Dramatik Yazın Tarihinde Monolog'un Dönüşümü ve Bernard Markie Koltes Tiyatrosundaki İşlevi
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Monologlar dramatik yazin tarihinde onemli bir yer edinmistir. Bu calismada monolog ilk bastaki kurulumdan postmodern doneme gelene kadar gecirdigi donusumve islev incelendi. calismanin donemsel basliklari Antik Yunan Shakespeare ozelinde Ronesans on dokuzuncu yuzyil ve gercekciler ve postmodern metinler olarak belirlendi. Son bolumunde ise oyunlarinda monolog konvansiyonunun kilit bir gorev edindindigi Bernard Marie Koltés tiyatrosuna yakin bir bakis sunuldu. Secilen oyunlar monologu inceleme imkânlarindan dolayi Roberto Zucco (1989) Sallinger (1977) Bati Rihtimi (1985) ve cole Geri Donus (1988) oyunlari oldu.
Monologues have an important place in the history of dramatic writing. In this work, monologue has examined from the first establishment to postmodern texts with its process of transformation and function. The periodic titles of this work are determined asAncient Greek drama, Renaissance drama with in the case of Shakespeare, the realist writers of nineteenth century and postmodern texts. In the last chapter, a close wiew has presented for the theatre of Bernard Maire Koltés whose plays? monologues have key tasks in the text. Roberto Zucco (1989), Sallinger (1977), Quai West (1985) and Return to the Desert (1988) are the plays which are chosen because of their opportunities to examine monologues.
Monologues have an important place in the history of dramatic writing. In this work, monologue has examined from the first establishment to postmodern texts with its process of transformation and function. The periodic titles of this work are determined asAncient Greek drama, Renaissance drama with in the case of Shakespeare, the realist writers of nineteenth century and postmodern texts. In the last chapter, a close wiew has presented for the theatre of Bernard Maire Koltés whose plays? monologues have key tasks in the text. Roberto Zucco (1989), Sallinger (1977), Quai West (1985) and Return to the Desert (1988) are the plays which are chosen because of their opportunities to examine monologues.
Monolog, Soliloquy, İç monolog, Karakterizasyon, Monologue, Soliloquy, Inner monologue, Characterization