Sağlık Bakanlığı Hizmet Kalite Standartlarının Hasta Hakları Yönünden İncelenmesi
Yıldırım, Attila
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Kalite kavramı artan rekabet sartlarında 1980'li yıllardan beri sık sık gündeme gelmektedir. Toplam kalite uygulamaları, daha çok yönetsel birimler tarafından uygulanmak istenmektedir. Ülkemiz bu süreci biraz geriden takip etmekle birlikte özellikle son dönemde Sağlık Bakanlığı tarafından sağlık hizmetlerinin sunumunda kalite kavramı ön plana çıkarılmaktadır. Halen bazı üniversite, özel ve kamu hastaneleri kalite belgesi almıs durumdadır. Sağlık Bakanlığına bağlı kamu hastanelerinde, Bakanlık tarafından kalite derecelendirilmeleri ve denetimleri yapılmakta, çok kısa dönemde bu değerlendirilmelere üniversite ve özel hastanelerin de katılması planlanmaktadır.
Within the scope of this thesis the concepts of QUALITY, RIGHT, PATIENT RIGHTS and INFORMED CONSENT have been explained. The Service Quality Standards of the Ministry of Health were analysed according to the fourteen patient rights stated in the 2002 Basic Document for the European Statute.It has been determined that 61.2% of the evaluation criteria in the Service Quality Standards is oriented towards "the Quality Standard Right" and "The Security Right", whereas 8.07% of the evaluation criteria is directed towards "informed consent", which forms the core of the patient rights.It has been concluded that most of the criteria oriented towards "informed consent" are not patient or treatment specific. It has also been deduced that the excessive amount of criteria directed towards "quality standards" and "security standards" serves to get the most benefit from the health services and that it also complies with one of the most traditional principles of the science of medicine, being "first, do not damage!".
Within the scope of this thesis the concepts of QUALITY, RIGHT, PATIENT RIGHTS and INFORMED CONSENT have been explained. The Service Quality Standards of the Ministry of Health were analysed according to the fourteen patient rights stated in the 2002 Basic Document for the European Statute.It has been determined that 61.2% of the evaluation criteria in the Service Quality Standards is oriented towards "the Quality Standard Right" and "The Security Right", whereas 8.07% of the evaluation criteria is directed towards "informed consent", which forms the core of the patient rights.It has been concluded that most of the criteria oriented towards "informed consent" are not patient or treatment specific. It has also been deduced that the excessive amount of criteria directed towards "quality standards" and "security standards" serves to get the most benefit from the health services and that it also complies with one of the most traditional principles of the science of medicine, being "first, do not damage!".