Küçükanafarta Köyü, Tarihsel ve Fiziksel Gelişimi, Koruma Sorunları ve Öneriler
Uçar, Handan Altunel
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Çanakkale İli, Eceabat İlçesi, Küçükanafarta Köyü'nün tarihsel ve fiziksel gelişiminin incelenmesini konu alan bu çalışma ile köyün tarihsel süreci araştırılmış, kültürel zenginlikleri ve geleneksel konut mimarisi incelenerek koruma sorunlarına yönelik öneriler geliştirilmiştir. Köyün tarihine ait yazılı kaynak ve bilimsel çalışmaların yetersizliği nedeni ile tarihsel süreç, Çanakkale ve Gelibolu Yarımadasının tarihine paralel olarak anlatılmıştır. Fiziksel süreç ve geleneksel mimari dokunun incelenmesi, yerleşim alanı ve yapı ölçeğinde detaylı olarak araştırılmış, koruma sorunları saptanarak çözüm önerileri belirlenmiştir. Köyün yerleşim alanı incelenerek, yerleşim biçimi, yol dokusu, yapı türleri, kat adetleri, yapım sistemi ve mimari özellikleri analiz edilmiştir. Geleneksel konut mimarisi, rölöve çalışmaları yapılarak, tasarım yaklaşımı ve yapısal ögeler, taşıyıcı sistem tasarımı, kullanılan malzeme başlıkları altında detaylı olarak incelenerek tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan bu çalışmalar neticesinde, geleneksel konut mimarisi, Anadolu evi plan tipolojisi ile karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenerek köyün konut tipolojisi belirlenmiştir. Yapılan inceleme ve araştırmalar neticesinde, 700 yıllık geçmişi olan köyün geleneksel konut mimarisinin korunmasına yönelik çevresel ve kişisel faktörler belirlenmiş, koruma önerilerine yönelik sonuç ve değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Anahtar Kelime: Çanakkale, Gelibolu, Küçükanafarta Köyü, Anadolu Evi, geleneksel konut, geleneksel konutta yapısal ve biçimsel bozulma, koruma.
With this thesis, which focuses on the physical and historical development of Kucukanafarta Village in Eceabat, Canakkale; the historical process, cultural wealth and, traditional domestic architecture of the village examined and propositions for protection problems developed. Since there are no written sources or scientific studies regarding the history of the vil-lage, the historical process of the village is reported as parallel to the history of Canakkale and Gallipoli peninsula. Physical development and traditional architecture texture based on the residential area and building scale elaborated and proposed solu-tions are specified. The whole residential area of the village was reviewed and, layout, road surface texture, type of buildings, number of floors, formation of site, and archi-tectural characteristics were analyzed. Traditional domestic architecture elaborated by making building surveys, design approach, and structural components are outlined under the titles of conveyor system design and materials used. Consequent to those studies, the residential typology of the village was determined in comparison between Traditional Domestic Architecture and Anatolian Home Typology. As a result of examination and researches, environmental and private factors are de-voted to the protection of traditional domestic architecture of a village that has 700 years of history determined, and results and assessments that serve protection pro-posals have been made. Key word: Canakkale, Gelibolu, Kucukanafarta Village, Anatolian House, traditional house, warping and structural deterioration of traditional house, protection.
With this thesis, which focuses on the physical and historical development of Kucukanafarta Village in Eceabat, Canakkale; the historical process, cultural wealth and, traditional domestic architecture of the village examined and propositions for protection problems developed. Since there are no written sources or scientific studies regarding the history of the vil-lage, the historical process of the village is reported as parallel to the history of Canakkale and Gallipoli peninsula. Physical development and traditional architecture texture based on the residential area and building scale elaborated and proposed solu-tions are specified. The whole residential area of the village was reviewed and, layout, road surface texture, type of buildings, number of floors, formation of site, and archi-tectural characteristics were analyzed. Traditional domestic architecture elaborated by making building surveys, design approach, and structural components are outlined under the titles of conveyor system design and materials used. Consequent to those studies, the residential typology of the village was determined in comparison between Traditional Domestic Architecture and Anatolian Home Typology. As a result of examination and researches, environmental and private factors are de-voted to the protection of traditional domestic architecture of a village that has 700 years of history determined, and results and assessments that serve protection pro-posals have been made. Key word: Canakkale, Gelibolu, Kucukanafarta Village, Anatolian House, traditional house, warping and structural deterioration of traditional house, protection.
Mimarlık, Architecture
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