The Role of Social Media on Cultural Heritage Consciousness :a Case Study of Hagia Sophia and Foursquare
Çetinkaya, Mustafa
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The widespread cultural heritage consciousness is important for the protection and promotion of cultural assets. This study aims to examine the influence of social media tools on the widespread awareness of cultural heritage. The Hagia Sophia Museum was chosen as the sample place and Foursquare was selected as the sample social media tool. After examining the technical and theoretical background a triple research was designed. Foursquare interpretations of 2016 were transformed into a data set a survey was conducted for visitors at the Hagia Sophia Museum and expert opinions were sought. The results of the research have been analyzed within the framework of the knowledge and views gained in the technical and theoretical background. it has been seen that the development of social media technologies and tools has positive effects on the widespread of cultural heritage consciousness.
New media