Kuzguncuk'taki mimari mirasa ilişkin koruma kararlarının irdelenmesi
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Ülkemizde Kultur ve Tabiat Varliklarinin korunmasina yonelik ilk duzenleme olan 1906 tarihli Asar-i Atika Nizamnamesinden 1951 tarihli bir yasayla eski eserlere iliskin sorunlari cozmek amaciyla kurulan Gayrimenkul Eski Eserler ve Anitlar Yuksek Kurulunun aldigi kararlar ve 1973 Yilinda Cumhuriyetin Tarihinin ilk koruma mevzuati olma ozelligini tasiyan Eski Eserler Yasasi ile 1983 yilinda cikarilan 2863 sayili Kultur ve Tabiat Varliklarini Koruma Kanunlari kapsaminda Kuzguncuk Mahallesinde yer alan mimari mirasa iliskin alinan kararlarin derlenerek analizlerinin yapilmasi ve kararlarinin mimari mirasin korunmasinda ne olcude etkisi oldugunun ya da etkisinin olup olmadiginin arastirilmasi amaclanmistir. ulkemizde Kultur ve Tabiat Varliklarinin Korunmasi halen 3386 sayili yasa ile degisik 2863 sayili yasa uyarinca ve Kultur Bakanligi'na bagli Kultur ve Tabiat Varliklarini Koruma Yuksek Kurulunun belirledigi ilkeler cercevesinde Bolge Koruma Kurullarinca alinan kararlar ile gerceklestirilmektedir. Koruma Kurullari Turkiye' de Kultur Varliklarinin korunmalarini saglamak uzere uygulamalari yonlendiren kararlari almakla yetkili tek kurumdur. Bu nedenle kurullarin almis oldugu kararlarin incelenmesi izlenen politikayi gostermesi acisindan onem tasimaktadir. Kararlarin hangi baglam ve cercevede alindigini ortaya koyabilmek icin karar analizi yapilmadan once yasal ve kurumsal gelisim ele alinmis ve incelenmistir. Belirlenen calisma alaninda yer alan mimari miraslara iliskin kararlar sayisal ve kurumsal gelisim kapsaminda incelenmistir.
In this study, it is aimed to compile and analyze the Protective Ordinances of Arcitectural Heritage in Kuzguncuk taken by Supreme Council of Antiquities and Monuments which was aimed to solve the issues related to Heritages and founded by a 1951 dated law from the 1906 Asar-ı Atika Nizamnamesi which was the first regulation in our country aimed to protect the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the protective ordinances with scope of 2863 numbered Law on Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage taken in 1983 by the 1973 dated Heritages laws as considered to be the first protective legislation in the history of Republic of Turkey and investigate them to see if they were effective and how effective they were. In our country, Cultural and Natural Heritages are still protected by the District Protective Councils as a branch of Supreme Council of Antiquities and Monuments under the Ministry of Culture with in scope of 2863 numbered law. Protective Councils are the only institutions have the right to take ordinances to protect the Heritages in Turkey. Therefore, it is important to investigate those ordinances taken by the councils as they show the followed policy. In order to demonstrate the ordinances taken in what context and frame, before making analsys on the ordinances, legal and institutional progresses are investigated. The ordinances for the architectural heritage in mentioned area are investigated in scope of months and institutional progress
In this study, it is aimed to compile and analyze the Protective Ordinances of Arcitectural Heritage in Kuzguncuk taken by Supreme Council of Antiquities and Monuments which was aimed to solve the issues related to Heritages and founded by a 1951 dated law from the 1906 Asar-ı Atika Nizamnamesi which was the first regulation in our country aimed to protect the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the protective ordinances with scope of 2863 numbered Law on Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage taken in 1983 by the 1973 dated Heritages laws as considered to be the first protective legislation in the history of Republic of Turkey and investigate them to see if they were effective and how effective they were. In our country, Cultural and Natural Heritages are still protected by the District Protective Councils as a branch of Supreme Council of Antiquities and Monuments under the Ministry of Culture with in scope of 2863 numbered law. Protective Councils are the only institutions have the right to take ordinances to protect the Heritages in Turkey. Therefore, it is important to investigate those ordinances taken by the councils as they show the followed policy. In order to demonstrate the ordinances taken in what context and frame, before making analsys on the ordinances, legal and institutional progresses are investigated. The ordinances for the architectural heritage in mentioned area are investigated in scope of months and institutional progress
Kuzguncuk, Koruma, Kültür Varlıklarını Koruma Kurulu, Mimari Miras, Kurul Kararı, TaĢınmaz Kültür Varlığı, The Council of Monuments, Architectural heritage Immovable cultural property, Conservation