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Ortak bir biyoetiğin oluşumunda insan hakları çerçevesinde ve
özellikle insan onuruyla bağlantılı bir hat oluşturan Biyoloji ve Tıbbın
Uygulanması Bakımından İnsan Hakları ve İnsan Haysiyetinin Korunması Sözleşmesi: İnsan Hakları ve Biyotıp Sözleşmesi, biyoetik meselelerini insan hakları çerçevesine oturtan ilk bağlayıcı insan hakları belgesidir. Bu çalışmada; Biyotıp Sözleşmesinin iç hukuktaki düzenlemelere
etkisi ele alınırken, Sözleşmenin 6. maddesi (Muvafakat Verme Yeteneği Olmayan Kişilerin Korunması) bağlamında, genel önleyici aşı zorunluluğuna dair yasal düzenleme bulunmaması sorunu; Sözleşmenin 9.
maddesi (Önceden Açıklanmış İstek) bağlamında, hastanın tıbbi yaşam
iradesini ortaya koyabileceği hukuki vasıtalara ilişkin yasal düzenleme
bulunmaması sorunu; Sözleşmenin 18. maddesi (Tüpte (in vitro) Embriyonlar Üzerinde Araştırma) bağlamında embriyonik kök hücre çalışmalarındaki yasal belirsizlik sorunu ve son olarak, Sözleşmenin 21.maddesi
(Ticari Kazanç Yasağı) bağlamında hekim-hasta ilişkisinin tüketici hukuku kurallarına tabi tutulması sorunu üzerinde genel bir değerlendirme
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, which forms a line in the framework of human rights and in particular in connection with human dignity in the formation of a common bioethics, is the first binding human rights document to place bioethical issues in the context of human rights. In this study; the question of the lack of legislation on general preventive vaccination requirement related to Article 6 of the Convention (Protection of persons not able to consent); the question of the absence of a legal instruments on patients’ medical living will, related to Article 9 of the Convention (Previously expressed wishes); a general assessment of the issue of legal uncertainty in embryonic stem cell studies in the context of Article 18 of the Convention (Research on embryos in vitro) and, finally, the question of subjecting physician-patient relations to consumer law rules in the context of Article 21 (Prohibition of financial gain) were generally evaluated within the context of effect of The Biomedicine Convention on domestic law regulations.
Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Dignity of the Human Being with regard to the Application of Biology and Medicine: Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, which forms a line in the framework of human rights and in particular in connection with human dignity in the formation of a common bioethics, is the first binding human rights document to place bioethical issues in the context of human rights. In this study; the question of the lack of legislation on general preventive vaccination requirement related to Article 6 of the Convention (Protection of persons not able to consent); the question of the absence of a legal instruments on patients’ medical living will, related to Article 9 of the Convention (Previously expressed wishes); a general assessment of the issue of legal uncertainty in embryonic stem cell studies in the context of Article 18 of the Convention (Research on embryos in vitro) and, finally, the question of subjecting physician-patient relations to consumer law rules in the context of Article 21 (Prohibition of financial gain) were generally evaluated within the context of effect of The Biomedicine Convention on domestic law regulations.
Biyotıp Sözleşmesi, Zorunlu aşı, Embriyonik kök hücre, Hastanın tıbbi yaşam iradesi, Tüketici hukuku bakımından hasta, İnsan zararları, Biomedicine Contract, Compulsory vaccination, Embryonic stem cell, Patients’ medical living will, Patient in terms of consumer law, Human damages
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