Displacing Architectural Knowledge: a Multi-Sited Reading of Vernacular on Palanga Art and Architecture Farm
Aka, Başak
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Geleneksel ve modern kavramları radikal bir şekilde ayrışmış olmalarıyla yerel ve küresel ölçekte, gündelik ve "profesyonel" bağlamda pratiklerimizi derinden etkileyen politik bir ikiliği ifade eder. Bu gerilim, sıklıkla "Batı'nın," kentin, ve mimarlığın "ötekisi" olarak ele alınan, sabit ve bitmiş olarak tanımlanan "vernaküler" kategorisine içkin çatışmalar ile paralellik gösterir. Bu doğrultuda vernakülerin mimari tasarımla ve değişimle ilişkisini ortaya çıkaran, bölgesel tipolojilere indirgenmiş vernakülerlik imgesini söküme uğratan güncel yaklaşımlar önem kazanır. Bu çalışma, vernaküler mimarlığın "ev hissi," tanıdıklık, yerleşiklik kavramlarıyla olduğu kadar çokluk, geçicilik, ve hafiflik gibi modernliğe dair kavramlar ile; bitmiş mimarlık ürünleriyle olduğu kadar tasarım-üretim süreçlerindeki müzakereler, kısıtlar, niyetler, ara yüzler ile ilişkili olduğunu ortaya koymaya çalışır. Oluşturulan bu çerçevede mimarlık süreçlerini "vernaküler" yapan tasarım davranışları, sanatçı ve film yönetmeni Kutluğ Ataman tarafından Erzincan'da kurulmuş Palanga Sanat ve Mimarlık Çiftliği (PAAF) örneği üzerinden okunur. Hayvan barınaklarının tanınmış mimarlar tarafından yeniden ele alındığı bu projenin anlatılarında, vernaküler söylevini oluşturan ikiliklere (geçmiş-gelecek, naturel-rasyonel, merkez-çeper) rastlanır; ancak tasarım niyetlerinin ve stratejilerinin doğrudan "vernaküler mimarlık" üretmeye yönelik olmadığı, üstelik büyük ölçüde modern bir imgenin arzulandığı açıkça görülür. Buna rağmen PAAF deneyiminin sosyo-materyal ortamında, kasıtlı veya kasıtsız, kaçınılmaz olarak yüzeye çıkan vernakülerlik potansiyelleri fark edilebilir. Çalışma, bilim ve teknoloji çalışmaları (science and technology studies) alanı içinde gelişen "aktör-ağ" teorisinden yararlanarak Palanga'nın insan ve insan olmayan aktörlerinin "çok-sahalı" hikayelerinde, mimarların yerel bilgiyi bulma ve işleme yollarında, çiftlik hayvanlarıyla, akademisyenlerle, çiftçilerle yürüttükleri kolektif süreçlerde vernaküler durumlar arar. Araştırmadan, tasarım süreçlerinde "yer" ile kurulabilecek ilişki türlerini çeşitlendirmesi ve PAAF deneyimini bu yönden zengin bir örnek olarak ortaya koyması beklenmektedir. Anahtar Sözcükler: vernaküler, modern, bölgesel, yer hissi, geçicilik, aktör-ağ.
The dichotomy of the traditional and modern demonstrates a radical segregation embedded in our political operations in various scales and contexts, from the local to the global and from our "ordinary" everyday practices to the praxis of architectural design. This tension is intertwined with the conceptual challenges of the "vernacular," a category that has often been reduced to traditional regional typologies and constituted as the "other" of modern, professionalized, urban, and "Western" architecture. This study seeks to disrupt these dichotomies by inquiring into the modern qualities of the vernacular and aims to unfold vernacular's ephemeral, malleable, and plural character by revealing its interdependence with design and production processes based on contemporary theories. In this framework, the study examines the processes of Palanga Art and Architecture Farm (hereby referred to as PAAF), a project initiated in Erzincan by artist and filmmaker Kutluğ Ataman, where animal shelters are reinterpreted with modern building technologies by renowned architects. Narratives of the project exhibit conceptual dilemmas inherent to the discourse of vernacular (past-future, natural-rational, and center-periphery), even though the design strategies do not indicate an outright interest in the use of vernacular methods. Through these dilemmas, the study reads into the potentials of unintentionally surfacing vernacular conditions regardless of the articulated desires for a critical process to create a "modern" and experimental "collection of architecture" on the farm. Using the "actor-network theory," developed within science and technology studies, these potentials are explored through the "multi-sited" stories formed by human and nonhuman "actors" within the socio-material environment of PAAF; through architects' strategies for collecting and responding to local data, their design intentions and collective negotiation processes with academics, farmers and manufacturers, their engagement with farm animals, photos, drawings and models, etc. The research thus aims to multiply and diversify the conditions of the vernacular and to present the PAAF experience as a rich "vocabulary." Keywords: vernacular, modern, regional, sense of place, ephemeral, actor-network.
The dichotomy of the traditional and modern demonstrates a radical segregation embedded in our political operations in various scales and contexts, from the local to the global and from our "ordinary" everyday practices to the praxis of architectural design. This tension is intertwined with the conceptual challenges of the "vernacular," a category that has often been reduced to traditional regional typologies and constituted as the "other" of modern, professionalized, urban, and "Western" architecture. This study seeks to disrupt these dichotomies by inquiring into the modern qualities of the vernacular and aims to unfold vernacular's ephemeral, malleable, and plural character by revealing its interdependence with design and production processes based on contemporary theories. In this framework, the study examines the processes of Palanga Art and Architecture Farm (hereby referred to as PAAF), a project initiated in Erzincan by artist and filmmaker Kutluğ Ataman, where animal shelters are reinterpreted with modern building technologies by renowned architects. Narratives of the project exhibit conceptual dilemmas inherent to the discourse of vernacular (past-future, natural-rational, and center-periphery), even though the design strategies do not indicate an outright interest in the use of vernacular methods. Through these dilemmas, the study reads into the potentials of unintentionally surfacing vernacular conditions regardless of the articulated desires for a critical process to create a "modern" and experimental "collection of architecture" on the farm. Using the "actor-network theory," developed within science and technology studies, these potentials are explored through the "multi-sited" stories formed by human and nonhuman "actors" within the socio-material environment of PAAF; through architects' strategies for collecting and responding to local data, their design intentions and collective negotiation processes with academics, farmers and manufacturers, their engagement with farm animals, photos, drawings and models, etc. The research thus aims to multiply and diversify the conditions of the vernacular and to present the PAAF experience as a rich "vocabulary." Keywords: vernacular, modern, regional, sense of place, ephemeral, actor-network.
Mimarlık, Architecture
Turkish CoHE Thesis Center URL
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