akyol, Gonca Yıldırım; Soysal, Levent; Soysal, LeventGünümüz dünyasında ekonomide, teknolojide, siyasette, sosyal ve kültürel alanlarda hızlı ve önemli degisimler yasanmaktadır. Bu degisimler sürecinde hakkında en çok yazılan, tartısılan kavramların basında ise küresellesme ve etkileri gelmektedir. Küresellesme ve etkilerini her sektörde hissetmek mümkündür. Kahve ve kahve kültürü de dogası itibariyle evrensel ve küresel bir nitelige sahiptir. Petrolden sonra dünya ticaretinde ikinci en büyük ticari hacme sahip meta olan kahve, 500 yıl boyunca toplumların yasantılarına belli dönemlerde belli kimliklerle katılmıstır.Book Part The Migration Story of Turks in Germany: From the Beginning To the End(Cambrıdge Univ Press, 2008) Soysal, Levent; Soysal, Levent[Abstract Not Available]Master Thesis Supporting Arts and Culture : a Case Study of Private Corporations and Foundations in Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Çelik, Gizem; Soysal, Levent; Soysal, LeventThis thesis aims to explain the role of private corporations and foundations in arts and culture as supportive elements to the state. in which areas this supportive position which was realised in the scope of especially the state politics after 2000 and privatization of culture came to the forefront and state-private cooperation in arts and culture forms the basic framework of this thesis. Following the analysis of cultural policy since the first years of the Republic of Turkey up to today arts and culture investments of private corporations and foundations the focal point of the study is examined. Then the supportive position of the private sector and foundations is explained through discourse analysis of interviews with the managers of these institutions. Activities of arts and culture institutions founded by private corporations and foundations and discourse of their authorities form the examination point of this thesis.Master Thesis Görsel Bir Yaratım Olarak Gelenek: Hacivat ve Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü Örneği(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2010) Hacialioğlu, Ahmet; Soysal, Levent; Soysal, LeventGelenek kavramına dair yapılan incelemeler, sıklıkla geleneğin nasıl var olduğu noktasında yoğunlaşır. Yapılan tartışmalarda, geleneğin toplumun geçmiş bilgilerinin belli bir süreklilik içerisinde tekrar edilmesiyle ya da toplumun geçmiş bilgilerini yalnızca bir sembol olarak kullanarak oluşturduğu yeniden yaratımlarla varolan bir kavram olduğu tezleri öne çıkar. Bu çalışmada incelenen Hacivat ve Karagöz Neden Öldürüldü filmi örneğinde görülmüştür ki gelenek, sinema perdesinde, geçmişe ait bilgilerin birer sembol olarak kullanılmasıyla sürekli yeniden yaratılan ve böylelikle var olan bir kavramdır.Master Thesis How Does Artificial Intelligence Evaluate?an Examination Into the Deployment Ofartificial Intelligence in the Turkishecosystem(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2021) Gümüşay, Şeyda Tuğgen; Soysal, Levent; Soysal, LeventWith the development of artificial intelligence, machine-based applications are entering people's lives more and more every day. With artificial intelligence, especially as a decision-making mechanism, research conducted in recent years shows that artificial intelligence is biased. This study examines the bias and discriminatory behavior of artificial intelligence in detail. Inherited bias, data-based factors, and technical reasons that cause artificial intelligence bias are explained, and a general framework for the reasons for bias is shown. Models are presented for the discussion ground and the social shaping of artificial intelligence and technology in the context of "biasedness, discrimination, companies, and the system" is examined. The underlying reasons for the bias of artificial intelligence have been investigated. For this, Turkey's ecosystem is taken as a case study, and companies' attitudes towards the bias of AI are examined through interviews. Within the framework of social shaping theory, the structural connection between the bias of artificial intelligence and the economic structure and capitalist system has been pointed out.Master Thesis Rise of the Creative Class: Gaming as a Creative Industry in Turkey(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2018) Kolaşinli, Nesligül Deniz; Soysal, Levent; Soysal, LeventIn our technologically developing society, a once calm group is currently ascending to wind up as a standout amongst the most broadcasted spectacles on the planet. Measuring the time individuals play computer games and the amount of money spent on them, it is safe to say that gaming is a huge business and a noteworthy component of contemporary culture. This thesis shall examine the growing influence of computer games, economical value added by this new industry in cultural economy of Turkey and Istanbul’s future as a possible creative city. The interpretations of the process shall be examined in light of the findings of Richard Florida. It is suggested that cities must meet certain expectations in order to attract members of the creative class. In a time when the economical growth in every sense is very much needed, gaming industry and especially E-sports is filling the void and creates new opportunities. I have analyzed the economical data showing the state of E-sports, conducted interviews with gaming industry professionals in order to get a more in-depth analysis of the state of gaming industry in Turkey and analyzed my findings through Richard Florida’s “Creative Class” concept. The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the professional gaming world, to understand the current standing of gaming in Turkey and analyze this new emerging creative industry through a social science perspective.