Göç yolunda Nabokov'un İstanbul'da bir günü: "oyun yazımı çalışması"
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Bu çalışma, yazar Vladimir Nabokov'un ailesi ile Bolşevikler'den kaçarken uğradığını varsaydığımız, 1919 İşgal İstanbul'unda, Galata Köprüsü üzerinde Nazım Hikmet'le karşılaşması ve beraberinde geçirdikleri bir kaç saati konu edinen bir oyunun hazırlık aşaması ve yazım sürecine yönelik bir bakışı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır.
This thesiss aims to take a brief look at the background of building a play on Nabokov?s one day, in Istanbul, who assumed to stop by for a while to the city while he was escaping from Russian Bolshevics with his family. Young Nabokov walks around the city and stops by a bridge (Galata Bridge) for a while. He meets a young Turkish marine named Nazım Hikmet.
This thesiss aims to take a brief look at the background of building a play on Nabokov?s one day, in Istanbul, who assumed to stop by for a while to the city while he was escaping from Russian Bolshevics with his family. Young Nabokov walks around the city and stops by a bridge (Galata Bridge) for a while. He meets a young Turkish marine named Nazım Hikmet.
Vladimir Nabokov, Nazım Hikmet, Oyun, İşgal, İstanbul, Sürgü, Mültecilik, Play, Occupied Istanbul, Exile, Refugee