Landscapes of Globalization: Animanga Otaku Culture in İstanbul and Berlin

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1990'li yilarda dunya genclik kulturleri icerisinde hatri sayilir bir ilgiyeulasan anime manga ve otaku kulturu ozellikle 1970'li yillardan itibaren Japonya. dayeseren populer kultur dalgasi icerisinde olusturulmus Japonya.nin ii. Dunya savasisonrasinda yeni dunya politikasi kapsaminda uluslararasi alanda kendi pazarini elde etmistir. Dunya gencleri araciligiyla sundugu alternatif turler renkli ideal karakter ve dunyalarla akademisyen ve arastirmacilarin da dikkatini cekmis gormezden gelinmemistir. Bu calisma anime manga otaku kulturunun İstanbul.da yasamakta olan gencler uzerindeki tesiri uzerine yogunlasirken bu tesiri kuresellesme sinirlari icerisinde tutup kuresel dolasim baglaminda degerlendirmeyi hedeflemistir.
Anime, manga and otaku culture, which drew considerable attention from theworld youth culture in the 1990s, was formed within the popular culture wave thatemerged in Japan especially after the 1970s, and has achieved its own marketinternationally within the new world policy of Japan after World War II. Thealternative types, colorful and ideal characters and worlds provided has attracted theattention of world youth, academicians, and researchers. As this study focuses on theeffects of anime, manga, and otaku cultures on the youth living in Istanbul, it aimedto evaluate this effect within the context of the boundaries of globalization. Thefundamental problematic of this study is to evaluate and present this culture with itsnew, exclusive form of locality as a result of the interactions in each locality. Thisstudy was conducted as comparative one, with field studies performed in Istanbuland Berlin within the scope of anime and manga culture, and explains the existenceand characteristics of manga and otaku cultures in Istanbul and Berlin through globalculture, and to some academicians and researchers, it is a critical perspective onsome views as to the problem of belonging related to different cultural formations inthe world, in-betweenness, cultural schizophrenia, and being the other.Anime, Manga, Otaku, Globalization, Youth Cultures



Anime, Manga, Otaku, Globalization, Youth Cultures, Küreselleşme, Gençlik Kültürleri

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