Sigorta Hukuku Bağlamında Kişisel Sağlık Verilerinin Korunması
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Ýnsanoglu varolusundan bugune gelecegini tehdit eden kendisini yoksulluga itebilecek olaylardan korunma duygu ve cabasi icinde olmustur. Ayni zamanda karsisina cikabilecek zarar verici olaylarin olumsuz sonuclarindan da korunmak icin benzer endiselere ve risklere sahip diger kisiler ile bir araya gelmistir. Zararin dogumu neticesi odemek durumunda kalinacak bedellerin yaninda zararin dogumundan once duzenli araliklarla cok daha kucuk primler seklinde yapilan odemeler sonucu risklerin dogumundaki zararlarin maddi boyutlarini engellemeye yonelik sigortacilik sistemini gelistirmistir. Sosyal devlet anlayisi bizi genel saglik sigortasina sosyal guvenlik sigortasindaki eksiklikler ise ozel saglik sigortaciliginin dogumuna goturmektedir. Sigortacilik sisteminin alt yapisini prim odemelerinin olusturmasi nedeni ile hastanelerde elle tutulan kayitlar bilgisayarlarin cok hizli bir sekilde hayatimiza girmesi ile birlikte elektronik ortama aktarilmis ve prim odemelerinin takibi ile saglik yardimindan faydalanma dengesinde aktif sekilde kullanilir olmustur. Bu sureclerde hastalarin kimlik bilgileri prim odeme surecleri ile ilgili bilgiler yaninda saglik bilgileri de sistemlere islenmeye baslanmistir. Amacin sigortacilik faaliyetleri acisindan kisaca kotuye kullanimlari engellemek oldugu soylenmekte ise de kisilerin tum saglik bilgilerinin elektronik havuzlarda toplanmasinin hukuki zemini yasanan tartismalar uluslararasi duzenlemeler ile ulkemizde gelinen son nokta bu calismamizda ele alinmistir.
The human being, since its existence, has had the feeling and efforts to get protected against events threatening the future, which could lead to poverty. Besides, persons have come together with other people possessing similar anxieties and risks, in order to get protected against the negative consequences of any damaging event. In order to prevent the financial consequences that could come out with the realization of the risks, the human being has developed the insurance system, which, compared to the costs that would come out in the emergence of the damage, requires smaller premium payments at regular intervals prior to the emergence of such damage. The concept of social state takes us to the general health insurance, whereas the shortcomings in the social security insurance take us to the establishment of the private health insurance system. As the underlying structure of the insurance system consists of the premium payments, the manual records at hospitals have been transferred to the electronic environment with the fast expansion of computers and have started to be actively used in health subsistence utilization equilibrium with the monitoring of the premium payments. Identification information of the patients, health information as well as information about the premium payment processes, have started to be processed in these systems. While the purpose is claimed to be the prevention of misuse in terms of insurance activities in brief, the legal ground for the collection of all health information of the individuals in electronic databases, related discussions, international regulations and the final state of our country in this respect, are discussed in this study.
The human being, since its existence, has had the feeling and efforts to get protected against events threatening the future, which could lead to poverty. Besides, persons have come together with other people possessing similar anxieties and risks, in order to get protected against the negative consequences of any damaging event. In order to prevent the financial consequences that could come out with the realization of the risks, the human being has developed the insurance system, which, compared to the costs that would come out in the emergence of the damage, requires smaller premium payments at regular intervals prior to the emergence of such damage. The concept of social state takes us to the general health insurance, whereas the shortcomings in the social security insurance take us to the establishment of the private health insurance system. As the underlying structure of the insurance system consists of the premium payments, the manual records at hospitals have been transferred to the electronic environment with the fast expansion of computers and have started to be actively used in health subsistence utilization equilibrium with the monitoring of the premium payments. Identification information of the patients, health information as well as information about the premium payment processes, have started to be processed in these systems. While the purpose is claimed to be the prevention of misuse in terms of insurance activities in brief, the legal ground for the collection of all health information of the individuals in electronic databases, related discussions, international regulations and the final state of our country in this respect, are discussed in this study.
Kisisel veri, Kişisel Sağlık Verileri, Sağlık Sigortası, Genel Sağlık Sigortası, Hayat Sigortası, Personal Information, Personal Health Information, Health Insurance, General Health Insurance, Life Insurance