Murathan Mungan'ın Aynalı Pastane Adlı Hikayesinden Yola Çıkarak Melodramatik Kipte Bir Oyun Yazma Denemesi
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Bu çalışmada Murathan Mungan'ın Aynalı Pastane adlı hikayesinden yola çıkarak Melodramatik kipte bir oyun yazılması hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla gerek tiyatro gerekse sinemasal yaklaşımlarıyla melodram farklı tanımlayıcılarla açıklamaya çalışılmış, daha sonra tiyatral bir bakışla, melodramatik bir kiple oyun yazılmıştır. Çalışma, bir melodram araştırması veya melodramın ne olduğuna dair bir bilgiler dökümü değildir; aksine, oyununun anlatım kipini melodram olarak seçen bir yazarın, bu kipe ait okumalarını, okumalardan yaptığı çıkarsamaları ve sonucunda ortaya çıkan oyunu kapsamaktadır.
This study aim to write a melodramatic play based on Murathan Mungan's story "Aynalı Pastane". To achieve that aim the term melodrama has been investigated according to various theatrical and cinematographical approaches, and then, the play was written in the light of the findings of the research. This study shouldn't be considered as an informative report to define meolodrama or as a comprehensive research on it. On the contrary, it covers the comments and implications of a playwright who has chosen the melodrama as a mode suitable for her play after she had read and studied many examples of it.
This study aim to write a melodramatic play based on Murathan Mungan's story "Aynalı Pastane". To achieve that aim the term melodrama has been investigated according to various theatrical and cinematographical approaches, and then, the play was written in the light of the findings of the research. This study shouldn't be considered as an informative report to define meolodrama or as a comprehensive research on it. On the contrary, it covers the comments and implications of a playwright who has chosen the melodrama as a mode suitable for her play after she had read and studied many examples of it.
Melodram, Aynalı Pastane, Yazarlık Deneyimi, Melodrama, Writing Experience