Investigating the emotion regulation function of episodic counterfactual thinking in an emotional context
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Çalışmanın ana amacı farklı türdeki karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin (yukarı doğru vs. aşağı doğru) negatif otobiyografik anılara ilişkin olumsuz duyguların düzenlenmesindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. Geçmiş çalışmalar, karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin olumsuz duyguları düzenlemede etkili olduğunu göstermiştir (Roese, 1997). Fakat karşı-olgusal düşünmenin duyguların düzenlenmesindeki etkililiği konusunda bazı tartışmalar vardır (Blix vd., 2016, 2018). Buna göre, çalışmamızda epizodik karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin, özellikle aşağı doğru karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin, otobiyografik bellek ile ilişkin olumsuz duyguları düzenlemede etkili olabileceğini öne sürdük. Ayrıca, pozitif duygusal bir bağlamın, bireye olumlu temsiller sağlayarak karşı-olgusal düşüncenin duygu düzenleme işlevini kolaylaştırabileceğini bekledik. Bu amaçla, ilk aşamada katılımcılar (N = 114) geçmişte yaşadıkları kişilerarası negatif anıyı hatırlayıp, bu anıyı fenomenolojik özellikler açısından değerlendirmiştir. İkinci aşamada, duygu indüksiyon amacıyla bir grup katılımcıya olumlu ruh halini artırmak için pozitif video izletilirken, diğer grup kontrol grubu olup duygu içermeyen bir video izletildi. Deneyin son aşamasında, katılımcılar ilk oturumda anlattıkları negatif anıları için daha iyi bir alternatif senaryo (yukarı doğru) ya da daha kötü bir alternatif senaryo (aşağı doğru) yazmışlardır. Katılımcılar yazmış oldukları karşı-olgusal düşüncelerinin fenomenolojik özelliklerini ve duygu-durumlarını değerlendirdiler. Tahmin edildiği üzere, pozitif video izleyen grubun ruh hallerinde iyileşme görülürken negatif anılarıyla ilişkin olumsuz duyguları azalmıştır. Ancak hipotezlerimize ters olarak, karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin yazılmasından sonra katılımcılar kendilerini daha kötü hissettiler. Bununla birlikte, keşfedici veri analizinin sonuçlarına göre, karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin türünden ziyade (yukarı doğru vs aşağı doğru), fenomenolojik özelliklerinin (duygusal yoğunluk, yeniden yaşama hissi ve görsel imgelem) duygusal deneyimleri etkilediğini bulduk. Son olarak yaptığımız regresyon analizine göre, bireylerin ilk duygu-durumları, ruminasyon seviyeleri, karşı-olgusal düşüncelerin duygu değerliliği ve bu düşünceleri yazarken hissettikleri yeniden yaşam hissinin duygusal deneyimi yordayan değişkenler olarak bulduk. Bulgular ve potansiyel açıklamaları uygun teorik çerçeveler içinde tartışılarak, bu araştırma alanına yeni perspektifler sunulmuştur. Anahtar kelimeler: epizodik karşı-olgusal düşünce, duygu regülasyonu, otobiyografik hatırlama, anı fenomenolojisi, duygudurum, ruminasyon.
The main purpose of the study was to investigate how distinct episodic counterfactual thinking (upward and downward) can regulate negative emotions linked to negative autobiographical memories. Previous research indicated that counterfactual thoughts might be an effective tool for regulating emotions, particularly in situations where the thoughts lead to a sense of relief (Roese, 1997). However, there is some controversy regarding the efficacy of counterfactual thinking as a mood-regulating approach (Blix et al., 2018). Accordingly, we argued that episodic counterfactual thoughts, especially downward counterfactuals, could be effective in regulating negative emotions associated with autobiographical memory. We also suggested that a positive emotional context could facilitate the emotion regulation function of counterfactual thinking, as it provides positive representations more available for the individual. In order to test this, participants (N = 114) recalled a negative interpersonal memory and rated its phenomenological features. They were randomly assigned to either a mood enhancing or control group for mood induction, and then were randomly assigned to either an upward or downward counterfactual condition. They were then requested to rate the phenomenological features of these counterfactuals and individual differences such as rumination, religiosity and emotion regulation strategy. As predicted, the results indicated that inducing a positive mood helped participants regulate negative emotions associated with the negative memory. However, contrary to our predictions, engaging in counterfactual thinking led to a decrease in mood, regardless of whether the counterfactual thoughts were upward or downward. The study also explored how counterfactual thoughts with different features affect emotional experiences. Our results indicated that counterfactual thoughts with various features such as emotional intensity, reliving and imagery influence emotional experiences beyond valence, indicating that counterfactual direction alone does not affect emotional processing. According to our final regression model, initial mood measure, rumination, valence, and reliving of counterfactuals were predictors of subsequent emotional experiences. The findings and their potential explanations were discussed within appropriate theoretical frameworks, providing new insights into this area of research. Keywords: episodic counterfactual thinking, emotion regulation, autobiographical memory, memory phenomenology, mood, rumination.
The main purpose of the study was to investigate how distinct episodic counterfactual thinking (upward and downward) can regulate negative emotions linked to negative autobiographical memories. Previous research indicated that counterfactual thoughts might be an effective tool for regulating emotions, particularly in situations where the thoughts lead to a sense of relief (Roese, 1997). However, there is some controversy regarding the efficacy of counterfactual thinking as a mood-regulating approach (Blix et al., 2018). Accordingly, we argued that episodic counterfactual thoughts, especially downward counterfactuals, could be effective in regulating negative emotions associated with autobiographical memory. We also suggested that a positive emotional context could facilitate the emotion regulation function of counterfactual thinking, as it provides positive representations more available for the individual. In order to test this, participants (N = 114) recalled a negative interpersonal memory and rated its phenomenological features. They were randomly assigned to either a mood enhancing or control group for mood induction, and then were randomly assigned to either an upward or downward counterfactual condition. They were then requested to rate the phenomenological features of these counterfactuals and individual differences such as rumination, religiosity and emotion regulation strategy. As predicted, the results indicated that inducing a positive mood helped participants regulate negative emotions associated with the negative memory. However, contrary to our predictions, engaging in counterfactual thinking led to a decrease in mood, regardless of whether the counterfactual thoughts were upward or downward. The study also explored how counterfactual thoughts with different features affect emotional experiences. Our results indicated that counterfactual thoughts with various features such as emotional intensity, reliving and imagery influence emotional experiences beyond valence, indicating that counterfactual direction alone does not affect emotional processing. According to our final regression model, initial mood measure, rumination, valence, and reliving of counterfactuals were predictors of subsequent emotional experiences. The findings and their potential explanations were discussed within appropriate theoretical frameworks, providing new insights into this area of research. Keywords: episodic counterfactual thinking, emotion regulation, autobiographical memory, memory phenomenology, mood, rumination.
Psikoloji, Psychology
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