Dijital Tiyatroda Seyirci ve Yazar İş Birliği
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Bu tez çalışması, yirminci yüzyılda dijitalleşmeye başlayan tiyatro sahnesinde seyirci etkileşimiyle birlikte kurulan oyuncul yapı ve yazar ile seyirci arasında oluşan iş birliğinin sonucunda ortaya çıkan eş-yazarlık konumunu incelemektedir. Araştırma, hem fiziksel hem de çevrimiçi ortamda sahnelenen bir tiyatro oyununda dijital unsurların seyirci etkileşimini nasıl kurduğuna odaklanmaktadır. Bu dijital unsurların seyirciye sağladığı eş-yazarlık alanında oluşan oyuncul yapının olay örgüsü ve metin bağlamında etkileri araştırılmaktadır. Map To Utopia ve Karen adlı dijital tiyatro oyunları incelenmiş ve bu oyunlara katılan seyircinin konumu ile oyuncul yapı tartışılmıştır. Buna ek olarak, yazar tarafından kurgulanan melez yapıda, hem fiziksel hem de çevrimiçi katılıma olanak sağlayan Gelecek Müzesi adlı dijital tiyatro oyunu yine aynı literatür bağlamında değerlendirilmiştir.
This thesis examines the co-writer position and ludic world through relationship between the playwright and the audience that emerges alongside audience interaction in the digital theater scene, emerged in the 20th century. The study focuses on how digital elements facilitate audience interaction and ludic structure in a theater production staged in both physical and online environments. The impact of these digital elements on the narrative and textual aspects of the performance, within the realm of co-authorship created for the audience, is investigated. Drawing on the literature on digital theater and audience engagement, notable plays such as Map To Utopia and Karen, staged both globally and in Turkey, are examined, and discussions are held regarding the positioning of the audience. Additionally, the hybrid production Gelecek Müzesi, conceived by me to facilitate both physical and online participation, is evaluated within the same literature context.
This thesis examines the co-writer position and ludic world through relationship between the playwright and the audience that emerges alongside audience interaction in the digital theater scene, emerged in the 20th century. The study focuses on how digital elements facilitate audience interaction and ludic structure in a theater production staged in both physical and online environments. The impact of these digital elements on the narrative and textual aspects of the performance, within the realm of co-authorship created for the audience, is investigated. Drawing on the literature on digital theater and audience engagement, notable plays such as Map To Utopia and Karen, staged both globally and in Turkey, are examined, and discussions are held regarding the positioning of the audience. Additionally, the hybrid production Gelecek Müzesi, conceived by me to facilitate both physical and online participation, is evaluated within the same literature context.
Sahne ve Görüntü Sanatları, Performing and Visual Arts
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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