Albert Camus'nün "yanlışlık" Adlı Oyunundan Uyarlanan "yanlışlık" Adlı Filmde Martha Rolüne Çalışma Süreci
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Bu çalışma Albert Camus'nün "Yanlışlık" adlı oyununun son perdesinden hareketle yazılan "Yanlışlık" adlı kısa film senaryosunda, oyunculuk dramaturgisinin nasıl yapıldığını ve bu dramaturginin Martha karakterini nasıl biçimlendirdiğini anlatır. Martha karakteri, Albert Camus'nün felsefi düşüncesinin biçimlenmiş halidir. "Uyumsuz İnsan", "Özgürleşme", "Öldürme" ve "İntihar" temalarının, Martha ve Maria karakterleri arasındaki durumu nasıl ortaya çıkardığı ve bu durum üzerinden karakterleri nasıl biçimlediği anlatılır.
This study gives a detailed account of how the dramaturgy was constructed in the short film script "The Misunderstanding", which was adapted from the last act of the play "The Misunderstanding" (Le Malentendu), written by Albert Camus and how this dramaturgy has influenced the performance process of character Martha, through which Albert Camus's philosophical thinking is exposed. The study illustrates how the themes, "Maladjusted Person", "Liberation", "Killing" and "Suicide" reveals the relationship between the characters Martha and Maria and how the characters are influenced by these themes as well. Lastly, an evaluation of the acting process based on that analysis is given
This study gives a detailed account of how the dramaturgy was constructed in the short film script "The Misunderstanding", which was adapted from the last act of the play "The Misunderstanding" (Le Malentendu), written by Albert Camus and how this dramaturgy has influenced the performance process of character Martha, through which Albert Camus's philosophical thinking is exposed. The study illustrates how the themes, "Maladjusted Person", "Liberation", "Killing" and "Suicide" reveals the relationship between the characters Martha and Maria and how the characters are influenced by these themes as well. Lastly, an evaluation of the acting process based on that analysis is given
Dramaturgi, Oyunculuk, Albert Camus, İntihar, Öldürme, Özgürleşme, Uyumsuz insan, Dramaturgy, Acting, Suicide, Killing, Liberation, Maladjusted person