5237 Sayılı Türk Ceza Kanunu Kapsamında Çocukların Cinsel İstismarı Suçu
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Çocuklar, fiziksel ve ruhsal zayıflıkları hasebiyle kolay bir şekilde istismara maruz kalabilmektedir. Bu istismar türleri fiziksel istismar, duygusal istismar, ihmal suretiyle istismar ve cinsel istismar olarak karşımıza çıkabilir. Bu nedenle, çocuk üzerinde gerçekleştirilen ve istismar sayılan davranışların ceza normlarında düzenlenerek yaptırıma bağlanması ile çocukların etkin bir biçimde korunması önem arz eder. Çalışmamızda, diğer istismar türlerinden bahsedilmekle birlikte esas olarak çocuğun cinsel istismarı ve bu istismar türünü yaptırıma bağlayan cinsel istismar suçu (TCK m.103) incelenmiştir. Bu kapsamda ulusal ve uluslararası düzeyde çocuk kavramı ve bu kavramdan ne anlaşılması gerektiği aktarılmış; akabinde cinsel istismar suçunun Türk Hukukundaki gelişim süreci incelenmiştir. 5237 sayılı TCK'nın cinsel istismar suçunu hükme bağlayan 103.maddesinde bulunan Kanun boşlukları ile maddede düzenlenen sair hususlara ilişkin doktrin tartışmaları aktarılarak suç ile ilgili tartışmalı hususlara katkı yapılması amaçlanmıştır. Nihayet, Kanunda düzenlenen diğer cinsel özgürlüğe karşı suçlarla bu suçun farkı ortaya konulmuştur. Anahtar Sözcükler: Çocuk, Cinsel İstismar, Cinsel Özgürlük, Rıza, Cinsel Davranış, Cinsel İlişki, Cinsel Taciz, Cinsel Saldırı, Reşit Olmayanla Cinsel İlişki.
Children can easily be abused due to their physical and mental weaknesses. These types of abuse can be physical abuse, emotional abuse, inattentiveness abuse and sexual abuse. For this reason, it is important to protect children effectively by controlling and sanctioning the behaviors that are considered as abuse in criminal norms. In this study, although other types of abuse are mentioned, the sexual abuse of the child and the crime of abuse are mainly examined (Turkish Criminal Code Art. 103). In this context, the concept of child at the national and international level and what should be understood from this concept and the development process of the crime of sexual abuse in Turkish Law were examined. It is aimed to contribute to the controversial issues related to crime by conveying the doctrinal discussions regarding the gaps in the Article and other issues regulated in the Article 103 of the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237, which regulates the crime of sexual abuse. Finally, the difference between this crime and other crimes against sexual freedom regulated in the Turkish Criminal Code has been revealed. Keywords: Child, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Freedom, Consent, Sexual Behaviour, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Molestation, Sexual Assault, Sexual Intercourse with Those Who Have Not Achieved Adulthood.
Children can easily be abused due to their physical and mental weaknesses. These types of abuse can be physical abuse, emotional abuse, inattentiveness abuse and sexual abuse. For this reason, it is important to protect children effectively by controlling and sanctioning the behaviors that are considered as abuse in criminal norms. In this study, although other types of abuse are mentioned, the sexual abuse of the child and the crime of abuse are mainly examined (Turkish Criminal Code Art. 103). In this context, the concept of child at the national and international level and what should be understood from this concept and the development process of the crime of sexual abuse in Turkish Law were examined. It is aimed to contribute to the controversial issues related to crime by conveying the doctrinal discussions regarding the gaps in the Article and other issues regulated in the Article 103 of the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237, which regulates the crime of sexual abuse. Finally, the difference between this crime and other crimes against sexual freedom regulated in the Turkish Criminal Code has been revealed. Keywords: Child, Sexual Abuse, Sexual Freedom, Consent, Sexual Behaviour, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Molestation, Sexual Assault, Sexual Intercourse with Those Who Have Not Achieved Adulthood.
Hukuk, Law
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