Yolculuk Filmlerinin Karakterler Üzerinde Yakınlaştırma Etkisi Bağlamında Gökkuşağı Uzun Metraj Film Senaryosu
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Yolculuk Filmleri; macera, dram veya kara film gibi bir çok türe ait özellikler göstermesine rağmen, belirli başlı kendine ait formlar taşıyan bir tür olarak kabul edilmektedir. Seyirci tarafından da 1960'larda kabul görmüş bu tür; biçim, içerik ve de anlatım olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. Bu tür filmlerinde genel olarak görülen; karakterin başından geçen olaylar zinciri sonucunda belirli bir değişime uğraması ve bu değişimde etkileşim içinde olduğu yol arkadaşı ile belirli bir yakınlaşma içerisine girmesidir. Bu bağlamda, Türk ve Dünya Sinemasından örnekler üzerinden, yol filmlerinin karakterler üzerine etkide bulunduğu yaklaşma duygusu araştırılacak ve de Gökkuşağı filmi senaryosu üzerinden bu kavram tartışılacaktır.
Road films has many points from the genres of adventure, drama and film noir but road films also accepted as a genre independently who has it's own properites and points. Audience has accepted road films as a genre at 60's and this genre is classified as style, content and narration. As we see generally in this genre is ; main character is usually being effected by the cases and happenings on the road. Character starts to change with these events and starts to get closer with his/her fellow traveller. Also the other character or characters effects and to get more and more closer to each other. In this study, we will see some examples from Turkish Cinema and World Cinema. Also we will see the changes of characters as getting more closer at our long feature script Rainbow film.
Road films has many points from the genres of adventure, drama and film noir but road films also accepted as a genre independently who has it's own properites and points. Audience has accepted road films as a genre at 60's and this genre is classified as style, content and narration. As we see generally in this genre is ; main character is usually being effected by the cases and happenings on the road. Character starts to change with these events and starts to get closer with his/her fellow traveller. Also the other character or characters effects and to get more and more closer to each other. In this study, we will see some examples from Turkish Cinema and World Cinema. Also we will see the changes of characters as getting more closer at our long feature script Rainbow film.
Yol filmleri, Karakterlerin etkileşim sonucu değişimi ve yakınlaşması, Road Films, The changes of characters as getting closer to each other on road