Samuel Beckett'in Tiyatro Oyunlarında Fiziksel Kısıtlanmışlık Üzerinden Performatif Unsurların İncelenmesi
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Bu tez, 20.yüzyılda modernizm ve postmodernizm dönemlerinin tiyatro sanatına olan biçimsel etkileri bağlamında Samuel Beckett’in tiyatrosunu ve tiyatro oyunlarında yarattığı fiziksel kısıtlanmışlık ve indirgeme üzerinden, öykü, dil, zaman, hareket ve inandırıcılık başlıkları altında performatif unsurların incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır.
This thesis hereby aims to examine the theater of Samuel Beckett, WHO, in terms of formal implications of modernism and postmodernism in the 20th century, has invented an aesthetics of theater unique to himself, and to investigate, under story, language, time and movement subchapters, the performative aspects of his stage plays through the use his creation of physical constraint and reduction.
This thesis hereby aims to examine the theater of Samuel Beckett, WHO, in terms of formal implications of modernism and postmodernism in the 20th century, has invented an aesthetics of theater unique to himself, and to investigate, under story, language, time and movement subchapters, the performative aspects of his stage plays through the use his creation of physical constraint and reduction.
Beckett, Performativite, Teatrallik, Modernizm, Postmodernizm, Absürd, Performativity, Theatricality, Modernism, Postmodernism, Absurd