İlkogretim Okul Bahcelerinin Cocuklardaki Fiziksel Aktivite Egilimi Uzerindeki Etkisinin Katilimci Tasarim Yontemi ile Belirlenmesi

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Bu calismada farkli fiziksel ozelliklere sahip ilkogretim okul bahcelerinde okuyan cocuklarin fiziksel aktivite egilimleri karsilastirmali olarak incelenmistir. 2010-2011 ogretim yili icerisinde ana calismada kullanilacak materyal ve yontemin denenmesi amaciyla Ýstanbul ili merkezlerinden rastgele secilmis bir okulda besinci sinif duzeyindeki cocuklar ile pilot calisma gerceklestirilmistir. Pilot calisma sonrasi materyallerin revize edilmesi ile Ýstanbul ili merkezlerinden rastgele secimle belirlenen bes farkli okulda besinci sinif duzeyindeki cocuklarla yapilan katilimci tasarim atolye calismalari anket ve Beden Kitle indeksi (BKi) hesaplamasi calismalari ile ana arastirma gerceklestirilmistir.
For the first time in the history, the prevalence of obesity that threatens the health of children to the extent that they may have a shorter life than their parents.1 In Turkey, the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Health sets a goal against obesity epidemic by ?Obesity Combat Program of Turkey 2010?. Due to inadequate open spaces in cities, school gardens remain as the single environment for children to spend most of their daytime and serve as the resource for physical activity. 2In this study, children?s tendency for physical activity from different school gardens were analyzed by comparing the characteristics of the school gardens. In the academic year 2010-2011, fifth grade students of a primary school from Istanbul was randomly selected to test the usability of the workshop material that was designed for this study. In the main study, with the revised materials from the pilot study, participatory design workshops, survey and Body Mass Index(BMI) calculations were carried out with fifth grade students from five primary schools that were randomly selected from Istanbul.The participatory design workshops were used in order to measure children?s tendency for physical activity as a tool for data collection. Students were given a plan layout of school and icons for their wishes and they were asked to design their own school playground that they wished for by using the workshop material provided from the pilot study, therefore, their tendency for physical activity was analyzed. Following the participatory design workshops, a survey was conducted to understand children?s daily routines (such as transportation to school, use of TV and computer, daily actvities after the school time) and to have a list of children?s favourite games at school gardens. The school gardens were categorized as ?low-middle-high? according to their characteristics and children?s tendency for physical activity from these schools were compared by using descriptive statistic method. The relation between daily routines of children and children?s tendency for physical activity and BMI results were examined. Finally, children?s favourite games at school gardens and their relation with physical activity were analyzed by including the differences between girls and boys? choices.According to the findings of the study, 31% of the children were found as obese or overweight (16% obese; 15% overweight) and the findings showed that one in every five boys and one in every ten girls were obese. The environmental quality of school garden was found to have a positive impact on children?s tendency for physical activity. Comparison of obese and overweight children?s tendency for physical activity were found as equal.This study shows that primary school children have similar willingness for physical activity regardless of their weight and in case of the properly designed school gardens can create the difference for children to grow as healthy individuals.



İlköğretim Okul Bahçesi, Obezite, Fiziksel Aktivite, Çocuklar, Katılımcı Tasarım, Primary School Gardens, Obesity, Physical Activity, Children, Participatory Design

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