Kara Komedide Dijital Çağ Temasi ve Sicak Su: Mavi Kisa Filmi

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Cantürk, Onur Işık

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Yasadigimiz teknoloji cagi ve buna bagli olarak evrilen hayat kosullari gecmis yasamlardan daha farkli mizah ve drama cesitlerinin ortaya cikmasina neden olmustur. Teknoloji caginin getirmis oldugu hiz ve tuketme hirsi kisinin kendisinde de tukenmislik ve depresyon kavramlarini daha da on plana cikarmistir. Bu uygulamali tez calismasinda cekmis oldugum Sicak Su: Mavi isimli kisa metraj filmimin yasadigimiz sanal cagin getirdikleri ile birlikte kara komedi alt turu uzerinden degerlendirilmesi yapilacaktir. Yapmis oldugum proje kapsaminda filmin senarist ve yonetmeni olarak kara komediyi benim nasil algiladigim ve uygulamaya nasil gecirdigim tartisilacaktir. Sicak Su: Mavi filmi dijital cagin komedi ve drama algisina yeni bir boyut kazandirmayi ve kara komedi turune cagdas bir hikaye eklemeyi amac edinmistir.
The technology era and the lives evolved around it bring about a new understanding to comedy and drama. While making our contemporary lives more comfortable, the age of technology increases the urge for consume more and as much as possible. The pace of this greed triggered the fatigue and depression. In this applied thesis study, with my short film titled Sıcak Su: Mavi (Hot Water: Blue), I tried to discuss the consequences of our virtual world and its reflections in black comedy. Within the frame of this film, as the director and scriptwriter of the movie, I discussed and tried to reflect my take on black comedy and how I apply it. Sıcak Su: Mavi (Hot Water: Blue) aims to bring in a new understanding to the perception of comedy and drama in the digital era while adding a contemporary story to the genre of dark comedy.



Kara komedi, Drama, Sosyal Medya, Türkiye Sineması, The Lobster, Yorgos Lanthimos, Sıcak Su: Mavi, Kısa Film, Dark Comedy, Black Comedy, Drama, Social Media, Turkish Cinema, Turkish Cinema, Sıcak Su: Mavi, Short Film

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