Roma hukukunda bonus vir
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“Roma Hukukunda Bonus Vir” adıyla yüksek lisans tezi olarak hazırlanan,
bu çalışmada; Roma Devletinin henüz kişiler arasındaki ihtilaflara doğrudan
müdahale etmediği bir dönemde ortaya çıkan ve bonus vir olarak adlandırılan “iyi
adamın” özellikleri, Roma Kamu Hizmetlerine ve Roma Hukukuna etkileri,
yansımaları; Roma felsefesi ve tiyatrosundaki yeri, Roma Tarihi ve Hukuku
alanındaki Türkçe ve İngilizce kaynaklardan yararlanılarak, giriş ve sonuç dışında üç
bölümde incelenmektedir
This study prepared as a graduate thesis named “Bonus Vir in Roman Law” analyzes the characteristics of a good man named bonus vir who appeared at a time when the Roman Republic had not interfered in conflicts among people directly; his influence in Roman Public Services and Roman Law and its reflections in three parts apart from the introduction and the conclusion using Turkish and English resources about Roman Philosophy and Theatre, History of Rome and Roman Law.
This study prepared as a graduate thesis named “Bonus Vir in Roman Law” analyzes the characteristics of a good man named bonus vir who appeared at a time when the Roman Republic had not interfered in conflicts among people directly; his influence in Roman Public Services and Roman Law and its reflections in three parts apart from the introduction and the conclusion using Turkish and English resources about Roman Philosophy and Theatre, History of Rome and Roman Law.
Vir Bonus, Viri Boni Arbitratus, Bonus Paterfamilias