Hemşirelerin sağlık sistemindeki konumu ve hukuki sorumlulukları
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Hemsire saglik hizmeti gorulurken hasta ile en uzun sure ve direkt etkilesimde bulunan saglik personelidir. Literaturde hekimlerin hukuki sorumluluklari uzerinde sikca durulmus olmasina ragmen hemsirelerin hukuki sorumluluguna pek fazla deginilmemistir. Hemsirelerin mesleki uygulamalarinin bircogu kisinin vucut butunlugune yapilan birer tibbi mudahaledir. Dolayisiyla bu uygulamalar tibbi mudahalenin hukuka uygunluk sartlarini tasimalidir. Hemsirenin meslegini uygularken yaptigi tibbi hatalar (tibbin kotu uygulanmasi malpraktis) hemsirenin tazminat odemesine disiplin cezasi almasina hatta hapisle cezalandirilmasina yol acabilir. Bu tez calismasinda hemsire ile hasta arasindaki iliskinin hukuksal niteligi ve hemsirelik uygulamalari nedeniyle hastanin zarar gormesi durumunda meydana gelen hukuki sorumlulugun esaslari incelenecektir.
The nurse is the health care personnel who is in direct touch with the patient for the longest amount of time while providing the health care service. Despite the fact that the legal liabilities of the physican has been a primary focus in the litterature, those of the nurse have not been adressed much. Many of the professional practices of the nurse are medical interventions effecting the phsysical integrity of the person. Therefore; these medical practices should be in compliance with the medical law. Medical errors made by the nurse (poor implementation of medical practice, professionnal errors, malpractice etc..) during the health care service might result in the fact that the nurse can pay a legal compensation, receive a disciplinary sanction or even be subject to an imprisonment. In this thesis, the legal nature of the relationship between the nurse and the patient and the grounds of legal liabilities of the nurse in case of damage to the patient incurring from the nursing practices are examined.
The nurse is the health care personnel who is in direct touch with the patient for the longest amount of time while providing the health care service. Despite the fact that the legal liabilities of the physican has been a primary focus in the litterature, those of the nurse have not been adressed much. Many of the professional practices of the nurse are medical interventions effecting the phsysical integrity of the person. Therefore; these medical practices should be in compliance with the medical law. Medical errors made by the nurse (poor implementation of medical practice, professionnal errors, malpractice etc..) during the health care service might result in the fact that the nurse can pay a legal compensation, receive a disciplinary sanction or even be subject to an imprisonment. In this thesis, the legal nature of the relationship between the nurse and the patient and the grounds of legal liabilities of the nurse in case of damage to the patient incurring from the nursing practices are examined.
Hemşire, Hukuk, Hukuki Sorumluluk, Malpraktis, Nurse, Law, Legal Liability, Malpractice