Manav, Banu
Name Variants
Manav, B.
Banu, Manav
Banu Manav
Manav, Banu
B. Manav
Manav B.
M., Banu
Manav, BANU
Baybars Hawks, Banu
manav, banu
Banu, Manav
Banu Manav
Manav, Banu
B. Manav
Manav B.
M., Banu
Manav, BANU
Baybars Hawks, Banu
manav, banu
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Prof. Dr.
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Scholarly Output
Citation Count
Supervised Theses
29 results
Scholarly Output Search Results
Now showing 1 - 10 of 29
Article Media and Democracy in Turkey: Toward a Model of Neoliberal Media Autocracy(2012) Baybars Hawks, Banu; Akser, Ali Murat; Akser, Murat; Manav, BanuThis paper reveals the ways in which media autocracy operates on political, judicial, economic and discursive levels in post-2007 Turkish media. Newsmakers in Turkey currently experience five different systemic kinds of neoliberal government pressures to keep their voice down: conglomerate pressure, judicial suppression, online banishment, surveillance defamation and accreditation discrimination. The progression of restrictions on media freedom has increased in volume annually since 2007; this includes pressure on the Dogan Media Group, the YouTube ban, arrests of journalists in the Ergenekon trials, phone tapping/taping of political figures and the exclusion of all unfriendly reporters from political circles. The levels and tools of this autocracy eventually lead to certain conclusions about the qualities of this media environment: it is a historically conservative, redistributive, panoptic and discriminatory media autocracy.Master Thesis Kurumlarda İs Etigi İlkelerinin Calisanlarin Gozunde Kurumun İtibarina Etkisi(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2015) Baskın, Hazal; Manav, Banu; Baybars Hawks, BanuBu calismanin amaci is etigi ilkelerinin calisanlarin kurumsal itibar algisi uzerindeki etkisinin boyutunun belirlenmesi ve bu konuda kurumlara oneriler sunulmasidir. calismanin evrenini Yapi Merkezi Ýnsaat ve Sanayi A.s. ve SK Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. sirketi olusturmaktadir. Ýs etigi ve kurumsal itibar iliskisini olcmek amaciyla bu kurumun calisanlari ile anket calismasi yapilmis ve verilen cevaplar degerlendirilerek bir olcum yapilmistir. calisma sonucunda is etigi ve guvenilirlik algisi arasinda pozitif yonlu bir iliski tespit edilmistir. calisanlarin kuruma olan guvenilirlikleri yukseldikce is etigi ilkelerinin isleyisine olan guvenleri de yukselmektedir. Demografik olarak ise gelir duzeyi yuksek olan calisanlar kurum hakkinda daha cok bilgiye sahiptirler. Dolayisiyla gelir durumu ve kurum hakkinda bilgi sahibi olma arasinda pozitif bir iliski mevcuttur.Conference Object Digital Citizenship From Below: Turkish State Versus Youtube(Int Business Information Management Assoc-Ibima, 2018) Baybars Hawks, Banu; Akser, Ali Murat; Akser, Murat; Manav, BanuThis study aims to give a historically situated analysis of the YouTube ban as seen by Turkish internet users during the first YouTube ban period between 2007-10. The content is used from online Turkish anonymous user platform, eksi sozluk, (sour dictionary). The aim is to test whether there is a civil society response to the ban which political elites and ordinary citizens contest the necessity of access to global social media networks. The main focus of this research paper is the kinds of discourse the Turkish online community used to protest the ban during the first YouTube ban. Through a combination content analysis and discourse analysis the bloggers reactions are coded and indexed to decipher the discourse produced as an active resistance/criticism against the YouTube. The response to YouTube ban that come from Turkish internet users (from below) and was critical in times of global events effecting the usage of internet and was not silenced between these events. As long as they remained anonymous (not organized action) Turkish bloggers utilized their rights for online expression. Frequency of critical blog entries increase in times of events critical of government's YouTube ban. The response to the ban is either based on condemning it or offering ways around the ban; but not calling for united action. Anonymity of the user increases the level of criticism and participation. Finally, both the government authorities and NGOs expect individual action but demand organized corporate actionArticle A Design Education and Application Center To Support Creative Industries(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2024) Manav, Banu; Manav, BanuAs the importance of creative industries has become widespread, creative-cultural economy policies have become a priority area worldwide. In this context, this report describes a project planned and built to develop a model for platforms that would bring together public, private, and academic institutions. It describes how this model, designed to support research and design-based work in the field of interior design, was developed. The main motivation in this project is to become an important meeting point to feed creative industries' ecosystem in Istanbul with the education-workshop-incubation model. It also aims to supply an environment of interaction for academics, design centers, entrepreneurs, and students. After one and a half years, it has become a digital and physical meeting point for university-sector representatives. An effective knowledge and technology transfer network has been set up. A scientific research project has been written and approved. In this way, the center will start to become a place for interdisciplinary design research. Scientific publications were prepared, presented at congresses, national and international panels, trainings were given, scientific publications were prepared and published, and efforts were made to increase the impact of the center on the importance of design research culture and high value-added design.Conference Object Digital Crime and Punishment: Turkish Online Journalism Under Siege(International Institute of Informatics and Systemics IIIS, 2012) Baybars Hawks, Banu; Manav, BanuTurkish mass media since its beginnings in late 19th century has aimed to gain its role as the fourth estate in Turkish political scene. The freedom of press has been at the paramount of discussions since the foundation of the Turkish Republic in 1923. Between 1980 and 2000 Turkish media grew more and more liberal and was able to express discontent publicly exercising its checks and balances function. On the other hand the conservative majority of AKP government the governing party in Turkey brought back pressures on the Turkish media since the 2000s. Digital media as the new developing platform in Turkey for expressing rights and freedoms is under siege by government as well. The government's definition of digital crime and punishment is mostly unnoticed by the average citizen but despised by the young population. This paper intends to show the invalidity of disproportionate use of punishment and illegitimate definition of cybercrime in contemporary democratic systems that target online media professionals and outline how Turkish authorities can reverse the process by adopting alternative strategies of prevention. Under this perspective it also assesses the compliance of Internet legislation and practices in Turkey with Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights as well as the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.Master Thesis Analyses on Visual Comfort Conditions of Passenger Service Officers' Resting Areas at Airport Buildings(Kadir Has Üniversitesi, 2022) GÖKTAŞ, SEVİLAY; Manav, Banu; manav, banuThis thesis focuses on the “passenger service/ground service officer” personnel who make best operational effort in the airport sector. They spend most of the day working in shifts at the airport. During this period, the break room provided by the company to which they are affiliated can be defined as the area where daily activities, socialization and rest actions are performed. Within the scope of thesis, discusses the visual comfort parameters of the floor service officers’ break offices. The impact of this parameter on performance, employee productivity, on people’s health has been investigated. The main focus of the work was an airport in İstanbul. Three different ground service companies participated in the study. As a research method, a survey study was conducted with 25 randomly selected people from each company and a total of 75 participants. Survey results show that, there are differences that can be measured in terms of both performance and efficiency between the employees of the office that does not receive any daylight and the office employees that are homogeneously illuminated. Analyses and assessments of the results of the survey are likely to contribute to the future, both socially and economically. Improving the existing offices of employees and creating new offices are critical for the employees to be in appropriate conditions of visual comfort, while the company empowers its employees and affects their competitive position in the sector.Article Preference for Accent and Background Colors in Interior Architecture in Terms of Similarity/Contrast of Natural Color System Attributes(WILEY, 2021) Juan, Serra; Manav, Banu; Gouaich, Yacine; Manav, BanuColor combination criteria are said to entail an affective response in interior design. We investigated the color combination criteria that orient the preference of current observers, after Le Corbusier's 1931 Salubra keyboards. We explored the similarity/contrast in Natural Color System (NCS) hue, blackness, and chromaticness in 312 combinations with four colors, two backgrounds and two accent colors, coming from 43 individual colors, on the walls of a simulated interior of a bedroom from the Swiss Pavilion (Le Corbusier, 1930-1931). Participants were 644 students of architecture and interior design in Western Europe and Near East, who evaluated with a Likert scale their preference for virtual images via an online survey. Results indicate that the most preferred color combinations are those with hues closer in the color wheel, being the similarity between hues in the backgrounds more important than in the accent colors, and with NCS B30G to G as the most preferred hues. Observers preferred color compositions with blackness under 10% and similar blackness between the two background colors, together with a certain blackness contrast between these background colors and the two color accents. Similarly, observers liked color compositions with low chromaticness and low chromaticness difference among the four colors of the composition.Article Assessing Architectural Color Preference After Le Corbusier's 1931 Salubra Keyboards: a Cross Cultural Analysis(Higher Education Press Limited Company, 2021) Manav, Banu; Manav, Banu; Juan, Serra; Gouaich, YacineColor preference for the interior of a bedroom of Le Corbusier's Swiss Pavilion was studied using 1931 Salubra color keyboards in a cross-cultural analysis. Results indicate that students from architecture and interior design slightly dislike or are indifferent to Le Corbusier color combinations and prefer pale and low saturated colors for interior architecture. The least preferred colors belong to green and brown hues. Scarce significant gender differences are found that follow a stereotyped tendency, with females preferring pinks, light blues and light greens, while males vivid oranges and Vermilions. Near Easterners are significantly more likely to green colors, while Western Europeans to dark greys. These data indicate that not only hue, but also value and saturation are important color features to inform preference for interior architecture.Conference Object The Effect of Geographical Indications Over Tourism Marketing: Case of Turkey(Int Business Information Management Assoc-IBIMA, 2018) Baybars Hawks, Banu; Manav, Banu; Kirgiz, Ayca CanIn changing and developing world conjunction competition is not only among products services or companies but also between countries and cities. We can list many traditional methods that increase competitive power in tourism and destination marketing. Countries that are looking for new ways to differentiate themselves from traditional methods have found that they should not look too far away. Today geographical indications are used as effective tools in nation-branding and in creating awareness in tourism industry. Geographical indications are marks indicating the origin of a product. These marks symbolize that a product is identified with a locality area region or country of origin with a distinctive characteristic feature reputation or other qualities. For exampleArticle Extrapolating Continuous Color Emotions Through Deep Learning(Amer Physical Soc, 2020) Ram, Vishaal; Manav, Banu; Schaposnik, Laura P.; Konstantinou, Nikos; Volkan, Eliz; Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta; Manav, Banu; Jonauskaite, Domicele; Mohr, ChristineBy means of an experimental dataset, we use deep learning to implement an RGB (red, green, and blue) extrapolation of emotions associated to color, and do a mathematical study of the results obtained through this neural network. In particular, we see that males (type-m individuals) typically associate a given emotion with darker colors, while females (typef individuals) associate it with brighter colors. A similar trend was observed with older people and associations to lighter colors. Moreover, through our classification matrix, we identify which colors have weak associations to emotions and which colors are typically confused with other colors.
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