Büyük Valide Han'ın Sosyo-ekonomik ve Kültürel Dönüşüm Sürecinin Tarihi Ekler Üzerinden İrdelenmesi
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İstanbul Tarihi Yarımada'da yer alan Hanlar Bölgesi yüzyıllar boyunca ticaretin merkezi olmuştur. İstanbul'un fethiyle birlikte çok sayıda hanın yapılmasından ötürü bu bölge 'hanlar bölgesi ' olarak bilinmektedir. Hanlar bölgesinde yer alan ve 17. yy'dan günümüze kadar ticaretin en yoğun olduğu hanlardan biri olan Büyük Valide Han yüzyıllar içinde geçirdiği sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel dönüşüm sürecinde avlularına çok sayıda yapısal ek almıştır. Bu ekler hem hanın mimarisine farklı dönemlerde yapılmış olan müdahalelerin birer simgesi, hem de hanın yüzyıllar içerisindeki dönüşümünün izleridir. Bu tez çalışması ile modern mimaride 'ek kavramı' üzerinden yola çıkılarak ele alınan Büyük Valide Han'ın orta avlusunda yer alan eklerin, hanın bütünüyle birlikte nasıl değerlendirileceği ve eklerin nasıl sınıflaandırılacağına dair mimari kriterler önerilmiştir. Han'ın yıllar içindeki sosyo-kültürel değişimi; handaki iş kolları ve bunların sürekliliği de araştırılarak mimari ekler üzerinden değerlendirilmiştir.
The area of hans which is placed at Istanbul historical peninsula has been the center of trade for many centuries. This region is known as ' region of han's' since many hans were built after the conquest of Istanbul. Buyuk Valide Han which was located at hanlar region had been one of the hans that was heavily involved in trade from 17th century until today and which had many structural additions during the socio-economical and cultural conversion through centuries. These additions are both the sign of the interventions that were performed at different time periods to the han's architecture and the mark of the change of Valide Han through centuries. This thesis examines the 'addition concept' in contemporary architecture by means of the additions of the middle yard of Valide Han and recommends criteria both to evaluate additions with the original han structure and to classify additions. Valide Han's socio-cultural change through years is evaluated by means historical additions and by examining the occupational arms and the continuity of these occupations at the han.
The area of hans which is placed at Istanbul historical peninsula has been the center of trade for many centuries. This region is known as ' region of han's' since many hans were built after the conquest of Istanbul. Buyuk Valide Han which was located at hanlar region had been one of the hans that was heavily involved in trade from 17th century until today and which had many structural additions during the socio-economical and cultural conversion through centuries. These additions are both the sign of the interventions that were performed at different time periods to the han's architecture and the mark of the change of Valide Han through centuries. This thesis examines the 'addition concept' in contemporary architecture by means of the additions of the middle yard of Valide Han and recommends criteria both to evaluate additions with the original han structure and to classify additions. Valide Han's socio-cultural change through years is evaluated by means historical additions and by examining the occupational arms and the continuity of these occupations at the han.
Büyük Valide Han, Tarihi Ekler, Mimari Ekler, SosyoEkonomik Dönüşüm, Historical Additions, Architectural Additions, Socio-Economic Evolution