Sofokles'in Antigone Metninde Ritüel'in İşlevi
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Bu çalışma Sofokles’in Antigone metnine yeni bir okuma getirme amacı taşımaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda yapılan, hala gözlemleyebildiğimiz kültürel mirasımız olan ritüellerle, oyuna adını veren kadın karakter Antigone‘ nin eylemlerini birlikte okumak, bu eylemleri ve sonuçlarını ritüel süreçlerle açıklamaktır. Çalışma, ritüel kavramı üzerine yapılan bir inceleme ve bu inceleme sonucu elde edilen verilerin, Antigone metninde izini sürmeyi içermektedir.
This study aims to bring a new understanding to Antigone text by Sofokleks. Through this, reading the rituals, which are our traditional heritage and open to observation, and the deeds of the female character Antigone, who gave the name to the play, are to synchronously describe these actions and the consequences within ritual process. The study consists of the trace of an examination made upon the ritual concept and the datas gained after this examination in Antigone text.
This study aims to bring a new understanding to Antigone text by Sofokleks. Through this, reading the rituals, which are our traditional heritage and open to observation, and the deeds of the female character Antigone, who gave the name to the play, are to synchronously describe these actions and the consequences within ritual process. The study consists of the trace of an examination made upon the ritual concept and the datas gained after this examination in Antigone text.
Ritüel, Antigone, Tören, Tragedya, Ritual, Ceremony, Tragedy