Toplam Kalite Yönetimi İlkeleri ve Hastane Performansına İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma
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Bu araştırmanın amacı; hizmet sektöründe önemli bir yere sahip olan hemşirelerin Toplam Kalite Yönetimi İlkeleri Uygulamaları, Hastane' nin Kalite, Operasyonel ve Çalışan Performansı ile Finansal Performansını nasıl algıladığını ortaya koymaktır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda hazırlanan anket, İstanbul' da ki özel bir hastanede görev yapmakta olan 175 hemşireye Eylül 2007-Mart 2008 dönemlerinde uygulanmıştır. Anket sonuçları; SPSS 15.0 istatistik programında faktör, korelasyon ve regresyon analizlerine tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda hastanede kalite, operasyonel ve çalışan performansı, finansal performans ve TKY uygulamaları faktörlerinin tümü ile olumlu ve anlamlı ilişkinin olduğu ortaya konulmuştur.
The aim of this study is to define the knowledge of the nurses who have an important role in the service sector, about the applications of total quality management principles, operational and personnel performance and the financial performance. The questionnaire which was prepared for this aim was answered by 175 nurses that worked a hospital in İstanbul, between September 2007 and March 2008. The results of the questionnaire was evaluated with factor, correlation and regretion analysises using SPSS 15.0 statistical software. In conclusion, it is found out that there is a positive and significant relation between the quality, the operational and personel performance, financial performance and total quality management
The aim of this study is to define the knowledge of the nurses who have an important role in the service sector, about the applications of total quality management principles, operational and personnel performance and the financial performance. The questionnaire which was prepared for this aim was answered by 175 nurses that worked a hospital in İstanbul, between September 2007 and March 2008. The results of the questionnaire was evaluated with factor, correlation and regretion analysises using SPSS 15.0 statistical software. In conclusion, it is found out that there is a positive and significant relation between the quality, the operational and personel performance, financial performance and total quality management
Kalite, TKY, Performans, Quality, Total Quality Management, Performance